Iturrarán-Viveros, U., Muñoz-García, A.M., Castillo-Reyes, O. et al. (2021). Machine Learning as a Seismic Prior Velocity Model Building Method for Full-Waveform Inversion: A Case Study from Colombia. Pure Applied Geophysics, Vol. 1, No. 2, ISSN 1420-9136
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, J., García-Castillo, L. E., Cela, J. M. (2019). Parallel 3D marine controlled-source electromagnetic modeling using high-order tetrahedral Nédélec elements. Geophysical Journal International, ggz285, vol 219: 39-65. ISSN 0956-540X.
Arriaga-Varela, E. J., Moya Sánchez, E. U., Aguilar Meléndez, A., Castillo-Reyes, Vazquez Santacruz, E., Salazar Colores, S., Cortés, U. (2019). Detection, Count, and Classification of Visual Ganglia Columns of Drosophila Pupae. Thematic issue: Topic Trends in Computing Research in Catalonia. Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 391-398. ISSN – 2007-9737. National Polytechnic Institute. Mexico, D.F.
Aguilar Meléndez, A., de la Puente, J., Monterrubio-Velasco, M., Rodríguez Lozoya, H., Rojas, Calderón Ramón, C., Castillo-Reyes, O., García Elías, A., Campos Rios, A. (2019). Analysis of the Key Features of the Seismic Actions Due to the three Main Earthquakes of 11th of May 2011 in Lorca, Spain. Thematic issue: Topic Trends in Computing Research in Catalonia. Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 365-390. ISSN – 2007-9737. National Polytechnic Institute. Mexico, D.F.
Lorenzo, J.,Castillo-Reyes, O., Granados, X., Mantsinen, M., Sáenz, X., Soba, A. (2019). Development of HPC multiphysics framework for HTS magnets in fusion. BSC Doctoral Symposium (6th: 2019). Barcelona, Spain.
Castillo-Reyes, O., Cervantes Pérez, J., Welsh Rodríguez, C. M. (2019). “Supercómputo y riesgos naturales”.La Ciencia y el Hombre. XXXI (1): 50-53. ISSN 0187-8786.
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, Cela, J. M. (2018). PETGEM: A parallel code for 3D CSEM forward modeling using edge finite elements. Computers & Geosciences, vol 119: 123-136. ISSN 0098-3004. Elsevier.
Monterrubio-Velasco, M., Carrasco-Jiménez, J.C., Castillo-Reyes, O., Cucchietti, F., de la Puente, J. (2018). A machine learning approach for parameter screening in earthquake simulation. High Performance Machine Learning Workshop. Lyon, France.
Monterrubio-Velasco, M., Carrasco-Jiménez, J.C., Aguilar-Meléndez, A., Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, J. (2018). Earthquake simulation by Fiber Bundle Model and machine Learning techniques. BSC Doctoral Symposium (5th: 2018). Barcelona, Spain.
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, Cela, J. M. (2017). Three-Dimensional CSEM modelling on unstructured tetrahedral meshes using edge finite elements. In: Barrios Hernández C., Gitler I., Klapp J. (eds) High Performance Computing. CARLA 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 697: 247-256. ISBN 978-3-319-57971-9 Springer, Cham
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, Cela, J. M. (2016). Improving edge finite element assembly for geophysical electromagnetic modelling on shared-memory architectures. 7th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference – UEMCON 2016. IEEE: 978-1-5090-1496-5. Columbia University, New York.
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, J., Barucq, H., Diaz, J., Cela, J. M. (2016). Parallel and vectorized code for CSEM surveys in geophysics: An edge-based approach. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering – ECCOMAS. Crete, Greece.
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, J., Cela, J. M. (2016). Towards an HPC tool for simulation of 3D CSEM surveys: an edge-based approach. PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference 2016 – PRACEDays16. Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe. Prague, Republic Czech.
