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Publicaciones por año y línea de investigación

2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Autores subrayados  y/o en negritas indican estudiantes del programa de maestría.

LGAC: Óptica Aplicada y   Materia Condensada Blanda

LGAC: Geometría y Gravitación LGAC: Muchos Cuerpos en Mecánica Cuántica LGAC: Econofísica y Ecología de poblaciones
Exploring the cosmological degeneracy between decaying dark matter model and viscous LCDMGilberto Aguilar-Pérez, Ana A. Avilez-López and Miguel Cruz, Eur. Phys. J. C 85, 222 (2025).

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LGAC: Óptica Aplicada y   Materia Condensada Blanda

LGAC: Geometría y Gravitación LGAC: Muchos Cuerpos en Mecánica Cuántica LGAC: Econofísica y Ecología de poblaciones

Particle size effect on graphene nanoribbons with iron oxide nanoparticles, B.A.G. Rodríguez, M. Pérez, J. Alvarado, H.H. Cerecedo-Núñez, L. De Los Santos Valladares, J. Albino Aguiar, Applied Surface Science, 675, 160968 (2024).

A Method for Directly Observing Mechanical Oscillations in Photonic Structures Based on Porous Silicon Nanostructures, Miller Toledo Solano, Hector H Cerecedo-Nuñez, Martha Alicia Palomino Ovando, Jocelyn Faubert, Khashayar Misaghian, J Eduardo Lugo, Micro 4(1), 80-96(2024).



















Exploring thermodynamics inconsistencies in unimodular gravity: a comparative study of two energy diffusion functions, Miguel Cruz, Norman Cruz and Samuel Lepe, Eur. Phys. J. C 84, 1186 (2024).

Testing a Nonlinear Solution of the Israel–Stewart Theory, Miguel Cruz, Norman Cruz, Esteban González and Samuel Lepe, Galaxies, 12, 52 (2024).

Black hole in a generalized Chaplygin-Jacobi dark fluid: Shadow and light deflection angle, Mohsen Fathi, J. R. Villanueva, Gilberto Aguilar-Pérez and Miguel Cruz, Phys. Dark Univ. 46, 101598 (2024).

A new approach to P-V phase transitions: Einstein gravity and holographic type dark energy, Miguel Cruz, Samuel Lepe and Joel Saavedra, Phys. Dark Univ. 46, 101580 (2024).

Generalized second law of thermodynamics for the matter creation scenario and emergence of phantom regime, Víctor H. Cárdenas, Miguel Cruz and Samuel Lepe, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 139, 642 (2024).

Dark energy as a geometrical effect in geodetic brane gravity, Efrain Rojas, G. Cruz, and J.C. Natividad, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 39, 17n18, 2450069 (2024).

Emulating dark energy models with known equation of state via the created cold dark matter scenario,Víctor H. Cárdenas, and Miguel Cruz, Phys. Dark Univ. 44, 101452 (2024).

Constraint characterization and degree of freedom counting in Lagrangian field theory, Verónica Errasti Díez, Markus Maier, and Julio A. Méndez-Zavaleta,Phys. Rev. D 109, 025010 (2024).

Quantum Noise: Particles, Waves and Mixture, Leonardo López-Hernández, Diego Alberto Lara-Bustillos, Guillermo de Jesús Rojas-Prado,Josué Cantera, Edna M. Hernández, Jehú López-Aparicio, Carlos Ernesto Vargas and Víctor Velázquez , Appl. Sci. 14(20), 9382 (2024).

Microscopic study of low-lying energy levels and electromagnetic properties in even–even 168-178 Yb nuclei, Vargas, C.E., Velázquez-Aguilar V., Eur. Phys. J. A 60, 138 (2024).

Quantum multifractality as a probe of phase space in the Dicke model,M. A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, D. Villaseñor, J. Chávez-Carlos, S. Lerma-Hernández, L. F. Santos, and J. G. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. E 109, 034202(2024).

Persistent revivals in a system of trapped bosonic atoms, Carlos Diaz Mejia, Javier de la Cruz, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Jorge G. Hirsch, Physics Letters A 493, 129262 (2024).

The weakly bound states in Gaussian wells: From the binding energy of deuteron to the electronic structure of quantum dots, G. Rodriguez-Espejo, D. J. Nader, J. A. Segura Landa, J. Ortiz-Monfil, Int. J. Quantum Chem., 124(15), e27458. (2024).








Fitting a one index-parameter Lorenz curve model to Mexico statewide data, H. F. Coronel-Brizio, A. R. Hernández-Montoya and T. H. Seligman-Schurch, Advances and Applications in Statistics, 91(3), 363–370 (2024).





























