Universidad Veracruzana

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The Doctorate in Psychology that the Institute of Psychological Research of the Universidad Veracruzana (UV) is oriented to form a staff of highly qualified professionals to carry out original scientific research and teaching aimed at the formation of human resources capable of competing in the national and international spheres, stimulating the creativity of the participants for the innovation and development of new technologies relevant to the great national problems.

This objective is intended to be achieved through a flexible program that favors the acquisition of solid knowledge in the conceptual and methodological bases of psychology and other related sciences, as well as an efficient and functional Tutor System that is the basis for ethical exercise and responsible for the skills and competencies acquired during the training process.

On the other hand, the advance of science in the international sphere is of such importance that it implies the need to establish relationships with other institutions of higher education and scientific research, public and private, for the exchange of experiences and knowledge that keep teachers and students constantly updated, guaranteeing their mobility through formally established agreements.

Finally, the study program aims to respond to the national demand for greater competence and quality in the training of researchers and teachers, which will be reflected in the quality of the performance of its graduates.


The training of highly qualified doctors in psychology to carry out original scientific research in the areas of clinical psychology and community health and social psychology, as well as extension and dissemination in the same areas, with skills to compete in the national and international spheres, stimulating their creativity for innovation and development, to guide the solution of problems inherent to the discipline.


To be a program of Doctorate in Psychology with national and international recognition in the lines of generation and application of the knowledge of clinical psychology and of the health and social community psychology, under the parameters of academic quality that orient the activity of investigation, extension and linkage, to generate proposals of solution to the own problems of the discipline, where the policies delineated by the University Veracruzana in general and the Institute of Psychological Investigations in particular for the social distribution of the knowledge are expressed.

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Fecha: 25 febrero, 2025 Responsable: Lic. Jonathan Díaz Parra Contacto: jonatdiaz@uv.mx