Universidad Veracruzana

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Knowledge, technology and innovation management

The relevant theories and methodologies will be analyzed to address the evolving conditions of development within the context of the knowledge economy, emerging information technologies, innovation capacity, and knowledge as the sole infinitely renewable resource.
  • Ph.D. Héctor Julián Vargas Rubín
  • Ph.D. Patricia Arieta Melgarejo
  • Ph.D. Giovanna Maddalena Mazzoti Pabello


Development and Social Capital

Development and Social Capital includes research on development and post-development theories, organizational capabilities, and social capital for resource management and the coordination of collective actions aimed at achieving transformation through regional development.
  • Ph.D. Silvia María Méndez Main
  • Ph.D. Edgar Juan Saucedo Acosta
  • Ph.D. Saulo Sinforoso Martínez


Management of institutions, Human Rights and Social Cohesion

This line of study focuses on theories related to institutional management, as well as the development, protection, and safeguarding of human rights that foster social cohesion as a framework for citizen organization. These core principles will serve as benchmarks for their application in regional, national, and global contexts.
  • Ph.D. María Teresa Montalvo Romero
  • Ph.D. Jerónimo Domingo Ricárdez Jiménez
  • Ph.D. Luis Fernando Villafuerte Valdés
  • Ph.D. César Vega Zárate
  • Ph.D. Mauricio Lascurain Fernández



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Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Código de ética

Última actualización

Fecha: 11 marzo, 2025 Responsable: Doctorado en Ciencias Administrativas y Gestión para el Desarrollo Contacto: jricardez@uv.mx