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LGAC: Óptica Aplicada y  Materia Condensada Blanda LGAC: Geometría y Gravitación LGAC: Muchos Cuerpos en Mecánica Cuántica LGAC: Econofísica y Ecología de poblaciones

Optical fiber and the microscopic interactions of light with matter, H. H. Cerecedo-Núñez, P. Padilla-Sosa, Proceedings Volume 12649, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XX; 126490R (2023).

Brownian dynamics simulations and Ornstein-Zernike equation for charged fluids using the Wolf potential, Fidencio Pérez-Hernández, Claudio Contreras-Aburto, José Marcos Falcón-González, Alejandro Gil-Villegas, Ramón Castañeda-Priego, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 123106(2023)

Hamilton–Jacobi framework for Regge–Teitelboim gravity, Rojas Efraín, Aguilar-Salas, Alejandro & Campuzano, Cuauhtemoc, General Relativivity and Gravitation 55, 105 (2023)

Anisotropic Schrödinger black holes with hyperscaling-violation, Alfredo Herrera-Aguilar, Jhony A. Herrera-Mendoza, Daniel F. Higuita-Borja,Julio A. Méndez-Zavaleta & Carlos Eduardo Romero-Figueroa , Eur. Phys. J. C 83, 334 (2023).

Thermodynamics of a transient phantom scenario, Miguel Cruz, and Samuel Lepe, Phys. Dark Univ. 42, 101367 (2023).

Quantum tunneling and level crossings in the squeeze-driven Kerr oscillator, Miguel A. Prado Reynoso, D. J. Nader, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, B. E. Ordaz-Mendoza, Rodrigo G. Cortiñas, Victor S. Batista, S. Lerma-Hernández, Francisco Pérez-Bernal, and Lea F. Santos, Phys. Rev. A 108, 033709(2023).

Manifestation of classical instability in the quantum density of states of a double well potential, D.J. Nader, J.R. Hernández-González, H. Vázquez-Sánchez and S. Lerma-Hernández, Physics Letters A 481, 129014 (2023).

Ground state and polarization of a hydrogenlike atom near a Weyl semimetal, Jorge David Castaño-Yepes,D. J. Nader, and A. Martín-Ruiz, Phys. Rev. A 107, 032814 (2023).

Chaos and Thermalization in the Spin-Boson Dicke Model, David Villaseñor,Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F. Santos, and Jorge G. Hirsch, Entropy 25(1):8 (2023).

Two- and three-particle complexes with logarithmic interaction: Compact wave functions for two-dimensional excitons and trions, J. C. del Valle, J. A. Segura Landa, and D. J. Nader, Phys. Rev. B 108, 155421 (2023).

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LGAC: Óptica Aplicada y Simulación en Materia Condensada Blanda LGAC: Geometría y Gravitación LGAC: Muchos Cuerpos en Mecánica Cuántica LGAC: Econofísica y Ecología de poblaciones

Quantifcation of glycated hemoglobin and glucose in vivo using Raman spectroscopy and artifcial neural networks , Naara González‑Viveros, Jorge Castro‑Ramos, Pilar Gómez‑Gil, Hector Cerecedo‑Núñez, Francisco Gutiérrez‑Delgado, Enrique Torres‑Rasgado, Ricardo Pérez‑Fuentes, Jose L. Flores‑Guerrero, Lasers Med Sci, doi:10.1007/s10103-022-03633-w (2022).

Phantom cosmologies from QCD ghost dark energy , Miguel Cruz, Samuel Lepe, and Germán E. Soto, Phys. Rev. D 106, 103508 (2022).Qualitative analysis for viscous cosmologies in a non linear regime of the Israel-Stewart formalism , Gilberto Aguilar-Pérez, Ana A. Avilez-López, and Miguel Cruz, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 11, 016 (2022).Jacobi equations of geodetic brane gravity, Riccardo Capovilla, Giovany Cruz and Efraín Rojas, Class. Quantum Grav. 39 235005 (2022).Vortex structure deformation of rotating Lifshitz holographic superconductors , Jhony A. Herrera-Mendoza, Daniel F. Higuita-Borja, Julio A. Méndez-Zavaleta, Alfredo Herrera-Aguilar, and Felipe Pérez-Rodríguez, Phys. Rev. D 106, L081902 (2022).Holography and matter creation revisited , V. H Cárdenas,Miguel Cruz, and Samuel Lepe, Phys. Dark Univ. 37, 101122 (2022).Ostrogradsky–Hamilton approach to geodetic brane gravity, Riccardo Capovilla, Giovany Cruz and Efraín Rojas , International Journal of Modern Physics D, Vol. 31, No. 02, 2250008 (2022).

