Universidad Veracruzana

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Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

Description and registration of the Lines of Generation and / or Application of Knowledge

The distribution of members of the NAB by LGAC is given as follows: Xalapa Headquarters (5 PTC): Antonia Olivia Jarvio Fernández (LGAC 1 and LGAC 2, and Coordinator); Mario Miguel Ojeda Ramírez (LGAC 1 and LGAC 2); María Cristina Díaz González (LGAC 1); Edna Laura Zamora Barragán (LGAC 1 and LGAC 2); ; Norma Esther García Meza (LGAC 1); (1 PTP) José Luis Martínez Suárez (LGAC 1); Orizaba-Córdoba Headquarters (3 PTC): Herlinda Flores Badillo (LGAC 1, and Coordinator); and José Antonio Márquez González (LGAC 1);) and Álvaro de Gasperín Sampieri (LGAC 1 and LGAC 2) with (3 PTP) Part Time Teachers Daniel Domínguez Cuenca (LGAC 1 and LGAC 2); Martha Veneroso Contreras (LGAC 2) and Yasmín Rodríguez Díaz. The external academics, who are considered in the program as Part Time Teachers (4 PTP), and who are attached to the two venues, are José Antonio Cordón García (LGAC 2); Raquel Gómez Díaz (LGAC 2); María Isabel Morales Sánchez (LGAC 1 and LGAC 2) and Felipe Garrido (LGAC 1).

LGAC 1: Development of reading competence in specific groups

This LGAC professionalizes the promotion of reading in various social groups and contexts with specific guidelines and strategies. Projects that have a specific group or community definition are grouped; for example: attention to university students, teachers of basic, middle or higher education, children and young people, librarians, employees of public or private service, among others. The areas for the projects are:

Reading in higher education.

Reading in different social groups.

Institutional cultural promoters.

LGAC 2: Reading, writing and new technologiesThe development of information technologies, particularly the Internet, forces us to consider new ways of reading and writing, as well as communication practices associated with information resources, all of which imply a paradigm shift. This requires particular studies that have to do with the transformation of reading in the digital age. The sublines in which the projects will be grouped include: New reading and writing practices in the digital field.Reading and writing in social networks.Editorial on the web.In order to strengthen the practical work of the student, it is contemplated to link the students of each LGAC with specific groups, where reading promotion projects can be established, linked to municipalities, institutions of higher education, dependencies of the Secretariat of Education of Veracruz, Veracruzano Institute of Culture, but also with social and private organizations that have in their objectives the promotion of reading.

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Última actualización

Fecha: 4 marzo, 2025 Responsable: Especialización en Promoción de la Lectura – Secretaría de Ciencia, Humanidades, Tecnología e Innovación (SECIHTI). Contacto: mirimorales@uv.mx