Universidad Veracruzana

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Admission profile

The profile is made up of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that should characterize the applicant.

These attributes were identified by the basic academic core with the ability to be evaluated.


General knowledge of Law in its theoretical, regulatory and procedural aspects that allow you to interact with other disciplines.

Aspects of quantitative and qualitative research methodology in legal fields

Mastery of rules of form, writing and style according to various official citation systems.


For comprehension and oral and written expression in Spanish and English.

Management of office and internet parcels.

Methodologically raise legal research issues from disciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches.

Apply techniques and instruments for the development of legal research with a qualitative and quantitative approach.


Opening for the development of innovative models of legal research.

Social commitment.

Respect for the legal order with a perspective of justice.

Responsibility and ethics for the development of academic work.

Teaching and research vocation reflected in his work history.


Have a high sense of responsibility. Believe in the principles of legality, justice and equity.


Graduation profile

The graduate of the doctorate in law will be able to undertake, direct, participate and coordinate research of academic excellence, likewise will have the following:


The graduate will have multidisciplinary knowledge oriented to the scientific investigation of legal topics.

In-depth knowledge of the philosophy, sociology and technique of law as the foundations of the legal phenomenon.


The graduate will have skills in handling various methodologies for legal research, as well as topics of national and international interest.

Application of legal knowledge through his research, as well as influencing social transformations as an opinion leader.

Solution of practical legal problems through legal research.

Development of legal research with scientific rigor with a disciplinary and transdisciplinary profile.


Leadership in the direction, participation and coordination of research of academic excellence, from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Social responsibility for the analysis of law from a transformative perspective.


The graduate will have a broad vision of social transformation according to territorial, temporal and spatial needs, based on principles of tolerance, respect and legality.

Proactive interaction with the environment, based on values, principles and a solid conceptual and methodological training that allows you to make decisions and carry out work leading to the achievement of satisfactory results and permanent learning.

Professionalism, capacity for teamwork and permanent learning, proactivity, self-esteem, assertiveness.


Frequent questions

Is it necessary to have a master’s degree to pursue a Doctorate in Law?

A master’s degree with two years of experience is required (at the time of taking the exam), preferably obtained with a thesis.

I still do not have a master’s degree, but I already have a scheduled master’s exam date.

You must have a proven academic master’s degree (professional degree and certificate), with two years of experience at the time of passing the entrance exam. If you do not have it, it is advisable not to apply.

How many foreign languages must I accredit?

As an entry requirement, the English language must be accredited (mandatory) and one more, at the time of graduation, both must be duly certified, either by any Language Center of the Universidad Veracruzana or through international certifications with official validity.

How often is the postgraduate course offered?

Regularly it is every two years, according to the demand and according to the requirements indicated in the calls published by the General Directorate of School Administration. It is recommended to keep an eye on the main page of the site or on the social networks where we interact with you.

What are the postgraduate hours?

The Doctorate in Law is full-time, it is not a virtual, distance, blended or Saturday model.

Do you have a CONACyT agreement?

According to the New Application Process for scholarship applicants, the application process and requirements will be the following:

Have been accepted and enrolled in a postgraduate program registered on the platform of the National Postgraduate System.
Fill out the CVU (Unique Curriculum Vitae) form, and send your scholarship application through the Conacyt platform.
In case of being selected or selected and in order to formalize the support of Conacyt, you must have the current e.firma of the SAT. In the case of foreign students, they must be in Mexico to process the e.firma and the bank account in which the scholarship deposit will be made.
More information: https://conacyt.mx/becas_posgrados/becas-nacionales/

What are the costs?

According to the quotas authorized by the Secretary of Planning and Finance of the UV, $15,000.00 (Fifteen thousand pesos zero cents M/N) as a semester recovery fee, plus customs duties (*).

(*) Tariffs: Registration, credential, school validity stamp (Updated to 2022).

Of the requirements requested by this postgraduate course, I am missing a document that is in the process of obtaining it.

At the time the call is published, applicants must have each and every one of the requested documents. If you do not have any of them, it is advisable not to apply.

I applied to the call, when is my date for the special evaluation?

Once the call is closed, the Coordination will recover the information of the applicants and will contact them as soon as possible to send them the corresponding information.

I require advice from a researcher, how

At what point do I deliver the documents requested by the call and the special evaluation?

There are two moments, the first, the digital files are uploaded through the call platform, and the second, when presenting the special evaluation in its physical format.

If you are accepted into the program, you will need to submit the remaining documents.

Important: To guarantee impartiality in the selection process, this Academic Entity does not participate in or manage individual advice on research projects for applicants.

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Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 19 marzo, 2025 Responsable: Dr. Saúl Cortés Viveros Contacto: saulcortes@uv.mx