Universidad Veracruzana

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Researh profiles index

Student profile and entry requirements. As an admission profile, applicants for the nursing specialization in maternal and perinatal health at the Universidad Veracruzana must:

 have theoretical knowledge of epidemiological transition, basic health statistics, writing and spelling in texts and general knowledge.

 Have skills for analysis, synthesis, decision making, creativity, communication, teamwork, problem solving and human relations

 Show an attitude of service, tolerance, justice, equity, initiative, social commitment, respect for life and responsibility in caring for human health.

Entry requirements

Applicants to enter the nursing specialization in maternal and perinatal health at the Universidad Veracruzana must meet the entry requirements such as: Meet the requirements as indicated in the current call in addition to:

 Graduated from nursing degree

 Present in writing a letter explaining the reasons why you want to pursue the specialization.  Attend the personal interview.

 Full time availability.

 Present proof of the first level of English course (text comprehension) issued by the language faculty of the Universidad Veracruzana or another official institution, and in case of not having said proof, they must sign a letter of commitment that at the end of the specialization You must deliver it.

6. Graduation profile and permanence and degree requirements.

The graduate of the specialization in Maternal and Perinatal Health She has knowledge in the area of maternal and perinatal health, skills and attitudes to provide comprehensive and quality care to women from the pre-conception stage for a healthy pregnancy, control during pregnancy, delivery care and postpartum; as well as the attention and care of the child in the perinatal stage.

 Interacts with the multidisciplinary health team to help solve existing health problems in regard to specialized care of the trinomial.

 The governmental and private health spheres are inserted with autonomy, authority, respect and responsibility, both in the first, second and third level of care.

 Develops under the rules of bioethics the nursing process from the perspective of care.

Permanence requirements.

To remain in the program, the student must:

 Once a maximum of 8 courses have been approved, the student must prove the first level of English (text comprehension).

 Comply with the schooling determined by the Educational Program of the specialization in Maternal and Perinatal Health.

 Minimum attendance of 95%.

 Accredit educational courses with a minimum average of 8.

 Take and pass the total credits of the immediately preceding school term.

 Submit to the Postgraduate Coordinator by Educational Program at the end of each school period a progress report on the intervention project endorsed by your tutor. (tutorial sessions during all modules)

 Comply with all the administrative requirements that are established.

Graduation and degree requirements. Carry out the intervention project and present it to a jury as dictated by current University Legislation.

 Have accredited all the courses established by the study plan of the educational program.

 Present proof of accreditation of the first level of the English course comprehension of texts issued by the Faculty of Languages on the eminus platform of the Universidad Veracruzana or another institution with official validity.

 Pass the exam to obtain the Maternal and Perinatal Health Specialist diploma.

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Última actualización

Fecha: 10 enero, 2025 Responsable: Especialización en Salud Materna y Perinatal Contacto: yorodriguez@uv.mx