Effective dimensions of infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces: A phase-space approach , Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, David Villaseñor, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, and Jorge G. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. E 105, 064209 (2022).
Identification of quantum scars via phase-space localization measures, Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, David Villaseñor, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F. Santos, and Jorge G. Hirsch, Quantum 6, 644 (2022).Ultra-compact accurate wave functions for He-like and Li-like iso-electronic sequences and variational calculus: II. Spin-singlet (excited) and spin-triplet (lowest) states of helium sequence, Alexander V. Turbiner, Juan Carlos Lopez Vieyra, Juan Carlos del Valle, and Daniel Julian Nader, Int. J. Quantum Chem., e26879 (2022)

A Wildlife susceptibility to infectious diseases at global scales ,Ángel L. Robles-Fernández, Diego Santiago-Alarcon, and Andrés Lira-Noriega, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 119 (35) e2122851119 (2022).
An empirical data analysis of “price runs” in daily financial indices: Dynamically assessing market geometric distributional behavior , Héctor Raúl Olivares-Sánchez ,Carlos Manuel Rodríguez-Martínez ,Héctor Francisco Coronel-Brizio ,Enrico Scalas ,Thomas Henry Seligman ,Alejandro Raúl Hernández-Montoya, PLoS ONE 17(7):e0270492 (2022).Entropy Variations of Multi-Scale Returns of Optimal and Noise Traders Engaged in “Bucket Shop Trading”,Alejandro Raúl Hernández-Montoya, Carlos Manuel Rodríguez-Martínez, Manuel Enríque Rodríguez-Achach and David Hernández-Enríquez, Mathematics, 10(2), 215 (2022).Permutation entropy and statistical analysis of the historical evolution of the Mexican stock market index, M. Rodríguez-Achach, A. Suárez-Solís, A. R. Hernández Montoya, J. E. Escalante-Martínez and C. Calderón-Ramón, International Journal of Modern Physics C Vol. 33, No. 07, 2250092 (2022).

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LGAC: Óptica Aplicada y Simulación en Materia Condensada Blanda LGAC: Geometría y Gravitación LGAC: Muchos Cuerpos en Mecánica Cuántica LGAC: Econofísica y Ecología de poblaciones

«On the estimation of sugars concentrations using Raman spectroscopy and artificial neural networks», N.González-Viveros, P.Gómez-Gil, J.Castro-Ramos, H.H.Cerecedo-Núñez, Food Chemistry , 352, 129375, August (2021).
«Study of the propagation of a light beam at the exit of a single-mode and multimode optical fiber», J. C. Natividad, H. H. Cerecedo Núñez, P. Padilla Sosa, Rev. Mex. Fís. E 18(1) 28–34 (2021).«Microbubbles with optical fiber tips chemically worn», Gabriela Villegas-Sanchez,Hector Hugo Cerecedo-Nuñez, Josue Ismael Garcia-Ramirez, Patricia Padilla-Sosa and Antonio Marin-Hernandez, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54, 085104 (2021).«Fiber Optics Near-Infrared Wavelengths Analysis to Detect the Presence of Liquefied Petroleum Gas» Cerecedo-Núñez H.H., Rodríguez-Méndez R.M., Padilla-Sosa P., Lugo-Arce J.E., Proceedings of International Conference on Data Science and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 148. Springer, Singapore (2021).«Characterization of glycated hemoglobin based on Raman spectroscopy and artificial neural networks» N.González-Viveros, J.Castro-Ramos, P.Gómez-Gil, H.H.Cerecedo-Núñez, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 247, 119077 (2021).

Single file diffusion meets Feynman path integral, Pavel Castro-Villarreal, Claudio Contreras-Aburto, Sendic Estrada-Jiménez, Idrish Huet-Hernández and Oscar Vázquez-Rodríguez, J. Stat. Mech. 093208 (2021).
Reply to “Comment on ‘Kosterlitz-Thouless-type caging-uncaging transition in a quasi-one-dimensional hard disk system’ ”, A. Trokhymchuk, V. M. Pergamenshchik, A. Huerta, and T. Bryk, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 03800 (2021).«Collective Dynamics in Quasi-One-Dimensional Hard Disk System»,Adrián Huerta, Taras Bryk, Victor M. Pergamenshchik and Andrij Trokhymchuk, Front. Phys., 13 May 2021, doi:10.3389/fphy.2021.636052.

