Universidad Veracruzana

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Program Foundation


Currently, to address environmental problems it is relevant to innovate approaches through teaching and value promotion, provide knowledge for the design and implementation of management strategies, environmental education and legal aspects to contribute to the professionalization of citizens capable of designing and implementing actions that contribute to transition to sustainable development under a comprehensive and multidisciplinary scheme.

In the 2007-2012 National Development Plan, Axis Four addresses Environmental Sustainability, and notes the importance of conserving natural resources and ecosystems, through the compatibility of public policies with economic development projects and Social.

Similarly, the Veracruzano Development Plan 2011-2016, in its fifth chapter addresses the issue of sustainability, incorporating it as a state policy, recognizing that the development of the entity, depends to a large extent on the exploitation «rational and sustainable » of natural resources.

In this context, the University of Veracruzana as a generator of learning and transmitter of knowledge for its social distribution, stated in its General Development Plan 2025 «its commitment to local and regional development, with a vision of respect for the environmental environment, pending technological advances, the health care of its members, cultural diversity transparency in its management processes, which guarantee the quality of its services in pursuit of excellence.» In addition, in one of the axes of the 2009-2013 Work Programme, it raises «Academic innovation and decentralization for sustainability, where the development and strengthening of the Institution weighs the social, economic, political and cultural conditions of each region, as well as the unique characteristics of the ecosystems of the entity.

Under these considerations, it is proposed to create the Master’s Degree in Environmental Management for Sustainability for professionals in the field of Biology and other disciplines who want to update, expand and improve their knowledge, skills and attitudes on the development, development and implementation of projects related to the management of natural resources in the urban and rural areas.

In this sense, the Master’s Degree in Environmental Management for Sustainability has as its characteristic transdiscipline, because through the axes on which it is based, it provides the tools for the best performance of graduates in their professional practice, either in their professional practice, either in public or private institutions, as well as with civil organizations and different sectors of society to move with greater orientation towards sustainability.

Veracruz university. 2010. General Development Plan 2025.


The Master’s Degree in Environmental Management for Sustainability is a program that forms teachers with knowledge, skills and attitudes to design and implement projects for the sustainable management of natural resources and the attention to the main problems incorporating the participation of different sectors of the population. With the capacity to perform in various areas of public administration and private initiative.


A graduate program with wide recognition at national and international level, which forms high-level teachers with competences that influence public policies and decision-making for the sustainable management of natural resources, generate projects to address environmental issues in different fields. Its graduates work in various sectors of public administration, private initiative and social organizations.


Form Teachers with competences to design, implement and evaluate environmental management proposals and projects oriented towards the establishment of new forms of relationship between society and the environment that contribute to transition towards sustainable development, with an attitude of responsibility, commitment, communication capacity and collaboration with the various social sectors and public administration dependencies to meet the needs of the environment.


-100% of the members of the core academic core with at least one product per year (articles, books, chapters in books, papers presented at academic events, organization of academic events) within the framework of the Postgraduate Knowledge Generation and Application Lines.
-Maintaining links with public administration agencies, educational institutions, town halls, for students to carry out Environmental Management projects Sustainability.
-100% of students perform at least one mobility (they have an elective educational experience in another educational program, participate as speakers at academic events, make stays) in the course of their academic training.
-100% of students implement environmental management projects that respond to a need of society.
-Achieve terminal efficiency of at least 60% of students per generational cohort.



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C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 9 julio, 2024 Responsable: Maestría en GAS Tel: 8 42 17 00 Ext. 12673 Contacto: landonaegui@uv.mx