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Estela Castillo Hernández – Sitio web personal

She holds a PhD in Hispanic Literature by El Colegio De México, and a Master’s degree in Mexican Literature by Universidad Veracruzana. She is a member of the National System of Investigators (SNI), and of the Academic Group “Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Hispanic-american Literature” (CA-UV-262). Her doctoral thesis obtained the “Best Doctoral thesis in Humanities 2013” by the Mexican Academy of Sciences. She has published a dozen of articles and essays in diverse indexed magazines. Her research line is focused on the study and edition of Viceregal and Hispanic-American texts. She has fulfilled postdoctoral scholar visits at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Universidad Veracruzana. She has given several courses and seminars in diverse universities in the country. In September 2016, she obtained the “retention” (Conacyt) scholarship to work as a researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Linguistico-Literarias of Universidad Veracruzana.

Donají Cuéllar Escamilla – personal website

She obtained the BA in Spanish Letters at Universidad Veracruzana, the MA in Mexican Literature at UNAM and the PhD in Hispanic Literature at El Colegio de México (2003). She has given courses on antique literature and modern poetry in the Spanish Letters School at Universidad Veracruzana. She is the coordinator of the book Jorge Cuesta. Crítica y homenaje, (iil-l/uv, 2008). She has published book chapters, among the most important: La literatura de consumo: a propósito de Las batallas secretas de Belgrano, In the book by Ana Rosa Domenella: (Re)escribir la historia desde la novela de fin de siglo, uam/Porrúa, México, 2002; “‘Pájaros de cuenta’ in Cancionero folclórico de México: caracterización de un personaje”, in Aurelio González (coord.), La copla en México, El Colegio de México, 2007 and “Mujeres fatales en leyendas de Xalapa”, in Mercedes Zavala Gómez del Campo ed., Formas narrativas de la literatura de tradición oral de México: romance, corrido, décima, leyenda y cuento, El Colegio de San Luis, San Luis Potosí, 2009. In her production one can count diverse article publications in different magazines. She is a member of the National System of Investigators (SNI), as well as professor with  PRODEP Profile. Her research work is in the line “Critic and studies about cultivated, traditional and popular literature: poetics, memory and tradition”, therefore, her publications encompass themes and problems related with modern Mexican poetry, the masculine woman in the Golden Century theater, as well as the oral tradition, both antique and modern. Jorge Cuesta: crítica y homenaje is one of her most recent publications which unites specialized papers by national specialized researchers about the essay and poetry works by Cuesta.

Norma Angélica Cuevas Velasco – personal website

She is a doctor in literature with emphasis in Literary Theory by UAM-Iztapalapa. She has been a member of the National System of Investigators (SNI), Level I, since 2005. She has published many articles and essays in theory and literary critique in specialized academic magazines or collective books and in some scientific magazines. She is a full time researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Linguistico Literarias of Universidad Veracruzana, which she directed from November 2009 to January 2015. She has received fellowships from FONCA, the Instituto Veracruzano de Cultura, the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias (AMC), PROMEP (PRODEP) and Secretariat of Science, Humanities, Technology and Innovation (SECIHTI). In 2000, she obtained the Students’ Merit in UAM-Iztapalapa. She obtained the award to best doctoral thesis in the Literary Theory discipline by the AMC (2005). She is author of 3 books , editor of 6 books that she coordinated and author of several chapters. She has participated as a visitor professor at the Universidad de Sonora, El Colegio de San Luis, the University of Guanajuato, the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, the Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, the Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, the Instituto Mexicano-Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales in Monterrey. She is the coordinator of the Consolidated Academic group “Literary theory problems” and the Net of literary-theory researchers.

