December 2020. Co-author in the conference: Open-source lanscape for Three-Dimensional Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Modeling. Online AGU Fall Meeting.
December 2020. Speaker with the topic: Control Source Electromagnetic test in the Vallès Basin (Spain) for geothermal characterization: experiment setup and numerical simulations. Online AGU Fall Meeting.
November 2020. Speaker with the topic: Land CSEM simulations and experimental test using metallic casing in a geothermal exploration context: Vallés Basin (NE Spain) case study. Online MATHROCKS Workshop on Simulation and Inversion Methods in Geophysics. Workshop virtual organized by the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique – INRIA (Pau University, France) and University of the Basque Country (Spain).
May 2020. Speaker with the topic: Electromagnetic modeling for geothermal resources exploration. PIXIL Virtual Workshop. Virtual conference organized by the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique – INRIA. Pau University, France.
May 2019. Speaker with the topic: HPC with python for numerical modeling in geophysics. Workshop on mathematical and computational modelling on the Earth. LaCaN, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.
May 2019. Speaker with the topic: HPC for numerical simulation in geophysics. 7° Congreso metropolitano de modelado y simulación numérica. National Autonomous University of Mexico – UNAM. CDMX, Mexico.
November 2018. Speaker with the topic: Electromagnetic modeling using Nédélec elements of high-order and HPC. XXXIX Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering – CILAMCE. Sorbonne Universités. Paris / Compiègne, France.
October 2018. Speaker with the topic: HPC code development using Python. Mexican Supercomputing Network annual meeting – RedMexSu. University of Guadalajara. Guadajalara, Mexico.
May 2018. Speaker with the topic: HPC geophysical electromagnetic modeling. Fifth International Congress on Multiphysics, Multiscale, and Optimization problems. University of the Basque Country. Bilbao, Spain.
March 2018. Speaker with the topic: Supercómputo al servicio de la ciencia y la ingeniería. Programa de difusión permantente de investigación, ciencia y tecnología. Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Xalapa. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
March 2018. Speaker with the topic: Supercómputo como motor de la ciencia. II Seminario Internacional «Retos del cómputo en 3 áreas estratégicas» y 1er Seminario Interno de Tecnologías de la Información. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
March 2018. Speaker with the topic: Python performance for HPC geophysical applications. 9th International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico – ISUM 2018. Red Méxicana de Supercómputo. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.
September 2017. Speaker with the topic: Overview of numerical techniques and applications for CSEM/MT geophysical surveys. SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences. University Erlangen-Nürnberg. Erlangen, Germany.
July 2017. Speaker with the topic: PETGEM: Parallel Edge-based Tool for Geophysical Electromagnetic Modelling. Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering. Technical University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain.
June 2017. Speaker with the topic: PETGEM: potential of 3D CSEM modelling using a new HPC tool for exploration geophysics. 10th International Marine Electromagnetics conference – MARELEC. University of Liverpool. Liverpool, United Kingdom.
June 2017. Speaker with the topic: High performance computing using python: advances in geophysical electromagnetic modelling. Computing and Electromagnetics International Workshop. Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain.
May 2017. Speaker with the topic: Python code for CSEM modelling in geophysics and HPC architectures: advances and challenges. 2do Foro Internacional de Talento Mexicano – Innovation Match MX 2016-2017. Mexico, D.F.
May 2017. Speaker with the topic: Python for HPC geophysical applications. GeoPython 2017. University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. Basel, Switzerland.
May 2017. Speaker with the topic: Python for HPC geophysical electromagnetic applications: experiences and perspectives. 4th BSC International Doctoral Symposium. Barcelona, Spain.
February 2017. Speaker with the topic: See underneath. High Performance Computing, geophysics and electromagnetic methods. Interdisciplinary Meeting of Predoctoral Researchers – JIPI 2017. University of Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain.
December 2016. Speaker with the topic: Supercomputing and electromagnetic modelling in geophysics: advances and challenges. Centro de Ciencias de la tierra. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
October 2016. Speaker with the topic: Improving edge finite element assembly for geophysical electromagnetic modelling on shared-memory architectures. 7th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference – UEMCON 2016. New York, USA.
August 2016. Speaker with the topic: Three-dimensional CSEM modelling on unstructured tetrahedral meshes using edge finite elements. Latin American High Performance Computing Conference – CARLA 2016. Mexico, D.F.
July 2016. Speaker with the topic: Edge-based parallel code for CSEM surveys in geophysics: performance and accuracy improvements. 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics – WCCM XII. Seoul, Korea.
June 2016. Speaker with the topic: Parallel and vectorized code for CSEM surveys in geophysics: An edge-based approach. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering – ECCOMAS . Crete island, Greece.
May 2016. Speaker with the topic: Towards an HPC tool for 3D CSEM forward modelling in geophysics. Fourth International Congress on Multiphysics, Multiscale, and Optimization problems . University of the Basque Country. Bilbao, Spain.
May 2016. Speaker with the poster: Towards an HPC tool for simulation of 3D CSEM surveys: an edge-based approach. PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference 2016 – PRACEDays16. Prague, Czech Republic.
April 2016. Speaker with the topic: Scientific computing on massively parallel computers. Master in Telematic. School of Accounting and Management. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
April 2016. Speaker with the topic: Edge-based parallel framework for the simulation of 3D CSEM surveys. ICE Barcelona. AAPG – SEG International Conference & Exhibition 2016. Barcelona, Spain.
