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Materiales Seleccionados Inglés II

Tema 1 :Personal Information

1. Integrated skill
1.1 Presentation Exercise.
Objetivo: Utilizar las expresiones y preguntas más comunes para presentarse. «Dar y pedir información personal».

2. Grammar
2.1  To Be.
2.2 Simple Present 
Objetivo: Utilizar el presente simple en forma afirmativa, enfocada en «rutinas diarias»

2.3 How much/ how many.

2.4 Like/Dislike.
Objetivo: El uso de agrado y desagrado, más sustantivo y verbo.
2.5 Daily Routines.

3. Vocabulary:

3.1 Food
3.2 Life style


4. Listening:
4.1 The Hamburguer
4.2 Review Exercises (How much/many,vocabulary,simple present verbs…)


5.- Reading

5.1 A lost dog

5.2 The language school


6. Videos

6.1 Exercise 1

6.2 Exercise 2

6.3 Exercise 3


Fin del Tema 1 : Personal Information



Tema 2 : Comparisons

Comparative : er + adj + than.. more + adj + than..

Comparative and Superlative.

1.3  Comparative. 

1.4  Comparative and Superlative


2. Vocabulary.

2.1 Adjectives 1

2.2 Adjectives 2
Objetivo: El alumno aprenderá a hacer uso de los adjetivos posesivos para referirse a las pertenencias de las personas.

3.Listening and video. 

   3.1.Adjectives. Video

   3.2.Comparative and Superlatives. Video  


Fin del tema 2 : Comparisons
Tema 3 : Ask for and give directions.

1. Integrated Skills.
1.1 Asking and Giving Directions.

2. Grammar
2.3 Exercise
2.4 Asking for and giving directions
2.5 Imperatives
2.6 Exercise

3. Vocabulary

3.1 Public places
3.2 Exercise

4. Listening
4.1 Giving directions
4.2 Exercise

5. Self-evaluation

Fin del tema 3 :Ask for and give directions.

Tema 4 : Stores and restaurants

1.-How to order

2.-Ordering at a café
2.1 http://www.aprenderinglesrapidoyfacil.com/2015/07/12/dialogue-ordering-coffee/
2.2 http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice/ordering-food-cafe

3.-Would to offering
3.1 http://www.learn-english-online.org/Lesson32/Lesson32.htm

4 How to offer things
4.1 https://www.thoughtco.com/how-to-offer-things-1212044

5.-Making invitations
5.1 https://www.thoughtco.com/making-invitations-1212043

6.-At the clothes store- Dialogue
6.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULmJYGcPl28 

7.1 Shopping

7.2  Words and expressions

8.-Colors- Listening
8.1 http://www.aprenderinglesrapidoyfacil.com/2013/07/09/conversacion-sobre-colores-en-ingles/

9.-Vegetables and fruits- Vocabulary
9.1 http://www.aprenderinglesrapidoyfacil.com/2015/01/13/vocabulario-verduras-vegetables/

10.-Fruits- Pronunciación.
10.1 http://www.aprenderinglesrapidoyfacil.com/2014/04/10/vocabulario-de-frutas-en-ingles-fruits-in-english/

11.1 How much/ how many.
112 This, That, These and Those. 
11.3 http://www.grammar.cl/Notes/This_That_These_Those.htm
11.4 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/es/english-grammar/pronouns/that-these-and-those
11.5 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/es/english-grammar/pronouns/one-and-ones
11.6 Which + One/Ones – Explanation

12. Clothes and colors – Vocabulary
12.1 Ropa, colores, presente continuo.
12.2 Colores
12.3 Clothes
12.4 Prendas de vestir.
12.5 This, That, These and Those.


Fin del tema 4 : Stores and restaurants
Tema 5 : Past Events

Eventos pasados.

· Hablar sobre la infancia

· Hablar sobre eventos pasados.

Pasado del verbo TO BE (En sus tres formas)

· Estructura THERE WAS / THERE WERE (en sus tres formas)

· Tiempo pasado simple (en sus tres formas)

· Verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado Palabras interrogativas.

· Expresiones de tiempo para hablar del futuro.

