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EditBio 2017 :: Abstract Guidelines


Home Program Abstract Guidelines Registration Flyer


You are cordially invited to submit abstracts (not exceeding 200 words) on Developmental Biology, Genomics, Transcriptomics, Functional Genomics and Genome Editing to editbio2017@gmail.com with the Subject: "Abstract" followed by a dash and the last name of the first author (example: "Abstract-Rabanal").
A small number of abstracts will be selected for short talks by the organizing committee Abstracts must include:

  1. Title (example: The molecular basis of the transgenerational transfer of epigenetic information in plants and animals).
  2. List of authors (example: McClintock, B., Coe, E., Brink, E., Waddington, C., and Mendel, G.)
  3. Authors’ affiliations
  4. Contact email address. It is very important to include your primary email addresss as a contact as we will use it to send a confirmation of successful abstract submission and guidelines for posters or short talk (in case your abstract was selected for oral presentation).


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Fecha: 13 enero, 2025 Responsable: M. T. Luis Jerónimo Salazar Pérez Contacto: luisalazar@uv.mx