Ángel Fernández Arriola – personal website

He obtained a Bachelor´s degree in Spanish Letters by the Universidad Iberoamericana, 1973-1976 and by the Universidad Veracruzana, 1976-1978; a doctorate in History and Regional Studies by the Instituto de Investigaciones Histórico-Sociales at UV, 1996-1999. He belongs to the academic groups “Historias de Geografía Histórica y Social” and “Literatura: confluencias, divergencias, cruces y fronteras”. He has produced the following critical and academic editions: Poesía by Enrique González Llorca, Violetas. Periódico literario (Veracruz, 1869) [facsimilar edition] and Memorias de Fray Servando Teresa de Mier. His critical edition Romancero de la Guerra de Independencia, which he co-edited with Dra. Leticia Mora Perdomo, is in the printing press,. He is editor ad honorem of Poesía reunida by Enriqueta Ochoa. He has published book chapters and several articles in Di-Urna, Revista del Instituto Electoral Veracruzano, Alforja. Revista de Poesía y La Palabra y el Hombre. He has been professor of “Latin American Literature” and “History of Latin American Culture” in undergraduate classes at the School of Spanish Letters. In the Master´s program of Mexican Literature he has given courses of “History of the Ideas in Mexico I”, Seminar of “Mexican xixth century poetry”, “Prosa Novohispana”, Seminar of  “xx century Mexican poetry” and the disciplinary tutoring “Construcción del verso castellano”, Integral Program of the Institutional Enforcement, from August 2006 to April 2007. He has also been professor of “History Theory” in the History and Regional Studies doctorate program. He has been reader and jury in several postgraduate professional exams.

Malva Flores – personal website

She holds a BA in Hispanic Language and Literatures, an MA in Mexican Letters and a PhD by UNAM. She is author of the following books. El ocaso de los poetas intelectuales y la geeneración del desencanto (Xalapa, Universidad Veracruzana, 2010, in printing press). Passage of the Tree / Mudanza del árbol (Houston: Literal Publishing, 2006); Casa nómada (México, Joaquín Mortiz, 1999); Ladera de las cosas vivas (México, CNCA, 1997); Chiapas: Voces Particulares (México, cnca, 1993) Pasión de caza (México, Gobierno de Jalisco, 1993); Las otras comarcas (México, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 1990); Agonía de falenas (México, SEP/Crea, 1988). She has published the following book chapters and prologues: “Un cuartel general hispanoamericano. She has published in magazines and cultural suplements like the magazine of the National University, Mexican Literature, Leviatahn Quarterly, Vuelta, La Gaceta del fce, Poesía Sempre, De Gids, Poesía y poética, Literal. Latin American Voices, Periódico de poesía, Crítica, Paréntesis, Pauta, La Jornada Semanal, “El Ángel” of Reforma, “El semanario” of Novelties, “Sábado” of Uno más Uno, Los Universitarios, among others. In 2006, she received the maximal award for essay writing “José Revueltas”; in 1999, she received the national prize for poetry writing in Aguascalientes, and in 1991, the national prize for young poetry writing “Elías Nandino”. Her work has been translated into English, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Dutch and has been included in more than 20 national and international anthologies. She is a member of the editorial committee of Literal: Latin American Voices. She has been a jury member of different literary national and international prizes, among the most important the Prize “José Emilio Pacheco”, 2006 and 2008, UV; the prize “Carlos Pellicer for published work” 2001, INBA; National award for literature “Gilberto Owen”, INBA, 2000. In 2000, she became a member of the National System of Creators. She is now a full time researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Linguistico-Literarias of the Universidad Veracruzana. She has offered several classes at the School of Philosophy and Letters at UNAM and at the School of Spanish Letters at Universidad Veracruzana.

Rodrigo García de la Sienra – personal website

He has got a Bachelor’s Degree in Literature by UNAM, with the thesis, “Apuntes sobre el cronotopo en Los bandidos de Río Frío”, and a PhD by the Sorbonne University, with a work named “L’univers carcéral dans l’oeuvre de José Revueltas (1969-1975) and “Ecriture dystopique et discours social dans la période de Lecumberri.”