«Matter production effects and interacting scenario within a reconstructed mimetic cosmology for late times»,V. H. Cárdenas, Miguel Cruz, and Samuel Lepe, Eur. Phys. J. C 81, 631 (2021).
«Hamilton–Jacobi approach for linearly acceleration-dependent Lagrangians», Alejandro Aguilar-Salas Efraín Rojas, Annals of Physics, Volume 430, 168507 (2021).«Hamiltonian dynamics of gonihedric string theory», Efraín Rojas, Alberto Molgado, International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 36, No. 05, 2150035 (2021).«Reconstructing mimetic cosmology», Víctor H. Cárdenas, Miguel Cruz, Samuel Lepe, and Patricio Salgado, Phys. Dark. Univ. 31, 100775 (2021)

Avoided crossings and dynamical tunneling close to excited-state quantum phase transitions, D. J. Nader, C. A. González-Rodríguez, and S. Lerma-Hernández, Phys. Rev. E 104, 064116(2021).
«Integrable model of topological SO(5) superfluidity», Will J. Holdhusen, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Jorge Dukelsky, and Gerardo Ortiz, Phys. Rev. B 104, L060503 (2021).«Quantum localization measures in phase space», D. Villaseñor, S. Pilatowsky-Cameo, M. A. Bastarrachea-Magnani,S. Lerma-Hernández, and J. G. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. E 103, 052214 (2021).«The molecule in a strong magnetic field revisited», D.J.Nader, A.V.Turbiner, J.C.López Vieyra, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 265, 107545, May (2021).«Ubiquitous quantum scarring does not prevent ergodicity», Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, David Villaseñor, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani,Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F Santos and Jorge G Hirsch, Nat Commun 12, 852 (2021).«Ultra‐compact accurate wave functions for He‐like and Li‐like iso‐electronic sequences and variational calculus: I. Ground state», Alexander V. Turbiner, Juan Carlos Lopez Vieyra, Juan Carlos del Valle, Daniel Julián Nader, International Journal of quantum chemistry, 121:e26586  (2021).«Quantum scarring in a spin-boson system: fundamental families of periodic orbits», Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, David Villaseñor, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F Santos and Jorge G Hirsch, New Journal of Physics 23 033045 (2021).«Helium-like atoms in magnetic fields: A variational Monte Carlo approach using compact trial functions», D.J. Nader, Chemical Physics, 540, 110877 (2021).

«A multi-scale symmetry analysis of uninterrupted trends returns in daily financial indices», C.M.Rodríguez-Martínez,H.F.Coronel-Brizio, A.R.Hernández-Montoya, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications , Volume 574, 15 July (2021), 125982.
«American Mammals Susceptibility to Dengue According to Geographical, Environmental, and Phylogenetic Distances», Ángel L. Robles-Fernández, Diego Santiago-Alarcon and Andrés Lira-Noriega, Frontiers in Veterinary Science A, 10 March (2021).

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LGAC: Óptica Aplicada y Simulación en Materia Condensada Blanda LGAC: Geometría y Gravitación LGAC: Muchos Cuerpos en Mecánica Cuántica LGAC: Econofísica y Ecología de poblaciones

«How the overlap of excluded volume determines the configurational energy landscape and “thermodynamics” in the “one to five hard disks in a box” system», Adrián Huerta,J. Quetzalcóatl Toledo-Marín and Gerardo G.Naumis, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 545, 123666 (2020)

«Neutron and quark stars: constraining the parameters for simple EoS using the GW170817», Griselda Arroyo-Chávez, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, F. D. Lora-Clavijo, Cuauhtemoc Campuzano Vargas & Luis Alejandro García Mora, Astrophys Space Sci 365, 43 (2020).
«Hamilton-Jacobi approach for Regge-Teitelboim cosmology»,Alejandro Aguilar-Salas, Alberto Molgado and Efrain Rojas, Class. Quantum Grav. doi: 10.1088/1361-6382/ab87d9 (2020).«Modeling holographic dark energy with particle and future horizons», Miguel Cruz and Samuel Lepe, Nucl. Phys. B 956, 115017 (2020).«Challenging matter creation models in the phantom divide», Víctor H. Cárdenas, Miguel Cruz, Samuel Lepe, Shin’ichi Nojiri and Sergei D. Odintsov, Phys. Rev. D 101, 083530 (2020).«Non-zero torsion and late cosmology», Miguel Cruz, Fernando Izaurieta and Samuel Lepe, Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 559 (2020).

