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eNeurobiology - Electronic Journal

Universidad Veracruzana

  • Xalapa, Ver,
  • Spanish / English

Effects of oxytocin on pubococcygeous motoneurons of male rats with spinal cord injury


César Antonio Pérez1*, Eduardo Chang2, María del Carmen Aguirre3, Leonor López-Meraz1*, Luis Beltrán1*, Consuelo  Morgado1*, Gonzalo Emiliano Aranda1**, Luis Isauro García1+, Porfirio Carrillo4

1Programa de Neurobiología, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Ver., México. 2Maestría en Neuroetología, 3Doctorado en Neuroetología, 4Instituto de Neuroetología, *Cuerpo Académico de Neurofisiología, +Cuerpo Académico de Neurociencias, **Cuerpo Académico de Neuroquímica.



Introduction: Previous studies have demonstrated that length of primary dendrites and area of neuronal soma were reduced in rat Pubococcygeous muscle motoneurons after spinal cord injury, and oxytocin enhanced these parameters. The present study analyzed primary dendrite number-stained and length of secondary dendrites of Pubococcygeous motoneurons after spinal cord injury and treatment with oxytocin.
Objectives: To determine the effect of oxytocin on these morphological characteristics in motoneurons stained with WGA-HRP following spinal cord injury.
Material and Methods: Adult male rats Wistar were used and grouped in: intact of spinal cord with intrathecal implant during 4 weeks (INT); 2 weeks of spinal cord-lesion with intrathecal implant-and treatment with saline solution (LE-TS) during 2 weeks more; 2 weeks of spinal cord-lesion and treatment with oxytocin during 2 weeks more (LE-TOx). Pubococcygeous motoneurons were retrogradely stained with WGA-HRP and subjected to a morphological analysis. Data were analyzed by using a one way ANOVA followed by a Dunnet’s post hoc test in order to determine statistical significance (p<0.05).
Results: Data demonstrated that primary dendrite number-motoneurons stained and length of secondary dendrites were reduced in rats with spinal cord injury, and the oxytocin increased these parameters to intacts level.
Conclusions: Oxytocin restored morphological changes caused by spinal cord injury on distal motoneurons from male rats.

Keywords: Dendrites, Motoneurons, Oxytocin, Puboccygeous, Axonal retrograde transport, Paraventricular nucleus hypothalamic.

Corresponding Author: PhD. Cesar Antonio Perez Estudillo, Programa de Neurobiología, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Ver., Tel.: (228) 841-8900 Ext. 13609, Correo: cesperez@uv.mx

