Dra. Maribel Loaiza Leyva, CINVESTAV
An introduction to unbounded operators
Dr. Grigori Rozenblum, Chalmers University of Technology
Spectral theorem approach to commutative algebras generated by Toeplitz operators
Dr. Raúl Quiroga-Barranco, CIMAT
Bounded symmetric domains: biholomorphisms, spaces and representations
Dr. Nikolai Vasilevski, CINVESTAV
A fresh look at polyanalytic type function spaces
Dr. Sergei Grudsky, CINVESTAV
Solitons theory and Hankel operators
Dr. Johan Manuel Bogoya Ramírez, Universidad del Valle
Dr. Egor Maximenko, IPN
Analysis of translation-invariant operators via the Fourier transform of the reproducing kernel
Dr. Armando Sánchez Nungaray, Universidad Veracruzana
Toeplitz operators with symmetric symbols in the Bergman space of the unit ball
Dr. Kevin Esmeral García, Universidad de Caldas
Localization and Toeplitz operators in Fock-Segal-Bargmann spaces.
Christian Leal, CINVESTAV
Homogeneously polyanalytic kernels on the unit ball and the Siegel domain
Enrique Abdeel Muñoz de la Colina, IPN
La pseudodistancia y la métrica de Riemann asociadas al núcleo reproductor
Miguel Antonio Morales Ramos, NovaUniversitas
Weighted Bergman spaces associated with the hyperbolic group