He has been a fulltime investigator at the Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación from the Universidad de Guanajuato (February 2005 to February 2008), and at the Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarios from the Universidad Veracruzana (February 2008 up to this date). He has taught diverse courses in Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree programmes at both universities:Universidad de Guanajuato and Universidad Veracruzana. Besides, he coordinated the book “Configuraciones Formativas ii”. Formación y praxis, published by Universidad de Guanajuato in 2007, he also wrote some chapters to different books and published diverse articles in Spanish and French in magazines like Literatura Mexicana and Sociocriticism. His remarkable recent publications are: “Mexico année zéro: hypothèse sur l’imaginaire d’un patrimoine perdu”. Mosella. Metz: Université Paul Verlaine, xxiii.1-4 (2010), “Revueltas y el realismo utópico”, in Rafael Olea Franco, ed. José Revueltas. La lucha y la esperanza. México: Colmex, 2009, “Experiencia y formación en Ulises criollo”, Sociocriticism, Granada: cers/Université de Grenade, xxiii.1 (2008), and “El arte o de la monstruosidad. Fissures est-ét(h)iques de la perception de l’art ancien du Mexique”. La représentation de l’Indien dans les Arts et les Littératures d’Amérique Latine. Metz: Université Paul Verlaine, 2008. In 2006 he translated the book of Jacques Thuillier Teoría general de la historia del arte, published by Fondo de Cultura Económica, and two inedit conferences from  Foucault named “Topologías” published by Fractal  magazine .  He has participated  as a speaker in diverse  international congresses and in different  Universities here in México and abroad. In 2009 was a resident professor in Paul Verlaine University. Currently he is a member of the National System of investigators  (SNI), and he is in charge of  the project “Teoría Literaria Latinoamericana”, by SEP-Conacyt. As a supplementary information, he has been an article reviser in different areas at  Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Teresita del Socorro Garcia Díaz – personal website

She has a PhD in Mexican Literature by the UNAM and made a post doctorate residency in the Universidad de Bologna and in El Colegio de México. She is the author of the book Del Tajín a Venecia. Un retorno a ninguna parte (UV, 2002). She was coordinator of the book from César Aira en miniatura: un acercamiento crítico (UV 2006) and  Victorio Ferri se hizo mago en Viena. Sobre Sergio Pitol (UV, 2007). From the several chapters of the books that she has done, there can be highlighted: “La desaparición o la cólera como el camino hacia la muerte o hacia la vida.” in Luisa Josefina Hernández, ed. Gloria Prado. Ibero, Tec. de Monterrey, (UAM, 2010); “Un mar de palabras: Tiene los cabellos rojizos y se llama Sabina” in Julieta Campos. Para rescatar a Eurídice. Luzelena Gutiérrez de Velasco editora, Tec. de Monterrey, UAM. 2010; “Prólogo” and “Cronología” a Un héroe de nuestro tiempo de Mijaíl Lermontov, (Siglo XXI Editores, 2010); “La refutación de los sentidos” in Victorio Ferri se hizo mago en Viena (UV, 2007), “Para leer a César Aira”, in César Aira en miniatura… (UV, 2006); “El miedo de perder a Eurídice o la simplicidad del discurso.” in Juan García Ponce and la Generación del Medio Siglo, (UV, 1998); “Sergio Pitol y Vladimir Nabokov. El ejercicio de la escritura” en Medio Siglo de Literatura Latinoamericana 1945-1995 (UAM, 1997), amongst others. She is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Level 1.