1.1 Verb to be in past 1
1.2 Verb to be in past 2
1.3 There was/there were

2.1 Past events

3.- Practice
3.1   Exercise-Simple past 1
3.2   Exercise-Simple past 2
3.3   Exercise-Simple past 3
3.4   Exercise-Simple past 4
3.5   Exercise-Verb to be in past 1
3.6   Exercise-Verb to be in past 2
3.7   Exercise-Verb to be in past 3
3.8   Exercise-Verb to be in past 4
3.9   Exercise-There was/There were 1
3.10 Exercise-There was/There were 2
3.11  Video- Simple past 1
3.12  Video- Simple past 2
3.13  Video- Simple past 3
3.14  Video- Was/were -questions 
3.15  Video-Regular verbs 1
3.16 Video-Regular verbs 1
3.17 Pronunciation-Exercise -Regular verb 1
3.18 Pronunciation-Exercise -Regular verb 2
3.19 Video -Irregular verbs 1
3.20 Video -Irregular verbs 2
3.21 Video -Irregular verbs 3
3.22 Video -Irregular verbs 4
3.23 Video-“Because you loved me”
3.24  Exercise -“Because you loved me”


Fin del Tema 5 : Past Events
Tema 6 : Health problems.


1. Grammar
1.1 Should/shouldn’t.
1.2 Should/shouldn’t C.
1.3 Pronombres demostrativos
1.4 Exercise 1
1.5 Can para hacer peticiones 

Objetivo:conocer los conceptos generales del imperativo para dar órdenes en clase.

2. Vocabulary

2.1 Health
2.2 Remedies.
2.3 Expresions: what’s the matter?, I’ve got (a headache, a stomachache, etc)
2.4 Frases para hacer citas
2.5 Frases para hacer citas 2.

3. Reading
3.1 Doctor’s visit.
3.2 reading 2

4. Listening
4.1 Listening 1 
4.2 Listening 2
4.3 Making appointments 

Fin del tema 6 :Health problems.

Tema 7 : Personal stories

1.1.1.Pasado continuo 1 

1.1.2.-Pasado continuo 2 

1.2. Pasado y pasado continuo

1.2.Pasado simple y pasado continuo

1.2.2.Using the Past Continuous with the Simple Past Tense 


2.1.Exercise 1 

2.2.Exercise 3 

2.3.Exercise 4 

2.4.Exercise 5 


3.1.Diferenciar Past simple-past continuos

3.2.The past continuos and past simple 

3.3 Past continuos tense/past progressive tense 


4.1. Listening 1 

4.2. Listening 2 


5.1.Reading 1

6. Vocabulary

6.1 Personal anecdotes

Fin del tema 7:Personal stories

Tema 8 :Obligations and requirements

1.Grammar1.1 Can Can’t1.2 Can Excersices1.3 Have to/Has to1.4 Have to/Has to excersice1.5 Want-Need to1.6 Need to, Have to..1.7.Talking about obligation 
2. Vocabulary2.1 Obligations and requirements
3.Listening3.1 Listening 13.2 Listening 2
4. Reading4.1 Reading 14.2 Reading 2
5.Quizzes5.1Modals of obligation. 

Fin del tema 8 :Obligations and requirements

Tema 9 :Invitations and projects1.Grammar1.1 Invitations
1.2 Making invitations
1.3 Making invitations
1.4. Talking about future
1.5. Future
1.6 Talking about projects and plans


2.1 Pnviting, refusing invitation, accepting invitation
2.2 Practice invitation 1
2.3 Practice invitation 2

3.1 Invitation
3.2 Would you like to come to my house?
3.3 Make, accept and decline an invitation
3.4 Accepting and refusing invitations
3.5 Plans and projects

4.1 Inviting someone to a party

5.1 An invitation to a party


Fin del tema 9 :Invitations and projects

Eventos pasados.

· Hablar sobre la infancia

· Hablar sobre eventos pasados.

Pasado del verbo TO BE (En sus tres formas)

· Estructura THERE WAS / THERE WERE (en sus tres formas)

· Tiempo pasado simple (en sus tres formas)

· Verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado Palabras interrogativas.

· Expresiones de tiempo para hablar del futuro.

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Fecha: 26 febrero, 2025 Responsable: Centro de Autoacceso Coatzacoalcos Contacto: alcarranza@uv.mx