Miguel Ángel Guevara Pérez1, Claudia del Carmen Amezcua Gutiérrez2, Marisela Hernández González2 y Araceli Sanz Martin3
Laboratorio de Correlación Electroencefalográfica y Conducta1 Laboratorio de Neurofisiología de la Conducta Reproductiva2 Laboratorio de Psicofisiología de la Memoria3. Instituto de Neurociencias, Universidad de Guadalajara. Francisco de Quevedo #180 Arcos Vallarta, CP 44130. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
In rodents as well as in other nonhuman superior mammals, the sexual and maternal behaviors imply stereotyped patterns which, are difficult to record and analyze because of their nature. In this paper is described, “SexyMater”, a computer program, with the purpose of facilitating recording of sexual and maternal behaviors in rodents, as well as, reduce the mistakes committed when these recordings are made manually. SexyMater can practically be executed by any PC-compatible computer and the output files are stored in text format, facilitating their later analysis or graphical representation. SexyMater is easily adaptable to experimental and clinical needs.
Key words: Sexual behavior, Maternal behavior, Computational programs.
Corresponding Author: PhD. Claudia del Carmen Amezcua Gutiérrez, Instituto de Neurociencias, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jal., Tel.: (33) 38-18-07-40 Ext. 33361, Correo: camezcu@cencar.udg.mx