Claudia Elisa Gidi Blanchet – personal website

Studied a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts and a Master’s in Mexican Literature from Universidad Veracruzana. In 2010 got a PhD in Literature from UNAM. Both of those degrees obtained with an Honorific mention. She is member of Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (sin 1) and owns the award of a desirable profile Prodep.
She served as a full time profesor in the Theater’s Faculty from Universidad Veracruzana from 2002-2010, that year she joined as a full time investigator at the Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarias from the same University. Her activities as a teacher are developed at the Theater’s Faculty, at the Literature Faculty and the Master’s from Mexican Literature in Universidad Veracruzana. She belongs to the Cuerpo Académico consolidado “Poética Literaria Hispanoamericana”, and participates in the investigation project “Manifestaciones de la risa en la literatura hispanoamericana”, guaranteed and sponsored by Conacyt.
She is the autor of  Tragedia, risa y desencanto en el teatro mexicano contemporáneo (Paso de Gato / Universidad Veracruzana, 2016) and Juegos de absurdo y risa en el drama (Ediciones Sin Nombre / Universidad de Sonora, 2012); under the cordination two collective books: Las mujeres y la dramaturgia mexicana del siglo XX, with Jacqueline Bixler, and La risa, luces y sombras. Estudios de poética, with Martha Elena Munguía Zatarain. She published a number of articles in specialized magazines and chapters in collective books.
Generation Lines and Knowledge appliance:
1. Mexican Literature
2. Literature, other arts and disciplines

Leticia Mora Perdomo – personal website

She has a PhD in Philosophy from the Texas University in Austin. She has been a profesor in several Universities from United States and Latin America, amidst  them Facultad de Letras and the Master’s in Literatura Mexicana from Universidad Veracruzana. Currently she is a repatriate investigator by Conacyt at Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarias. She was the Master’s coordinator from Literatura Mexicana for five years; she is member of Consejo Editorial de la UV and responsible for the división of Artes y Dossier de La Palabra y el Hombre. She has joined as well, two literary critic magazines in Europe and one in the United States editorial committees. As a grantee from Fonca and Rockefeller Fundation, coedited Hacia el paisaje del mezcal (México: Aldus, 2001), Una antología de escritores norteamericanos en México, a lot of them for the first time translated. Edited and translated into English En la línea: Fotografías de la frontera norte (México, Arizona: UV and U de Arizona, 2007). Joined to the poet Ángel José Fernández, has in press El Romancero de la Guerra de Independencia and Espejo de Amarilis, novela de la escritora del siglo XIX, Laura Méndez. Likewise she is the author of literature, art and photography articles. She has in press an anthology of stories from Felisberto Hernández and several translations. She has made research residences in several universities of Argentina, France, England, United States and Mexico City.

Martha Elena Munguía Zatarain – personal website

She has a PhD in Literatura Hispánica from El Colegio de México. She is member of Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, level II and has the profile Promep. She has worked as a professor at Universidad de Sonora and Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Currently she is a full time researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarias from Universidad Veracruzana.
Her researching work leads to studies about historical poetry and the esthetics of the laugh. Coordinates the Cuerpo Académico consolidado Estudios de poética literaria hispanoamericana.
Some of her publications are La risa en la literatura mexicana (apuntes de poética), Iberoamericana Vervuert-Bonilla Artigas (2012); La risa y el cuerpo: ¿un estallido de flores?, Editorial Sin Nombre-Universidad de Sonora (2012); Juan José Arreola. Humor, parodia, ironía, Ediciones del Orto-Biblioteca Crítica Luso-Hispana, Madrid, 2006; Elementos de poética histórica. El cuento hispanoamericano, El Colegio de México, México, 2002; she is coauthor of Gramática de la lengua española. Reglas y ejercicios, Larousse, México, 1998. Besides she has collaborated with chapters of collective books and articles in specialized magazines.
Generation Lines and Knowledge appliance:
1. Literary Theory
2. Hispanic Literature

Efrén Ortiz Domínguez – personal website

Has a PhD in Human Studies , with an specialist in Literature from Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa.Full time researcher in the Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarias, Universidad Veracruzana.Professor in the Bachelor’s in Letras Españolas (Universidad Veracruzana) and Letras Latinoamericanas ( Univ. Autónoma de Chiapas); Master’s in Literatura Mexicana (UV); de Literatura Latinoamericana Contemporánea (Univ. Autónoma de Querétaro) and Especialidad en Literatura Mexicana (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco); Guest Professor at Universidad Paul Valéry, en Montpellier, France. Author of the books Periodismo: escritura y realidad (UV, 1986); Lecturas ytexturas (Gob. del Estado de Veracruz, 1992); Crónicas, cuentos y decires de Apazapan (IVEC, 1996); La rosa en fuga (UV 2000),  Liberalismo y utopía (UV, 2007) and Las paradojas del romanticismo (Uam, 2008).

