In the last 5 years, business competitiveness has led organizations and the government itself to establish support programs for the acquisition of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), as well as facilities and means for training, therefore; Information technology and its related areas emerge as a fundamental pillar in the fulfillment of the business vision in terms of technological innovation.
The integration of information systems, the consolidation of the Internet as a true communications system and the emergence of digital organizations have caused organizations to change the way they do business. These information systems have had to evolve and cease to be simply tools for data processing, to become information systems that are essential for conducting business within organizations. Networks and telecommunications have had to improve their quality of service to support the great demand for them, as well as the robust information systems and the different applications for their development. Database management is also different, since they must be adaptable to the Web platform (Laudon & Laudon, 2008).
Based on what was previously stated, three subjects were selected to determine the current demand for this postgraduate course:
1.- Undergraduate students in the Business area
2.-Graduates of the Bachelor’s level of the Business area
3.- Employers
As for the subjects of subsections a and b, they were selected with the objective of knowing their perception of the postgraduate course to be opened, their answers being relevant, because they are the potential market to enter the postgraduate course, they were considered students of the University’s bachelor’s degrees. Veracruzana and other HEIs of the Southeast of the Country of the careers of administration, accounting, administrative computer systems, international business, industrial relations, among others, or professionals from other careers who are administrators in the strategic and functional areas of the organization . Regarding item c, the objective of surveying employers was to find out their perspective regarding the needs required by the labor market in IT management,
According to the results of the surveys applied to students, 85% of the respondents consider that knowledge of IT within organizations and their administration is necessary in order to achieve its objectives. In the same sense, 93% of the students consider that in the future at a very high and high level the use of IT can make their work performance efficient, which reflects the need to have a postgraduate degree in this area. Finally, the majority of students (92%) considered that they were in favor of the need for a postgraduate course focused on IT Management in Organizations.
In relation to graduates, 45.4% of interviewees work in private companies; 26.1% in government; 8.2% are independent professionals; and 7.7% work in educational institutions. The positions where they work mostly correspond to the operational areas of the organizations with 36%, followed by the functional areas with 34% and with 15% the strategic areas considered as management and managerial positions. 28.6% of those surveyed work in administrative areas, 12.3% in accounting, 10.8% in financial administration, and 8.6% in database management.
The majority of unemployed graduates at the time of the survey attribute their unemployment to reasons of scarcity of resources, and something important to note is that one of the reasons, which represents 28%, is attributed to the deficiency of training in the YOU. In the same sense, 50% of the respondents mentioned that the knowledge acquired about IT is insufficient or not at all sufficient, which implies that they must acquire skills in this area and 75% of the graduates mentioned that the impact of IT they are very high or high in professional performance, so it is necessary to know how they should be managed.
Regarding the profiles of the professionals that employers have, 53% are professionals in the economic-administrative area, and 21% are professionals in the technical area.
In addition, two open questions were considered in the employer survey, one about the requirements of the positions held by professionals: 1. What knowledge would you recommend they be provided in the field of IT for training and updating? Grouping the common answers, the following results were obtained:
- Emphasize practice in software development, not so much theory.
- Theoretical development attached to the solution of practical problems.
- Management of risk financial simulators
- Emphasize some programming and database query language.
- Financial and accounting package
- Communications network support
- Word processors, Excel management (office)
- open source software
- Certified software schemes
- Project management
- Collaborative work and management of work teams
- Basic accounting knowledge
- Knowledge of systems management and development
- Web design
- Spelling and writing
- Current information technologies
- Management of social networks
- Basic computer parcel courses
- video recording courses
- Management in financial systems and resource management
- Technological tools for remote work
The second open question was: What are the skills in the field of IT that professionals must currently have to perform according to the demands of this workplace?
- SQL query language for managing Databases
- Software analysis and design
- accounting package
- Preparation of electronic invoices
- Management and knowledge of construction costs
- Applied Statistics
- E-government applications
- Open source software programming
- Administration of technological infrastructure tools
- Management of results in work environments under pressure
- Coding skills in multiple languages
- Ability in database management and information analysis
- Skill in creating and managing applications that minimize the time of operation for the user.
- Management of office tools (projectors, computers, etc.)
- Knowledge of the use of technologies
- Knowledge in management of administrative systems
- Management of accounting programs
- network management
- Video editing
- Experience in managing computer platforms
- Program Development
- Management of design programs
Regarding the difficulties presented in the performance of the professionals, it should be noted that in the first place with 31% is the lack of knowledge in the management of administrative systems, with 17% difficulty in processing financial information and 15% in preparing tax reports and declarations.
Finally, it should be noted that 90% of employers agree that a postgraduate degree in the area of IT Management in Organizations is necessary, so it is concluded that this educational project is relevant and meets the demand. of the labor market.