Universidad Veracruzana

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Educational Objectives Electrical Engineering

OE1. Graduates participate, plan and coordinate the generation and use of electrical energy through the design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of generating plants, equipment and electrical installations, as well as transmission and distribution systems.

OE2. Graduates are integrated to professional practice, developing their work with leadership in the productive sector of electrical engineering or related activities, analyzing, interpreting and applying current standards.

OE3. Graduates work proactively with professionals from different disciplines, performing responsibly in specialized areas of electrical engineering.

OE4. Graduates participate in the management of electrical engineering projects in the sectors of academia, public administration, business and citizenship, assuming standards of ethics, sustainability, social and environmental responsibility.

OE5. Graduates expand and maintain permanent updating related to their professional training through courses, diplomas or postgraduate studies.

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Fecha: 28 junio, 2024 Responsable: Victor Fernández Rosales Contacto: vifernandez@uv.mx