Alfredo Pérez Pavón – personal website

He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Letras Españolas from Universidad Veracruzana, where he got the degree with the thesis Los cuentos de Onetti (1933-50) como antecedente de La vida breve: motivos, personajes y procedimientos literarios; has a Master’s Degree in Letras Españolas by the Instituto de Investigaciones Humanísticas from the same university, obtaining the degree with the thesis Hacia el sistema narrativo de Inés Arredondo (El universo narrativo de “La SUNAMita”); and a PhD in Humanidades (Literature) by the  Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, where he presented the thesis Al final, reCuento. I. Orígenes del cuento mexicano: 1814-1837.He is the autor of the books El presente insoportable (1990 and reprinted in  2004), De mujeres y hombrecitos (1993), Cuento de segunda mano (1998) y Ojo insomne (1999) and from collective books highlighting volumes published as part of the collection La ficción en México under the editorial sign by the Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Centro Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes and the Instituto Tlaxcalteca de la Cultura; he is as well the autor of more than twenty articles, more than twenty five chapters of a book, thirty five reviews and around thirty conferences. Regarding to his editorial labor, it is remarkable as editor of anthologies and stories book, as magazines like Texto Crítico, from Universidad Veracruzana (numbers  9 to 13) and Escritos. Revista del Centro de Ciencias del Lenguaje, from Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (numbers 3 to 5). He worked in the Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, in the Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas,where he was chief of the Departamento de Literatura del Área de Humanidades from October 1983 to December 1985, in Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala and in Universidad Veracruzana. In these last two universities he has given a number of courses and directed several thesis. Nowadays he is a full time researcher in the  Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarias from Universidad Veracruzana, and since 1987 until this day he also serves as a guest teacher in the Departamento de Filosofía y Letras from Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala. He is member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, level II.

Pablo Sol Mora – personal website

He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Lengua y Literatura Hispánicas from Universidad Veracruzana and has a Master’s and a PhD in Literatura Hispánica by El Colegio de México. He has been a Spanish reader in France and the United States in Harvard University and professor in Universidad Veracruzana and  the Tecnológico de Monterrey. He is the author of Miseria y dignidad del hombre en los Siglos de Oro (Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 2017) and editor of the Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia. Antología de Baltasar Gracián (UNAM, México, 2016), El celoso estremeño de Miguel de Cervantes (UNAM, México, 2016) and the collective volume La invención de la novela moderna: el legado de la Segunda parte del Quijote (1615-2015) (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, 2016). He has published academic acticles in Revista de Filología Española, la Nueva Revista de Filología HispánicaAnales CervantinosHispanófila, amongst others. He is member of Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (level 1). He is the magazine Principal Criticismo (www.criticismo.com) and has collaborated in Letras Libres.

Raquel Velasco González – personal website

She has a Master’s in Literatura Mexicana and a PhD in  Historia y Estudios Regionales por la Universidad Veracruzana. By the year 2009 took a postdoctorate residency in Centro de Estudios Literarios del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de las UNAM, which final product was the publishing of her own book El cauteloso Nervo, on the web page coordinated by UNAM: Amado Nervo: Lecturas de una obra en el tiempo.  She is specialized in literary chronic from 19th and 20th centuries and in contemporary Mexican literature, the result of the researches have been published in magazines like Tierra AdentroLa Palabra y el HombreGrafittiSemiosisTexto Crítico y Literal. Latin American Voices. She is a full time researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarias de la Universidad Veracruzana and member from Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.

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Fecha: 24 February, 2025 Responsable: Manuel de Jesús Escobar Díaz Contacto: maescobar@uv.mx