The LGACs established for the study of life in this postgraduate degree are complementary, considering that it is not plausible to study, at present, biological systems without considering the impact and dynamics of the human being in the transformation of human beings.
LGAC1 Systemic Biology. Systemic biology is proposed as a line of research inwhich the study of diverse ecosystems is involved from an integral position considering disciplines such as evolution and systematics, physiology, ecology of terrestrial and aquatic systems , among others. Considering these disciplines to integrate knowledge into the management and conservation of biological diversity involving bioethical aspects.
LGAC2 Biocultural studies. This line integrates the study of the interactions of biological systems with biocultural systems from humanistic disciplines considering anthropological, sociological, philosophical aspects, among others, to understand the change and dynamics of biological systems. It also considers the values they represent for social groups, from a bioethical, economic, bioethical and environmental stance.
The graduate will, from the two LGACs, address the study of biological systems based on their interactions at different levels of complexity and their relationships with biocultural aspects that allow to determine their permanence or deterioration, from the local to the Global.