Universidad Veracruzana

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We welcome you to our website of the Master Degree in Environmental Management for Sustainability, a program created to attend environmental issues and innovate approaches through education and values’ promotion, provide knowledge for the design and implementation of management strategies, environmental education and legal aspects to contribute to the professionalization of citizens capable to design and implement actions that contribute to sustainable development under a comprehensive and multidisciplinary scheme.

Since October 2, 2012, the Master Degree in Environmental Management for Sustainability has been recognized within the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC) of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT), with a validity until September 21, 2020. CONACyT’s scholarships are requested and processed through the degree’s coordination. The amount is granted by the agency itself as long as the applicants fulfill the terms and requirements

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Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 13 mayo, 2024 Responsable: Maestría en GAS Tel: 8 42 17 00 Ext. 12673 Contacto: landonaegui@uv.mx