Universidad Veracruzana

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Program desription

He Master in Agricultural Development has been designed to train competent professionals to make significant changes in the agricultural sector, which allow them to diagnose and provide comprehensive solutions to problems, under the focus of sustainability, from various areas of knowledge (multi and interdisciplinary) , but with relevance in the agricultural sector. The main characteristic of this program is to respond to the problems of the agricultural sector through development proposals. For this, it is considered that students know, review and apply the foundations or theories that support disciplinary knowledge, techniques and relate these to critical analysis on the conception of the context of their professional development, which allow first to investigate the problems existing, in their context, during the first periods of their academic training.

The characteristics of the Master’s Program in Agricultural Development are flexibility in its credit system, the interdisciplinarity of the different areas that comprise it (biology, rural development, agroecology, administrative management), as well as the academic capacity of the institution’s staff and the set of services such as the soil, water and bromatology laboratories, and those for animal production and plant production, computer centers, wireless network, library and virtual library and demonstration modules that will support the development of the educational program. The construction of knowledge as well as the elaboration of resolution proposals are strengthened through the choice of items of self interest in the intermediate periods, and finally, the demonstration and application of the concept, element, component, device, process, technique. or innovative mechanism, will be developed in the last periods, where follow-up will be provided through continuous evaluation seminars that demonstrate their integration to the solution of an agricultural problem.


Train competent professionals in the generation of high-quality knowledge, for the purposes of Agricultural Development, where issues directly faced by producers, organizations and agricultural companies in their productive, agribusiness and rural development context.


In 2025, it will be a consolidated program with broad social and academic recognition, for its ability to generate alternatives for agricultural development, training high-level professionals, committed and capable of providing comprehensive solutions to the sector’s problems, promoting producers, organizations and agricultural companies in the country.


  1. Maintain a terminal efficiency per generational cohort of at least 70%.
  2. Establish and consolidate existing links in the agricultural sector through an agreement per year with an agro-company, producer associations or the government sector.
  3. Guarantee that 80% by generational cohort of students make stays at regional companies or institutions, linked to their intervention project.



Train students with skills and knowledge that allow them to formulate proposals for agricultural development in the productive, agribusiness and rural development context that impact their professional field, as well as participate in work groups that contribute to the progress of the sector at the local and regional level. or national.




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Carretera Costera del Golfo Km 220,
Col. Agrícola Michapa
CP. 96100

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Última actualización

Fecha: 12 abril, 2024 Responsable: Maestría en Desarrollo Agropecuario Contacto: kruiz@uv.mx