Conferences, forums and round tables

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  • December 2020. Co-author in the conference: Open-source lanscape for Three-Dimensional Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Modeling. Online AGU Fall Meeting.
  • December 2020. Speaker with the topic: Control Source Electromagnetic test in the Vallès Basin (Spain) for geothermal characterization: experiment setup and numerical simulations. Online AGU Fall Meeting.
  • November 2020. Speaker with the topic: Land CSEM simulations and experimental test using metallic casing in a geothermal exploration context: Vallés Basin (NE Spain) case study. Online MATHROCKS Workshop on Simulation and Inversion Methods in Geophysics. Workshop virtual organized by the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique – INRIA (Pau University, France) and University of the Basque Country (Spain).
  • May 2020. Speaker with the topic: Electromagnetic modeling for geothermal resources exploration. PIXIL Virtual Workshop. Virtual conference organized by the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique – INRIA. Pau University, France.
  • May 2019. Speaker with the topic: HPC with python for numerical modeling in geophysics. Workshop on mathematical and computational modelling on the Earth. LaCaN, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.
  • May 2019. Speaker with the topic: HPC for numerical simulation in geophysics. 7° Congreso metropolitano de modelado y simulación numérica. National Autonomous University of Mexico – UNAM. CDMX, Mexico.
  • November 2018. Speaker with the topic: Electromagnetic modeling using Nédélec elements of high-order and HPC. XXXIX Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering – CILAMCE. Sorbonne Universités. Paris / Compiègne, France.
  • October 2018. Speaker with the topic: HPC code development using Python. Mexican Supercomputing Network annual meeting – RedMexSu. University of Guadalajara. Guadajalara, Mexico.
  • May 2018. Speaker with the topic: HPC geophysical electromagnetic modeling. Fifth International Congress on Multiphysics, Multiscale, and Optimization problems. University of the Basque Country. Bilbao, Spain.
  • March 2018. Speaker with the topic: Supercómputo al servicio de la ciencia y la ingeniería. Programa de difusión permantente de investigación, ciencia y tecnología. Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Xalapa. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • March 2018. Speaker with the topic: Supercómputo como motor de la ciencia. II Seminario Internacional «Retos del cómputo en 3 áreas estratégicas» y 1er Seminario Interno de Tecnologías de la Información. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • March 2018. Speaker with the topic: Python performance for HPC geophysical applications. 9th International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico – ISUM 2018. Red Méxicana de Supercómputo. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.
  • September 2017. Speaker with the topic: Overview of numerical techniques and applications for CSEM/MT geophysical surveys. SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences. University Erlangen-Nürnberg. Erlangen, Germany.
  • July 2017. Speaker with the topic: PETGEM: Parallel Edge-based Tool for Geophysical Electromagnetic Modelling. Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering. Technical University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain.
  • June 2017. Speaker with the topic: PETGEM: potential of 3D CSEM modelling using a new HPC tool for exploration geophysics. 10th International Marine Electromagnetics conference – MARELEC. University of Liverpool. Liverpool, United Kingdom.
  • June 2017. Speaker with the topic: High performance computing using python: advances in geophysical electromagnetic modelling. Computing and Electromagnetics International Workshop. Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain.
  • May 2017. Speaker with the topic: Python code for CSEM modelling in geophysics and HPC architectures: advances and challenges. 2do Foro Internacional de Talento Mexicano – Innovation Match MX 2016-2017. Mexico, D.F.
  • May 2017. Speaker with the topic: Python for HPC geophysical applications. GeoPython 2017. University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. Basel, Switzerland.
  • May 2017. Speaker with the topic: Python for HPC geophysical electromagnetic applications: experiences and perspectives. 4th BSC International Doctoral Symposium. Barcelona, Spain.
  • February 2017. Speaker with the topic: See underneath. High Performance Computing, geophysics and electromagnetic methods. Interdisciplinary Meeting of Predoctoral Researchers – JIPI 2017. University of Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain.
  • December 2016. Speaker with the topic: Supercomputing and electromagnetic modelling in geophysics: advances and challenges. Centro de Ciencias de la tierra. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • October 2016. Speaker with the topic: Improving edge finite element assembly for geophysical electromagnetic modelling on shared-memory architectures. 7th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference – UEMCON 2016. New York, USA.
  • August 2016. Speaker with the topic: Three-dimensional CSEM modelling on unstructured tetrahedral meshes using edge finite elements. Latin American High Performance Computing Conference – CARLA 2016. Mexico, D.F.
  • July 2016. Speaker with the topic: Edge-based parallel code for CSEM surveys in geophysics: performance and accuracy improvements. 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics – WCCM XII. Seoul, Korea.
  • June 2016. Speaker with the topic: Parallel and vectorized code for CSEM surveys in geophysics: An edge-based approach. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering – ECCOMAS . Crete island, Greece.
  • May 2016. Speaker with the topic: Towards an HPC tool for 3D CSEM forward modelling in geophysics. Fourth International Congress on Multiphysics, Multiscale, and Optimization problems . University of the Basque Country. Bilbao, Spain.
  • May 2016. Speaker with the poster: Towards an HPC tool for simulation of 3D CSEM surveys: an edge-based approach. PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference 2016 – PRACEDays16. Prague, Czech Republic.
  • April 2016. Speaker with the topic: Scientific computing on massively parallel computers. Master in Telematic. School of Accounting and Management. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • April 2016. Speaker with the topic: Edge-based parallel framework for the simulation of 3D CSEM surveys. ICE Barcelona. AAPG – SEG International Conference & Exhibition 2016. Barcelona, Spain.
