Universidad Veracruzana

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What we do?

The Institute for Brain Research (Iice) is an academic entity of the Universidad Veracruzana (UV) dedicated to conduct basic scientific research with a multidisciplinary approach, based on the study of laboratory animals.

Our purpose is to generate knowledge about the organization and functioning of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system, as well as their participation in the control of the physiological mechanisms of learning, memory, body movement control, hormonal control and reproduction.

We also carry out basic research on neuropathologies, neurodegenerative diseases and neurooncology, for the production of knowledge that supports the design of new therapies.

The Iice has the following functions:

  • Offer postgraduate studies oriented to the research of the brain, its structure, functioning and diseases.
  • Create a space for academic activities dedicated to the study of the brain of animals, making the most of the resources obtained, optimizing their use, forming collaboration groups and promoting the link with teaching.
  • Generate lines of research that respond to the need to create new knowledge of global utility, impacting on the local and regional needs of the understanding of the human brain to have new and modern tools in the design of therapies and treatments that alleviate brain diseases.
  • Organize intensive national and international short-term courses to allow additional training outside the walls for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • Design strategies that allow the impact of research and teaching on the different related degrees of UV, in order to offer neuroscience as a continuity in the professional training of students.
  • Maintain the dissemination of research and teaching activities given the importance and need of the population to receive scientific information about the brain.
  • Establish support programs for the general population, as well as orientation of actions that benefit brain development.
  • To promote collaboration agreements for obtaining external resources through national and international bodies for the development of research and to establish working links with the productive sector, so that action mechanisms can be established that allow the use of the knowledge generated in the implementation of technologies for the application of knowledge in the area of neurosciences.


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Fecha: 16 diciembre, 2024 Responsable: Mtra. Elizabeth Vázquez Narváez Contacto: elivazquez@uv.mx