April 2016. Speaker with the topic: High performance computing, geophysics and numerical methods: a symbiotic relation. 1er Foro Internacional de Talento Mexicano – Innovation Match MX 2015-2016. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
October 2015. Speaker with the topic: Edge-based electric field formulation in 3D CSEM simulations: a parallel approach. 6th International Conference and Workshop on Computing and Communication – IEMCON – 2015. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
October 2015. Speaker with the topic: High Performance Computing and electromagnetic modeling in geophysics: from concepts to application. Research Center in Computing. National Polytechnic Institute. Mexico, D.F.
October 2015. Speaker with the topic: Parallel and numerical issues of the edge finite element method for 3D controlled-source electromagnetic surveys. IEEE International Conference on Computing Systems and Telematics. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
June 2015. Speaker and winner of JCCC2015-BSC in the contest «Your Thesis in 3 Minutes» (3TM) with the topic: Edge-elements formulation of CSEM in geophysics: a parallel approach. Jornadas de Cooperación CONACyT – Cataluña 2015. Polytechnic University of Catalonia – National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico. Barcelona, Spain.
April 2015. Speaker with the poster: Edge-elements for geophysical electromagnetic problems: A new implementation challenge. PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference 2015 – PRACEDays15. Dublin, Ireland.
April 2015. Speaker with the topic: HPC and edge elements for geophysical electromagnetic problems: an overview. 2nd BSC International Doctoral Symposium. Barcelona, Spain.
April 2015. Speaker with the topic: Assessment of edge-based finite element technique for geophysical electromagnetic problems: efficiency, accuracy and reliability. 1st. Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics – PANACM 2015. IACM. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
December 2014. Speaker with the topic: HPC solutions for oil industry: trends and challenges. Centro de Ciencias de la tierra. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
December 2014. Speaker with the topic: High Performance Computing, Science and Engineering. Master in Telematic. School of Accounting and Management. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
November 2014. Speaker with the topic: HPC solutions for oil industry: trends and challenges. IV Simposio de Becarios CONACyT en Europa. Strasbourg, France.
November 2012. Participation in 1er. Coloquio de Investigación en Ciencias Administrativas y Gestión para el Desarrollo: Nuevos Paradigmas de Gestión y Organización desde la Perspectiva Latinoamericana. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
May 2012. Speaker with the topic: La función de las redes sociales y su acción cultural. Universidad Filadelfia de México. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
March 2012. Speaker with the topic: Redes móviles, CMS y bibliotecas. Una visión al 2020, in the Noveno Coloquio Administración y Liderazgo en el Campo Informativo ALCI 2012, which had as main theme: ¿Qué contenidos y cómo se administrará la biblioteca 2020?. University of Veracruz. Boca del Río, Veracruz, Mexico.
March 2012. Participation in the 3rd International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico: Where Supercomputing, Science and Technologies meet. CIMAT – CINVESTAV – University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Noviembre 2011. Participation in 1er. Coloquio de Investigación de Cuerpos Académicos. ANFECA. Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico.
September 2011. Participation in the Foro Financiero: Tendencias mundiales y sistema financiero Mexicano. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
June 2011. Participation in the LII Asamblea Nacional ANFECA: «Hacia un espacio común de Educación Superior en las Escuelas de Negocios en México». Boca del Río, Veracruz, Mexico.
May 2011. Speaker with the topic: Performance Evaluation of DSDV & AODV Routing Protocol in a Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Health Monitoring, in the II National Conference on Telecommunications CONATEL 2011, wich had as main theme: Bridging Iberoamerica through. Arequipa, Peru.
September 2010. Participation in the presentation of recent titles of Biblioteca del Universitario, under the Feria Internacional del Libro Universitario 2010. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
September 2010. Speaker with the topic: Indicadores de presencia y visibilidad Web: El caso de las universidades públicas en México, in the Octavo Coloquio Administración y Liderazgo en el Campo Informativo ALCI 2010, which has as main theme: indicadores estratégicos para bibliotecas y otros sistemas de información. Boca del río, Veracruz, Mexico.
April 2010. Speaker with the topic: Simuladores de Software Libre para Redes de Sensores Inalámbricas, in the Congreso Internacional de Software Libre 2010. Boca del río, Veracruz, Mexico.
April 2010. Speaker with the topic: Sociedad, medios de información y lectura, en el Congreso Internacional de Información INFO 2010, which had as main theme: La sociedad del conocimiento y sus aspectos críticos. Habana, Cuba.
November 2009. Speaker with the topic: Live-DVD para la simulación de redes de sensores inalámbricas, in the IV Simposio Internacional en Sistemas Telemáticos y Organizaciones Inteligentes, which had as main theme: Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico con Responsabilidad Social. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
November 2009. Participation in the round table: La palabra, los jóvenes y la lectura, organized by Editorial de la Universidad Veracruzana. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
October 2009. Meeting attendance FallCUDI. Ixtapan de la sal, Estado de México, Mexico.
July 2009. Speaker of the seminar: Redes de sensores para la agricultura de precisión, in the permanent seminars of the Red Iberoamericana para el Desarrollo Sustentable. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
July 2009. Participation in the Feria del Libro Infantil y Juvenil. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
April 2009. Meeting attendance Spring CUDI. Cholula, Puebla, Mexico.
April 2008. Participation in the IX Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Industrial y Tecnologías de Información. Boca del río, Veracruz, Mexico.
April 2007. Participation in the Segundo Congreso de Desarrollo de Software y Redes Aplicadas. Boca del río, Veracruz, Mexico.
November 2005. Participation in the Segundo Congreso Nacional de Ingenierías. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.