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Rafael Flores-Peredo, Lázaro Rafael Sánchez-Velásquez, Jorge Galindo-González and Jorge E. Morales-Mávil. 2010. Post-dispersed pine seed removal and its effect on seedling establishment in a Mexican Temperate Forest.
Viveros-Viveros Héctor, Blanca L. Tapia-Olivares, Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero, J. Jesús Vargas-Hernández, Javier López-Upton, Amalio Santacruz-Varela y Gustavo Ramírez-Valverde. 2010. Variación isoenzimática de Pinus hartwegii Lindl. en un gradiente altitudinal en Michoacán, México.Agrociencia 44(6):723-733.
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Viveros-Viveros, H. y Vargas-Hernández, JJ. 2007. Dormancia en yemas de especies forestales. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente 13(2): 131-135.
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Viveros-Viveros H., Sáenz-Romero, C., Vargas-Hernández, JJ. y López-Upton, J. 2006. Variación entre procedencias de Pinus pseudostrobusestablecidas en dos sitios en Michoacán, México. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana 29(2): 121-126.
Alvarez-Aquino, C., Williams-Linera, G. and Newton, AC.. 2005. Disturbance effects on the seed bank of Mexican cloud forest fragments. Biotropica, 37(3): 336-341
Medel, R. 2005. A review of the genus Gyromitra (Ascomycotina, Pezizales, Discinaceae) in Mexico. Mycotaxon 94:103-110.
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Negreros-Castillo, P., L, K. Snook & C. W. Mize.2005. Regeneración de caoba a partir de siembra directa en aperturas creadas en un bosque natural en México. Recursos Naturales y Ambiente. 44:84-90
Pedraza, RA. y Williams-Linera, V. 2005. Microhabitat conditions for germination and establishment of two native temperate tree species in a Mexican montane cloud forest. Agrociencia 39: 457-467
Snook L.K, P Negreros-Castillo & J. O´Connor.2005. Supervivencia y crecimiento de plántulas de caoba en aperturas creadas en la Selva Maya de Belice y México. Recursos Naturales y Ambiente. 44:91-99
Viveros-Viveros H., Sáenz-Romero, C. y Guzmán-Reyna, RR. 2005. Control genético de características de crecimiento en vivero de plántulas de Pinus oocarpa. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana 28(4): 333-338.
Viveros-Viveros H., Sáenz-Romero,C., López-Upton, J. y Vargas-Hernández, JJ. 2005. Variación genética altitudinal en el crecimiento de plantas Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. en campo. Agrociencia 39(5):575-58
Alvarez-Aquino, C., Williams-Linera, G. and Newton, AC.. 2004. Experimental native tree seedling establishment for the restoration of a Mexican cloud forest. Restoration Ecology, 12(3): 412-418.
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Sáenz-Romero C., Viveros-Viveros H. and Guzmán-Reyna, RR. 2004. Altitudinal genetic variation among P. oocarpa on Michoacán, western México. Preliminary results from a nursery test. Forest Genetics 11(3-4): 343-349.
Snook, L. and Negreros-Castillo, P. 2004. Regenerating mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) in clearings in Mexico’s Maya Forest: The effects of clearing method and cleaning of seedlings survival and growth. Forest Ecology and Management. 189:143-160.
Bray, D., L. Merino-Pérez., Negreros-Castillo. P. ,G. Segura-Warnholtz., J. M Torres-Rojo., and H. F. M. Vester. 2003. Mexico’s Community-Managed Forests as a Global. Model for Sustainable Landscapes. Conservation Biology, V (17) 672–677.
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Negreros-Castillo, P., L. Snook, and C. W. Mize. 2003. Regenerating mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) from seed in Quintana Roo, Mexico: the effects of sowing method and clearing treatment. Forest Ecology and Management. 183: 351-362.
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Mexal, J.G., P. Negreros-Castillo, R.A. Cuevas Rangel, and R. Moreno. 2002. Nursery production practices affect survival and growth of tropical hardwoods in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management. 168:125-133
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Alvarez-Aquino, C. and Williams-Linera, G. 2002. Seedling bank dynamics of Fagus grandifolia var. mexicana before and after a mast year in a Mexican tropical montane cloud forest. Journal of Vegetation Science, 13(2): 179-184.
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DeClerck, F., and P. Negreros-Castillo. 2000. Plant Speciesof Traditional Mayan Homegarden of Mexico as Analogs for Multistrata Agroforests. Agroforestry Systems. 48:303-317
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