Universidad Veracruzana

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Research Profiles Index

Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

LGAC1. Development and Implementation of quality management systems


The orientation towards continuous improvement in processes related to the elaboration of products and the offer of efficient services, becomes an expendable requirement for all types of organizations. As is also having highly qualified staff and effective leadership in the development of administrative and organizational management. The knowledge of the theoretical basis of quality management, of the different models developed over time and of their effective management in daily practice, are fundamental elements within the postgraduate training process in quality management. Hence the importance attached to the design, implementation and improvement of quality systems based on the ISO 9001: 2000 model that combines the principles of the so-called total quality management (TQM) for its acronym in English, allowing to reach the highest impact on the improvement of the quality of products and operations in companies. However, the success of the implementation processes and the achievement of the expected results, depends largely on the design, understood as the definition of attainable goals and objectives, objectively measurable and within pre-established periods of time.


Develop projects to manage, promote the culture of quality and apply different methodologies to existing quality systems in the organization.

Design and carry out projects in the following lines of research:

Leadership that reflects the commitment and values ​​through the principles of quality.
Theorists to reflect the business philosophy, of constructive analytical content from the eastern approach to the western approach.

LGAC2. Quality improvement and innovation projects


The current quality models, such as the European Excellence Model (EFQM) and ISO 9001 standards, allow their application and development in sectors such as education or business, facilitating their orientation towards greater effectiveness. There is evidence that quality management can be used to strategically support innovation management. In this sense, the different tools of strategic quality management contribute to creating the organizational conditions in which innovations can be developed, monitoring and initiating the innovation processes, the contents of the innovation and the application of such innovations in the processes Basic organization.

Today, we also talk about models of excellence such as the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) for its acronym in English, which promotes that the possible results derived from the implementation of this model are achieved through of leadership and that through the processes of the organization, with a policy and strategy, manages its resources and alliances. It is also recognized that the improvement of processes is not only at the heart of any organizational development, but that the connection between processes makes the talent of human resources free, which affects the production of better performance. Thus, the transfer of knowledge and management of the different approaches, models and tools for the management of improvement and innovation in quality are the main challenge of this training program.


Establish strategic projects based on different quality models, to apply quality tools and propose the continuous improvement of processes within organizations.

Therefore, the following projects are necessary:

Business diagnostics based on ISO 9000 standards.
Implement quality management systems.
Develop quality audits.
Process improvement based on the models: EFQM, ISO 9001: 2008, medium, EMAS, environment, occupational risk standards OSHAS 18000.
Customer service measurement.
Quality management systems with the competence approach.

LGAC3. Quality Education and Training


This line of work is considered as fundamental in the generation of a culture of quality associated with the improvement of processes, products or services and whose main input is information. The translation of all types of data into indicators, whether performance, management or productivity, helps to generate scenarios for decision-making, or for the control and improvement of such processes. As a previous step to any decision, the analysis of the information that is at hand and the knowledge that allows the best use of the data obtained is imposed.

Without any doubt, any company that wishes to continue in the markets necessarily has to face the competitive revolution in which most of them are immersed. In this sense, any quality improvement initiative implies considering training as a critical variable for the success of such proposals. Improvement implies changes for which employees must be prepared, work as a team, be effective in communication and know how to identify and solve problems. Thus, any quality training program requires elements such as; a change in the culture of the organization, the support of senior management, strategies that guide them, communication with employees about the reasons for quality improvement and, above all, how these changes will affect them, provide adequate training and the evaluation of the training process itself.


Analyze and evaluate the emergence of new models for quality and performance improvement.

Design training proposals for learning and the adoption of a quality culture in organizations, incorporating new information and communication technologies, multimedia resources and online courses.



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