«Positive quantum Lyapunov exponents in experimental systems with a regular classical limit”, Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, Pavel Stránský, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F. Santos, and Jorge G. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. E 101, 010202(R) (2020).
«Quantum vs classical dynamics in a spin-boson system: manifestations of spectral correlations and scarring», David Villaseñor, Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F Santos and Jorge G Hirsch, New J. Phys. 22, 063036 (2020).«Trigonometric SU(N) Richardson-Gaudin models and dissipative multi-level atomic systems», S. Lerma-Hernández, Alvaro Rubio-García and Jorge Dukelsky, Jour. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical, doi:10.1088/1751-8121/abab54 (2020).«Helium-like atoms in magnetic fields: A variational Monte Carlo approach using compact trial functions», D.J. Nader, Chemical Physics, doi:10.1016/j.chemphys.2020.110877 (2020).

«Thermal and Superthermal Income Classes in a Wealth Alike Distribution Generated by Conway’s Game of Life Cellular Automaton», H.A. Del Faro-Odi, R.R. López-Martínez, M.E. Rodríguez-Achach and A.R. Hernández-Montoya, Journal of Cellular Automata, 15, 175 (2020).

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LGAC: Óptica Aplicada y Simulación en Materia Condensada Blanda LGAC: Geometría y Gravitación LGAC: Muchos Cuerpos en Mecánica Cuántica LGAC: Econofísica y Ecología de poblaciones

«Dynamical study of microbubble formation in thinned optical fiber tips «, Gabriela Villegas-Sánchez; Héctor Hugo Cerecedo-Núñez, Patricia Padilla-Sosa; Antonio Marín-Hernández, Optical Engineering, 58(7), 077107 (2019).

«A Computational Tool for Detection and Parameters Estimation of Microbubbles Generated with Lasers in Optical Fibers «, Gabriela Villegas Sanchez, Antonio Marin Hernandez,Hector H. Cerecedo Nuñez, Homero V. Rios Figueroa, Patricia Padilla Sosa, Computación y Sistemas 23 (2), 399-408 (2019).

«Dynamics of vortex propagation in wave fields: from order to disorder and beyond», Karen Volke-Sepúlveda, Argelia Balbuena Ortega, Sebastián Bucio-Pacheco, Santiago López-Huidobro, Laura Pérez-García, Alejandro V. Arzola, Adrián Huerta-Hernández, Jorge A. Seman, Alexis Domínguez-Castro, and Rosario Paredes, Proc. SPIE 10935, Complex Light and Optical Forces XIII, 109350S (2019).

«Qualitative description of the universe in the interacting fluids scheme», Miguel Cruz, Samuel Lepe and Gerardo Morales-Navarrete, Nucl. Phys. B 943, 114623 (2019).

«Cosmological imprints of the stealth scalar field «, Abigail Alvarez, Cuauhtemoc Campuzano, Víctor Cárdenas y Efraín Rojas, Astrophysics and Space Science (2019) 364: 98.

«Holographic relationships in Lovelock type brane gravity», Juan Efraín Rojas, Class. Quantum Grav. 36, 185006 (2019).

«A thermodynamics revision of Rastall gravity», Miguel Cruz, Samuel Lepe and Gerardo Morales-Navarrete, Class. Quantum Grav. 36, 225007 (2019).

«Quantum and Classical Lyapunov Exponents in Atom-Field Interaction Systems», Jorge Chávez-Carlos, B. López-del-Carpio, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, Pavel Stránský, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F. Santos, and Jorge G. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 024101 (2019).

«Dynamical signatures of quantum chaos and relaxation time scales in a spin-boson system», S. Lerma-Hernández, D. Villaseñor, M. A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, E. J. Torres-Herrera, L. F. Santos, and J. G. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. E 100, 012218(2019).

«Integrable model of a p-wave bosonic superfluid», Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Jorge Dukelsky and Gerardo Oritz, Phys. Rev. Research 1, 032021(R)(2019).

«A Diffusion Approach to the Dynamics of Conway’s Game of Life (GoL): Emergence of Multiple Power Law Fluctuation Regimes», Alejandro Raúl Hernandez-Montoya and Horacio Tapia-McClung, Journal of Cellular Automata, Vol. 14, pp. 225–240 (2019)

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LGAC: Óptica Aplicada y Simulación en Materia Condensada Blanda LGAC: Geometría y Gravitación LGAC: Muchos Cuerpos en Mecánica Cuántica LGAC: Econofísica y Ecología de poblaciones

«A holographic cut-off inspired in the apparent horizon», Miguel Cruz and Samuel Lepe, Eur. Phys. J. C 78, 994 (2018).

«Thermodynamically allowed phantom cosmology with viscous fluid», Miguel Cruz, Samuel Lepe and Sergei D. Odintsov, Phys. Rev. D 98, 083515 (2018).

