Universidad Veracruzana

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At present, knowing or having statistical knowledge is an advantage, since it allows more opportunities, either to apply for a master’s or doctorate degree as in a job in the company, industry, or in an educational institution.

The Specialization in Statistical Methods (SSM) program contemplates the necessary tools for every professional who needs statistics to solve their research work, and thus make the best decision, giving them the possibility of planning new research projects.

Since its creation, EME has been a successful program, accommodating different types of professionals, such as: biologists, economists, doctors, psychologists, industrial engineers, architects, among others; as well as foreign students.


Train highly competent professionals in the application of statistical methodology capable of using the knowledge acquired in solving real problems with a social impact, willing to work in teams, with a high sense of responsibility, taking care to comply with the ethical standards of statistics.


The Specialization in Statistical Methods in the year 2022 is maintained as a program accredited for its quality, both by national and international organizations, and recognized by the training of specialists in the application of statistical methodology from different disciplines.

  • Promote terminal efficiency, at least 70% per generational cohort, in a timely manner.
  • Ensure that at least 40% of students perform national or international mobility by generational cohort.
  • Get 100% of students to participate with a presentation in a national or international forum by generational cohort.
  • To ensure that 100% of the integration projects meet the needs of the social sectors and demonstrate the collaborative work between professors of the NAB, other disciplines and students of our specialization.
  • Conduct a study of graduates every two years.
Curricular Objectives

Train specialists in the application of statistical methodology and for the generation and application of knowledge that benefits the development of society in various disciplines, making use of new technologies (statistical software and programming language) for data analysis.

Particular objectives

  • Promote the good use and application of statistics through the organization of academic events.
  • Develop in the student the ability to distinguish the different designs (sampling or experiments) for the best solution of the problem.
  • Promote the generation and application of knowledge through collaborative work between teachers and students.
  • Promote individual capacity in the student to contribute to the growth of institutions, both public and private.
  • Strengthen the relationship with other productive sectors of society.

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Última actualización

Fecha: 12 marzo, 2025 Responsable: Dra. Julia Aurora Montano Rivas Contacto: julmontano@uv.mx