Universidad Veracruzana

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Program, Objectives and Goals

General Objective

  • To train professionals that contribute to both addressing the problems of human identification and clarifying issues related to the disappearance of people through the use of archaeological tools, all while maintaining a high sense of responsibility as well as high ethical and humanistic standards when putting into practice their theoretical knowledge and practical abilities.

Specific Objectives

  • For students to develop advanced technical skills in survey, recovery, transport, safeguarding, analysis, and reporting, all with respect to the discovery of both complete and fragmented human remains as well as associated materials within forensic and clandestine burial contexts. This assures the effective application of archaeological methods within the field of forensics.
  • To foster in students the introjection of ethical principles, human dignity, and posthumous dignity inherent in the practice of Forensic Physical Anthropology. This also includes cultural sensitivity in the handling of bodies, fragmentary human remains, and associated materials.
  • To develop the students’ ability to work collaboratively in interdisciplinary teams with respect to actions and procedures in both the field and the laboratory.
  • To improve students’ communication skills, including the clear presentation of findings, report writing, and the effective and sensitive communication with colleagues, policymakers, and the communities affected by issues related to violence.
  • To promote spaces for professional exchanges, networking, and dialogue with forensic experts, institutions, civil society organizations, and specialized international organizations.



  • To ensure that at least 70% of students become involved with institutions or authorities that deal with forensic matters during the course of their studies.
  • To obtain a minimum 70% graduation rate for each generation of students in the Specialization in Forensic Archaeology.
  • To achieve a minimum 70% of students presenting their project research in an academic event.

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Última actualización

Fecha: 30 agosto, 2024 Responsable: Especialización en Arqueología Forense Contacto: elizagarcia@uv.mx