Universidad Veracruzana

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In the Institute of Psychology and Education, to respond to the Mission of our maximum house of studies and to the social and educational needs in the current globalizing context, the Master’s Degree in Human Development was created, whose Mission is: to train professionals with human quality and academic, capable of promoting the Human Development of individuals and institutions in the personal, educational, organizational and social spheres, generators of knowledge based on the affirmation of the essential value of the dignity of the person.

In this way, the Universidad Veracruzana, in addition to joining the development programs of the Country and the State, through the training of professionals at the technical, undergraduate and postgraduate levels necessary for integral human development, complements its social commitment to the postgraduate training that graduates professionals as essential promoters of Human Development today.

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Fecha: 11 enero, 2023 Responsable: Maestría en Desarrollo Humano Contacto: luicuellar@uv.mx