«Stealth field in FLRW spacetime with non minimal derivative coupling», Gilberto Aguilar , Abigail Alvarez and Cuauhtemoc Campuzano, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1030 012011 (2018)

«Holographic approach for dark energy–dark matter interaction in curved FLRW spacetime», Miguel Cruz and Samuel Lepe, Classical and Quantum Gravity 35, 155013 (2018).

«Microscopic description of low-lying properties in 168 ≤ A ≤ 170 Yb nuclei by the pseudo-SU(3) shell model.», Carlos E. Vargas Madrazo, Víctor M. Velázquez Aguilar, and Joel Mendoza Temis, Nucleus, Issue 63, p9-11 (2018).

«Analytical description of the survival probability of coherent states in regular regimes», Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Miguel Angel Angel Bastarrachea Magnani3, Lea F Santos and Jorge G Hirsch, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 51, 475302 (2018).

«Dynamics of coherent states in regular and chaotic regimes of the non-integrable Dicke model», S. Lerma-Hernández, J. Chávez-Carlos, M. A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, B. López-del-Carpio, and J. G. Hirsch, AIP Conference Proceedings 1950, 030002 (2018).

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LGAC: Óptica Aplicada y Simulación en Materia Condensada Blanda LGAC: Geometría y Gravitación LGAC: Muchos Cuerpos en Mecánica Cuántica LGAC: Econofísica y Ecología de poblaciones

«The knife edge method for estimation of profile force gradients», Hector H. Cerecedo-Nunez, Joaquin A. Ascencio-Rodriguez, and Patricia Padilla-Sosa, Optics in the Life Sciences Congress, OSA Technical Digest (online), paper OtS1D.6 (Optical Society of America, 2017).

«Analysis of anhydrous glucose and human serum assisted by Raman spectroscopy», Naara González, H. H. Cerecedo-Núñez, P. Padilla-Sosa, Aaron Flores, Manuel May, Miguel Basurto, Gabriela Alcántara, and Omar Muñiz ,Proc. SPIE 10058, Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications XVII, 100580J (February 28, 2017).

«Comparative analysis of optoelectronic properties of glucose for non-invasive monitoring», García-Guzmán, J., González-Viveros, N., Cerecedo-Núñez, H.H.,Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 2017-January, pp. 55-64 (2017).

«ASE Noise Attenuation for Signal at 1548.4 nm Through a Sagnac Interferometer Using High-Birefringence Fiber Which Is Subjected to Temperature Changes»,Manuel May-Alarcón , Héctor H. Cerecedo-Núñez, Aarón Flores-Gil, Miguel A. García-González, Francisco Méndez-Martínez, Marco A. Rodríguez-Blanco, Víctor Golikov, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series pp 215-220 (2017).

«Non-hydrodynamic transverse collective excitations in hard-sphere fluids «, Taras Bryk, Adrian Huerta, V. Hordiichuk, and A. D. Trokhymchuk, The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 064509 (2017)

«Accelerated and decelerated expansion in a causal dissipative cosmology»,Miguel Cruz, Norman Cruz, and Samuel Lepe, Phys. Rev. D 96, 124020 (2017)

«Covariant perturbations in the gonihedric string model», Efraín Rojas, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 32, 1750192 (2017)

«Gravitational Stealths on dilatonic (1 + 1)-D black hole», Abigail Alvarez, Cuauhtemoc Campuzano, Efraín Rojas, Joel Saavedra, Proceedings of the MG14 Meeting on General Relativity, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy, 12 – 18 July 2015, World Scientific, Singapore (2017).

«Global structure of static spherically symmetric solutions surrounded by quintessence», Miguel Cruz, Apratim Ganguly, Radouane Gannouji, Genly Leon and Emmanuel N Saridakis, Classical and Quantum Gravity 34 125014 (2017)

«Phantom solution in a non-linear Israel–Stewart theory»,Miguel Cruz, Norman Cruz and Samuel Lepe, Physics Letters B, 769, 159 (2017).

«Electromagnetic properties in 160-170Dy nuclei: A microscopic description by the pseudo- SU(3) shell model», Carlos E. Vargas, Víctor Velázquez, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Norma Bagatella-Flores, The European Physical Journal A 53: 73 (2017)

«Regularity and chaos in cavity QED»,Miguel Angel Bastarrachea-Magnani, Baldemar López-del-Carpio , Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Sergio Lerma-Hernández and Jorge G Hirsch, Physica Scripta 92 054003 (2017)

«Adiabatic invariants for the regular region of the Dicke model», M A Bastarrachea-Magnani, A Relaño, S Lerma-Hernández, B López-del-Carpio, J Chávez-Carlos and J G Hirsch., Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical,50 144002 (2017).

