Universidad Veracruzana

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The research group “Las Lenguas Extranjeras en el Sistema Educativo Público en México” affiliated to the School of Languages of the Universidad Veracruzana, in collaboration with the research groups LEXI and PROFILE of the Department of Foreign Languages of the National University of Colombia and the research group “Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura” of the University of Granada Spain

Call for Participation

Professors, graduate students and researchers interested in Applied Linguistics in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, Second Languages and Native Languages, are invited to submit proposals to be presented at the XVI CIILE from 10 to 12 September 2025. The conference will be held at USBI, Campus Mocambo, Veracruz, Ver.


Research in progress or completed research may be presented in a 20-minute talk (the project, its impact and implications should be described and discussed) followed by 10 minutes for questions and answers.


All presentations will be the result of research in progress or completed related to teaching-learning foreign languages, second languages or native languages.
The proposals can be sent in Spanish, English, Portuguese, or French.

NOTE: if the presentation is in any other language, speakers are responsible of translating the information to Spanish and/or English. CIILE will NOT provide translating or interpreting services.


Proposals should follow these guidelines:

  • Title of the presentation (no more than 10 words).
  • We accept submissions and welcome critical and disciplinary papers on the following topics:
    • Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
    • Evaluation and Assessment in Foreign Languages
    • Language and Culture
    • Teacher Training and Professional Development
    • Language Studies (Pragmatics, Psycholinguistics, Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, etc.)
    • NTICS (New Technologies in teaching and learning of foreign languages
    • Translation/Interpretation
    • Policy and Planning of Foreign Languages in Education
  • Write your type of presentation clearly: in progress or completed research report according to the guidelines above.
  • Write the presenter(s) name(s) exactly how you want it  (them) to appear in the program and the certificate(s).
  • Institution of affiliation.
  • Biodata statement of each presenter (max. 50 words).
  • Postal address and e-mail.

A 250-word summary including the objective of the work to be presented, the research question(s), type of research (case study, survey, etc.), methodology used and, if it applies, results and conclusions of the research.


Proposals will be accepted until July 30th, 2025.

Notifications will be sent on August 15th, 2025
*Notifications will be sent four weeks after its reception.

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Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Código de ética

Última actualización

Fecha: 12 marzo, 2025 Responsable: Nora Margarita Basurto Santos Contacto: nbasurto@uv.mx