Universidad Veracruzana

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The Doctorate in History and Regional Studies is a postgraduate degree attached to the Institute of Historical-Social Research of the Universidad Veracruzana. Since its creation, in 1996, it has served twelve generations of students who have received interdisciplinary training that has allowed them to explain the processes of transformation that affect the regions from the perspectives of analysis of history and social sciences. Currently, the Doctorate in History and Regional Studies is recognized by the National Quality Postgraduate Program of the National Council of Science and Technology, valid from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. This membership allows accepted students and registered apply for a monthly maintenance scholarship during the time of validity of the studies. The granting of resources is subject to compliance with the requirements established by CONACYT and the budget availability of this public body.

This virtual site is designed to provide you with timely and timely information on the academic-administrative processes of the Doctorate in History and Regional Studies, as well as the semester educational offer and the research work carried out by students, researchers and graduates. Likewise, you will be able to find updates on the knowledge dissemination activities organized by the postgraduate course, and in which the members of its community participate.

We hope that this page will serve as a bridge of communication with applicants, students, graduates and the community in general.

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Orientation: Investigation


The PhD in History and Regional Studies (DHER), attached to the Institute of Historical-Social Research of the Universidad Veracruzana, justifies its existence in the need to generate knowledge that contributes to understanding, with a historical perspective, the main processes of change and continuity that have determined the configuration of human societies within regional scenarios. Through interdisciplinary analysis and the application of research methodologies, novel explanations are developed on the transformations that affect the material and symbolic dimension of reality in which individual and collective actors develop, having the region as their focus of location, interaction and reproduction. Long-term historical processes, such as the political and institutional crisis of the State, the vindication of identities and rights by minorities and ethnic groups, the construction of new narratives about the past, economic inequalities and access to knowledge, social conflicts , the defense of the territory, migratory flows, demographic changes and the effects caused by the recent pandemic situation, are part of the problems that demand to be analyzed by future thesis students of the Doctorate in History and Regional Studies.


Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

 1. Regional and territorial conformations
This line proposes to address society-space relations at local and regional scales. It then includes the analysis of urban and rural areas, the imbrication between both and their transformation processes, from the perspectives: historical, cultural and social. The study of demographic trends that affect economic and social aspects is also considered, with emphasis on migratory processes and labor markets. In this way, territorial, environmental and institutional configurations -and reconfigurations- are examined.

2. Historical/regional processes: economy, politics and society
This line conforms the investigations that address the political, economic, social and cultural development in the context of the national and international phenomena that influenced the processes of conformation of the region of the Gulf of Mexico, such as the groups of power and the subordinates, the military interventions and economic, social and demographic transformations, from a local, regional and national perspective. The urban and rural areas are also considered, as well as their actors, their presence and actions in political, economic, social, educational and cultural processes. The reconstruction of demographic structures and dynamics is also addressed, emphasizing family processes, health-disease, population patterns and their repercussions on the environment. Likewise, the regional political and social behaviors of the recent past are analyzed, which affect the formation of institutions and public policies, especially in periods of political transition. This LGAC is located in a time frame that addresses both long-term and conjunctural processes, expressed both from a methodological perspective of regional history, and with approaches currently offered by the so-called immediate or present historiography.

3.Social groups, cultural processes and territories
This line contemplates investigations that observe the complexity in the construction of historical, social and cultural processes that take place in specific historical-spatial contexts, linked to the conformation of identities, territories and worldviews. This implies the recognition of interrelationships in various aspects (economic, political, religious) and areas (local and regional) of social life, in which the symbolic dimension and the construction of meanings are privileged. This line favors a dialogue that addresses cognitive concerns from various processes that have generated, transformed and given meaning. Now, the analysis of the construction of identities is linked to a key concept: gender. The study of this category of analysis is, therefore, a fundamental axis in the thematic universe of this line of research.

4. State, democratization processes and social actors
The line is developed through research projects on different objects of knowledge such as: collective action, political culture, insecurity, access to justice, the social and political study of violence, citizenship, local governments and public politics. For this purpose, a complex observation of local and global processes in historical perspective is used. Collective action is thought in relation to the democratization of state institutions; political culture as part of regional democratization processes that include electoral processes and trust in institutions; insecurity is seen as a variable that shapes civil society and security policies.



Dr. Luis Juventino García Ruíz
Coordinador del Doctorado en Historia y Estudios Regionales
Correo Institucional: luisgarcia03@uv.mx
Correo DHER: dher@uv.mx; coord.dher@gmail.com

Tel.: +52 (228) 8 124 719 ext. 13803

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Última actualización

Fecha: 25 mayo, 2024 Responsable: Doctorado en Historia y Estudios Regionales (DHER) Contacto: ricarmartinez@uv.mx