«Tests of fit for the power-law distribution and some applications to the mexican stock market index relative changes», H. F. Coronel-Brizio, A. R. Hernández-Montoya and M. E. Rodríguez-Achach, Advances and Applications in Statistics,50, Issue 2, 123-136 (2017).

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LGAC: Óptica Aplicada y   Materia Condensada Blanda

LGAC: Geometría y Gravitación LGAC: Muchos Cuerpos en Mecánica Cuántica LGAC: Econofísica y Ecología de poblaciones

«Transforming the canonical piecewise-linear model into a smooth-piecewise representation», Victor M. Jimenez-Fernandez, Maribel Jimenez-Fernandez, Hector Vazquez-Leal, Evodio Muñoz-Aguirre, Hector H. Cerecedo-Nuñez, Uriel A. Filobello-Niño and Francisco J. Castro-Gonzalez,SpringerPlus 5:1612 (2016).

«Spectral switch for butane/propane gas mixture detection»,  R. Rodríguez Méndez, H. Cerecedo-Nuñez, J. Garicia Guzman, P. Padilla-Sosa, and M. Basurto-Pensado,  Advanced Photonics 2016 , OSA technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper JTu4A.25.


«Transmittance and reflectance measurements of anhydrous glucose concentrations on solutions»,  N. González Viveros, H. H. Cerecedo-Nuñez, J. García Gúzman, and P. Padilla-Sosa,  Advanced Photonics 2016 (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper SeW2F.7.


«Dynamics and orientational order of a charged granular fluid», R.Sánchez, A. Huerta,L.A. Aguirre-Manzo, Granular Matter, August 2016, 18:48 (2016).

«Frustration of freezing in a two dimensional hard-core fluid due to particle shape anisotropy «, A. Huerta, D. Tejeda, D. Henderson, A. Trokhymchuk . Condensed Matter Physics, vol. 19, No. 2, 23605 (2016)



«Mimicking the LCDM model with stealths», Campuzano, C.,Cárdenas, V.H., and Herrera, R., Eur. Phys. J. C 76: 698 (2016).

«Covariant approach of perturbations in Lovelock type brane gravity», Norma Bagatella-Flores, Cuauhtemoc Campuzano, Miguel Cruz and Efrain Rojas, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 33: 245012 (2016).

«Stealths on (1+1)-dimensional dilatonic gravity», Abigail Alvarez, Cuauhtemoc Campuzano, Miguel Cruz, Efrain Rojas and Joel Saavedra, General Relativity and Gravitation, 48: 165 (2016).

«Curvaton reheating in non-minimal derivative coupling to gravity: NO models», Ramón Herrera, Joel Saavedra, Cuauhtemoc Campuzano, General Relativity and Gravitation, 48: 137 (2016)

«Hamiltonian analysis for linearly acceleration-dependent Lagrangians» Miguel Cruz , Rosario Gómez-Cortés,, Alberto Molgado and Efraín Rojas. J. Math. Phys. 57, 062903 (2016)

«Approximated integrability of the Dicke model», A. Relaño, M.A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, S. Lerma-Hernández. Europhysics Letters 116 50005 (2016).

«Thermal and quantum phase transitions in atom-field systems: a microcanonical analysis», M A Bastarrachea-Magnani, S Lerma-Hernández and J G Hirsch, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Volume 2016, 093105, (2016).

«Classical chaos in atom-field systems», J. Chávez-Carlos, M. A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, S. Lerma-Hernández, and J. G. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. E 94, 022209 (2016).

«Delocalization and quantum chaos in atom-field systems» M. A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, B. López-del-Carpio, J. Chávez-Carlos, S. Lerma-Hernández, and J. G. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. E 93, 022215 (2016)

«Determining the Entropic Index q of Tsallis Entropy in Images through Redundancy», Abdie Ramírez-Reyes, Alejandro Raúl Hernández-Montoya, Gerardo Herrera-Corral and Ismael Domínguez-Jiménez. Entropy 18(8), 299 (2016).«The One-Dimensional Minesweeper Game: What are your chances of winning?», M. Rodríguez-Achach,H. F. Coronel-Brizio, A. R. Hernández-Montoya, R. Huerta-Quintanilla,E. Canto-Lugo. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C DOI: 10.1142/S0129183116501278 (2016).«Codon information value and codon transition-probability distributions in short-term evolution», M.A. Jiménez-Montaño,H.F. Coronel-Brizio, A.R. Hernández-Montoya, and A. Ramos-Fernández. Physica A doi:10.1016/j.physa.2016.02.043 (2016)«Numerical simulation of metallic nanostructures interacting with electromagnetic fields using the Lorentz–Drude model and FDTD method» M. Benavides-Cruz, C. Calderón-Ramón,J. F. Gomez-Aguilar, M. Rodríguez-Achach, I. Cruz-Orduña, et al., Int. J. Mod. Phys. C27, 1650043 (2016)