  • April 2016. Speaker with the topic: High performance computing, geophysics and numerical methods: a symbiotic relation. 1er Foro Internacional de Talento Mexicano – Innovation Match MX 2015-2016. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
  • October 2015. Speaker with the topic: Edge-based electric field formulation in 3D CSEM simulations: a parallel approach. 6th International Conference and Workshop on Computing and Communication – IEMCON – 2015. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
  • October 2015. Speaker with the topic: High Performance Computing and electromagnetic modeling in geophysics: from concepts to application. Research Center in Computing. National Polytechnic Institute. Mexico, D.F.
  • October 2015. Speaker with the topic: Parallel and numerical issues of the edge finite element method for 3D controlled-source electromagnetic surveys. IEEE International Conference on Computing Systems and Telematics. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • June 2015. Speaker and winner of JCCC2015-BSC in the contest «Your Thesis in 3 Minutes» (3TM) with the topic: Edge-elements formulation of CSEM in geophysics: a parallel approach. Jornadas de Cooperación CONACyT – Cataluña 2015. Polytechnic University of Catalonia – National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico. Barcelona, Spain.
  • April 2015. Speaker with the poster: Edge-elements for geophysical electromagnetic problems: A new implementation challenge. PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference 2015 – PRACEDays15. Dublin, Ireland.
  • April 2015. Speaker with the topic: HPC and edge elements for geophysical electromagnetic problems: an overview. 2nd BSC International Doctoral Symposium. Barcelona, Spain.
  • April 2015. Speaker with the topic: Assessment of edge-based finite element technique for geophysical electromagnetic problems: efficiency, accuracy and reliability. 1st. Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics – PANACM 2015. IACM. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • December 2014. Speaker with the topic: HPC solutions for oil industry: trends and challenges. Centro de Ciencias de la tierra. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • December 2014. Speaker with the topic: High Performance Computing, Science and Engineering. Master in Telematic. School of Accounting and Management. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • November 2014. Speaker with the topic: HPC solutions for oil industry: trends and challenges. IV Simposio de Becarios CONACyT en Europa. Strasbourg, France.
  • November 2012. Participation in 1er. Coloquio de Investigación en Ciencias Administrativas y Gestión para el Desarrollo: Nuevos Paradigmas de Gestión y Organización desde la Perspectiva Latinoamericana. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • May 2012. Speaker with the topic: La función de las redes sociales y su acción cultural. Universidad Filadelfia de México. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • March 2012. Speaker with the topic: Redes móviles, CMS y bibliotecas. Una visión al 2020, in the Noveno Coloquio Administración y Liderazgo en el Campo Informativo ALCI 2012, which had as main theme: ¿Qué contenidos y cómo se administrará la biblioteca 2020?. University of Veracruz. Boca del Río, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • March 2012. Participation in the 3rd International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico: Where Supercomputing, Science and Technologies meet. CIMAT – CINVESTAV – University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.
  • Noviembre 2011. Participation in 1er. Coloquio de Investigación de Cuerpos Académicos. ANFECA. Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • September 2011. Participation in the Foro Financiero: Tendencias mundiales y sistema financiero Mexicano. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • June 2011. Participation in the LII Asamblea Nacional ANFECA: «Hacia un espacio común de Educación Superior en las Escuelas de Negocios en México». Boca del Río, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • May 2011. Speaker with the topic: Performance Evaluation of DSDV & AODV Routing Protocol in a Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Health Monitoring, in the II National Conference on Telecommunications CONATEL 2011, wich had as main theme: Bridging Iberoamerica through. Arequipa, Peru.
  • September 2010. Participation in the presentation of recent titles of Biblioteca del Universitario, under the Feria Internacional del Libro Universitario 2010. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • September 2010. Speaker with the topic: Indicadores de presencia y visibilidad Web: El caso de las universidades públicas en México, in the Octavo Coloquio Administración y Liderazgo en el Campo Informativo ALCI 2010, which has as main theme: indicadores estratégicos para bibliotecas y otros sistemas de información. Boca del río, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • April 2010. Speaker with the topic: Simuladores de Software Libre para Redes de Sensores Inalámbricas, in the Congreso Internacional de Software Libre 2010. Boca del río, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • April 2010. Speaker with the topic: Sociedad, medios de información y lectura, en el Congreso Internacional de Información INFO 2010, which had as main theme: La sociedad del conocimiento y sus aspectos críticos. Habana, Cuba.
  • November 2009. Speaker with the topic: Live-DVD para la simulación de redes de sensores inalámbricas, in the IV Simposio Internacional en Sistemas Telemáticos y Organizaciones Inteligentes, which had as main theme: Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico con Responsabilidad Social. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • November 2009. Participation in the round table: La palabra, los jóvenes y la lectura, organized by Editorial de la Universidad Veracruzana. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • October 2009. Meeting attendance Fall CUDI. Ixtapan de la sal, Estado de México, Mexico.
  • July 2009. Speaker of the seminar: Redes de sensores para la agricultura de precisión, in the permanent seminars of the Red Iberoamericana para el Desarrollo Sustentable. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  •  July 2009. Participation in the Feria del Libro Infantil y Juvenil. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • April 2009. Meeting attendance Spring CUDI. Cholula, Puebla, Mexico.
  • April 2008. Participation in the IX Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Industrial y Tecnologías de Información. Boca del río, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • April 2007. Participation in the Segundo Congreso de Desarrollo de Software y Redes Aplicadas. Boca del río, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • November 2005. Participation in the Segundo Congreso Nacional de Ingenierías. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
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