Universidad Veracruzana

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The Doctorate degree program in Health Science have a duration of 3 years, oriented to develop a research project and improve the academic skills to develop and improve the scientific research. The curriculum covers 226 credits distributed in 18 total courses. Thus, in the basic Research area this program offers: Research Project I-VI, Research Seminar I-VI and Scientific Divulgation I-II; The program also includes and optative area with 4 courses chosen by each student; as well as complementary academic activities that have credits: Attendance at institutional Seminars, Student Mobility Activities and assistance to Academic Events.

The main objective of the Doctorate program is the scientific training of human resources in the field of health sciences, with abilities to understand and solve challenges with multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary scientific research, contributing to the improvement in the well-being of the population abiding by ethical and human principles.

All the courses are designed and updated according to the evaluations on university teaching, research, and relevance. Curriculum specifies contents and tools. To graduate, students must cover the total credits and submit a written thesis that will be defended publicly before a jury, the publication of the paper related with the experimental project. In addition to covering all the requirements contemplated in the general regulations.

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Fecha: 28 noviembre, 2024 Responsable: Doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud Contacto: cgogeascoechea@uv.mx