Universidad Veracruzana

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Academic Core

Academic Core

Name Education Level Degree-Granting Institution Affiliation Type of Contract SNII PRODEP Profile
Violeta Vázquez Campa Archaeologist, Doctorate in Anthropology National Autonomous University of Mexico Faculty of Anthropology Full-Time Teacher Yes, Level I Yes
María Antonia Aguilar Pérez Archaeologist, Master’s in Anthropology National School of Anthropology and History Faculty of Anthropology Full-Time Teacher No Yes
Virginia Arieta Baizabal Archaeologist, Doctorate in Anthropology National Autonomous University of Mexico Institute of Anthropology-UV Full-Time Researcher Yes, Level I Yes
Jesús Javier Bonilla Palmeros Archaeologist, Doctorate in History and Ethnohistory National School of Anthropology and History Institute of Anthropology-UV Full-Time Researcher Yes, Level I Yes
Rodolfo Parra Ramírez Archaeologist, Master’s in Mesoamerican Studies National Autonomous University of Mexico Faculty of Anthropology Full-Time Teacher No No
Alfredo Vargas González Archaeologist, Master’s in Social Anthropology College of Michoacán Faculty of Anthropology Full-Time Teacher No Yes
Margarita Meza Manzanilla Physical Anthropologist, Doctorate in Mesoamerican Studies National Autonomous University of Mexico Institute of Anthropology-UV Full-Time Researcher Yes, Candidate No

Adjunct Faculty

Irad Flores García Archaeologist, Doctorate in Mesoamerican Studies National Autonomous University of Mexico Faculty of Anthropology Teacher (Adjunct) Yes, Candidate No

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Última actualización

Fecha: 30 agosto, 2024 Responsable: Especialización en Arqueología Forense Contacto: elizagarcia@uv.mx