Universidad Veracruzana

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Knowledge Generation and Application LinesWith the idea of ​​carrying out communication and linking lines with various entities of the Veracruz University that deal with statistics and with other higher education entities, this postgraduate course adopts three lines of knowledge generation and application (LGAC), to be developed by its participants:

LGAC Description
LGAC 1: Statistical modeling Study the theoretical and methodological elements of the process of application, adjustment, diagnosis and interpretation of models within the framework of the application of statistical methodology.
LGAC 2: Application of Statistical Methodology. It is oriented to the study of the process of design and application of the statistical methodology, associated with experimental, sampling, mixed or observational studies; to the design of data analysis strategies and the presentation and interpretation of results.


Members of the Basic Academic Core

LGAC Teacher



Statistical modeling.




Dra. Julia Aurora Montano Rivas

Dr. Sergio Francisco Juárez Cerrillo

Dr. Claudio Rafael Castro López

Mtra. Yesenia Zavaleta Sánchez

Mtro. Jesús Hernández Suárez

Mtra. María de Lourdes Velasco Vázquez

Mtro. Zoylo Morales Romero

Dr. Ernesto Pedro Menéndez Acuña

Dr. José Juan Muñoz León



Application of Statistical Methodology.






Dra. Julia Aurora Montano Rivas

Mtra. Cecilia Cruz López

Dr. Sergio Francisco Juárez Cerrillo

Dr. Claudio Rafael Castro López

Dr. Sergio Hernández González

Mtra. Yesenia Zavaleta Sánchez

Mtro. Jesús Hernández Suárez

Mtra. María de Lourdes Velasco Vázquez


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Última actualización

Fecha: 27 febrero, 2025 Responsable: Dra. Julia Aurora Montano Rivas Contacto: julmontano@uv.mx