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, J., Puzyrev, V., Cela, J. M. (2016). Edge-based parallel framework for the simulation of 3D CSEM surveys. ICE Barcelona – AAPG/SEG International Conference & Exhibition. ISSN-ISSN: 2159-6832. Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, J., Modesto, D., Puzyrev, V., Cela, J. M. (2016). Parallel tool for numerical approximation of 3D electromagnetic surveys in geophysics. Computación y Sistemas, Thematic issue: Topic Trends in Computing Research in Catalonia. Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 29-39. ISSN – 2007-9737. National Polytechnic Institute. Mexico, D.F.
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, J., Puzyrev, V., Cela, J. M. (2015). Parallel and numerical issues of the edge finite element method for 3D controlled-source electromagnetic surveys. IEEE International Conference on Computing Systems and Telematics. IEEE – 978-1-4799-7639-3. University of Veracruz. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, J., Puzyrev, V., Cela, J. M. (2015). Edge-based electric field formulation in 3D CSEM simulations: a parallel approach. 6th International Conference and Workshop on Computing and Communication. IEEE – 978-1-4799-6908-1. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, J., Puzyrev, V., Cela, J. M. (2015). Edge-elements for geophysical electromagnetic problems: a new implementation challenge. PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference 2015 – PRACEDays15. Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe. Dublin, Ireland.
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, J., Puzyrev, V., Cela, J. M. (2015). HPC and edge elements for geophysical electromagnetic problems: an overview. BSC Doctoral Symposium (2nd: 2015). Barcelona, Spain.
Castillo-Reyes, O., de la Puente, J., Puzyrev, V., Cela, J. M. (2015). Assessment of edge-based finite element technique for geophysical electromagnetic problems: efficiency, accuracy and reliability. PANACM 2015: 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 984-995, ISBN 978-84-943928-2-5. Buenos Aires, Argentine. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
Castillo-Reyes, O., Morales, M. (2015). Indicadores de presencia y visibilidad Web: El caso de las universidades públicas en México. ALCI 2010: Coloquio Administración y Liderazgo en el Campo Informativo. Boca del Río, Veracruz, Mexico. First edition. ISBN 978-607-725-087-6
Castillo-Reyes, O., Morales, M. (2013). “Midiendo la WWW académica”. La Ciencia y el Hombre. XXV (2): 19-21. ISSN 0187-8786.
Castillo-Reyes, O., Morales, M. (2012). Un mundo profuso e intoxicado.La Ciencia y el Hombre. XXV (2): 69-72. ISSN 0187-8786.
Castillo-Reyes, O. (2012). Internet en blanco y negro.La Ciencia y el Hombre. XXV (1): 61-64. ISSN 0187-8786.
Cruz, C., Flores, G., Vega, A., Castillo, O. (2011). Software libre para bibliotecas: el caso de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración – Xalapa de la Universidad Veracruzana. E-book with the memories of the International Conference on Administrative Computer Systems, with the main topic: «Sistemas compiutacionales, telemática y sustentabilidad en las organizaciones de la sociedad del conocimiento. Ed. FESI. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico
Castillo-Reyes, O., Rivas, D., González, R., Huerta, M., Otero, A., González, R. (2011). Performance Evaluation of DSDV & AODV Routing Protocol in a Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Health Monitoring. CONATEL 2011: II National Conference on Telecommunications «Bridging Iberoamerica through Telecommunications», Proceedings. Arequipa, Perú.
Castillo-Reyes, O. (2011). El dualismo de las tecnologías de la información en el cambio climático.La ciencia y el Hombre. XXIV (2): 53-54. ISSN 0187-8786.
Castillo-Reyes, O. (2010). Tecnologías de la información y cambio climático. La Ciencia y el Hombre. XXIII (3): 49-50. ISSN 0187-8786.
Castillo-Reyes, O. (2010). Sociedad, medios de información y lectura. INFO 2010: Congreso Internacional de Información “La Sociedad del Conocimiento y sus Aspectos Críticos”, Memories in CD, Ed. IDICT. Havana, Cuba.
Castillo-Reyes, O., Otero, A. D., González, R. A. (2010). Live-DVD para la simulación de redes de sensores. Ebook with the memories of IV Simposio Internacional en Sistemas Telemáticos y Organizaciones Inteligentes. Ed. FESI. Xalapa, Veracruz. ISBN 978-607-95043-2-8