Universidad Veracruzana

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Admission Requirements:

  1. Requirements to Participate in the Admission Process

Foreign Applicants:

  • Register online according to the register’s instructive
  • Make the payment to have the right to take the exam
  • Upload a recent digital photograph
  • Apostilled Grade Degree
  • Apostilled Academic record and/or Studies’ certificate
  • Have a minimum average of 7.8 or an equivalent
  • Motivation letter
  • Personal interview with the Admission’s Committee (videoconference)
  • Presentation of the Draft Project Proposal (videoconference)

Degree Requirements:

-Have covered all subjects with minimum approval qualification.
-Have covered the curriculum credits.
-cover a minimum attendance of 80%.
-Have designed, applied and evaluated a Receptional Work.
-Defender and approve the Integrative ReceptionWork before an examining committee.
-Cover administrative requirements.

 Obtaining the academic degree:

-Have accredited all the educational experiences established by the master’s curriculum of the Master Degree in Environmental Management for Sustainability.
-Not having denudes with the University of Veracruz.
-Pay the applicable tariff.
-Have the approval of the Tutorial Committee for the submission of the document of the Receptional Work carried out.
-Others that indicate the current university legislation.


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Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 9 julio, 2024 Responsable: Maestría en GAS Tel: 8 42 17 00 Ext. 12673 Contacto: landonaegui@uv.mx