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LGAC: Óptica Aplicada y   Materia Condensada Blanda

LGAC: Geometría y Gravitación LGAC: Muchos Cuerpos en Mecánica Cuántica LGAC: Econofísica y Ecología de poblaciones

«Microbubble Generation with Tapered Optical Fibers», G. Villegas-Sánchez, H.H. Cerecedo-Núñez, J. Hernández-Cordero, A. Marín-Hernández and P. Padilla-Sosa , Optics in the Life Sciences, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America), paper JT3A.6 (2015)«Concentric tetratic orientational order in a confined quasi-2D tubular system», Rodrigo Sánchez and Leopoldo A Aguirre-Manzo,  Phys. Scr. 90 095002 (2015).

«Collisional statistics and dynamics of two-dimensional hard-disk systems: From fluid to solid»,  Alessandro Taloni, Yasmine Meroz, and Adrián Huerta, Phys. Rev. E 92, 022131 (2015)

«Dynamics and avalanches in a system exhibiting granular collapse», R. Sánchez and A. Huerta, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 437, 367 (2015).

«Rod-like fluorescent halloysite nanotubes-silica composites: a novel colloidal system», R. Sánchez, B.M. Marín-Santibáñez, J. Pérez-González, F. Rodríguez-González, H.J. Dorantes-Rosales, Rev. Mex. Fís.,61(2) 117 (2015)

«Collective excitations in 2D hard-disc fluid», Adrián Huerta,
Taras Brykb, and Andrij Trokhymchuk, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Volume 449, Pages 357–363 (2015)

«Bulk-boundary interaction and the second law in Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology» Miguel Cruz, Samuel Lepe, and Francisco Peña, Phys. Rev. D 92, 123511 (2015)

«Deformation quantization of the Pais–Uhlenbeck fourth order oscillator», Jasel Berra-Montiel, Alberto Molgado and Efraín Rojas, Annals of Physics 362, 298–310 (2015)

«Possible geometrical origin of the accelerated expansion of the Universe»,  Ariadna Montiel, Nora Bretón, Rubén Cordero, and Efraín Rojas, Phys. Rev. D 92, 024042 (2015).

«On the flat spacetime Galileons and the Born–Infeld type structures»,C. Campuzano, R. Cordero, M. Cruz and E. Rojas, Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. D 24, 1550041 (2015).

Chaos in the Dicke model: quantum and semiclassical analysis», Miguel Angel Bastarrachea-Magnani, Baldemar López-del-Carpio, Sergio Lerma-Hernández and Jorge G Hirsch, Phys. Scr. 90 068015 (2015).

«Inter-band B(E2) transitions strengths in 160-170Dy nuclei»,C E Vargas, V Velázquez and S Lerma, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 578, 012012 (2015).

«Quantum interference vs. quantum chaos in the nuclear shell model», G Fernández, E M Hernández, M Hautefeuille, E Landa, I O Morales, V Velázquez, R Fossion, C E Vargas and A Frank, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 578, 012014 (2015).

«Use of the perfect electric conductor boundary conditions to discretize a diffractor in FDTD/PML environment», Caldeŕon-Ramón, C.,Gómez-Aguilar, J.F., Rodríguez-Achach, M., Morales-Mendoza, L.J.,Laguna-Camacho, J.R., Benavides-Cruz, M., Cruz-Orduna, M.I., González-Lee, M.,Pérez-Meana, H., Enciso-Aguilar, M., Chávez-Pérez, R., Martínez-García, H., Rev.Mex.Fís. 61, 344–350 (2015).

«Wealth distribution of simple exchange models coupled with extremal dynamics» , N. Bagatella-Flores, M. Rodríguez-Achach, H.F. Coronel-Brizio and A.R. Hernández-Montoya. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its  applications. 417, 168 (2015)

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UV-Facultad de Física, Matemáticas e investigación en Inteligencia Artificial., Campo Nuevo, Xalapa-Enríquez, Veracruz, México

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Fecha: 25 marzo, 2025 Responsable: Maestría en Física Contacto: slerma@uv.mx