Area of Study/Concentration Objective Description Faculty Gender and society To promote spaces for reflection, analysis and intervention strategies from a gender perspective on sociocultural problems related to gender inequality. Inequality, discrimination and violence between genders constitute a complex problem that we find in various social settings. Cultural practices and mechanisms reinforce these axes of
Foundation Gender Studies in the Social Sciences is part of a contemporary paradigm that allows for a complex and critical understanding of social reality. Epistemologically, they distance themselves from positivist, biological, cultural and psychological approaches, focusing more on hermeneutical, constructivist and pragmatic approaches to language. This allows us to think of women and men as
The Masters in Gender Studies is a professional program, recognized by the National Postgraduate System (PNPC) of the National Council of Humanities Science and Technology (CONAHCyT), responds to the theoretical and reflective needs of academic, governmental and non-governmental personnel so that they can promote actions in favor of equality and the integrating of a gender
Unidad Académica de Humanidades,
Edificio “E”, Primer piso,
Francisco Moreno Esq. Ezequiel Alatriste s/n
Col. Francisco Ferrer Guardia
C.P. 91020
Xalapa, Veracruz, México