Universidad Veracruzana

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Potential demand

Considering that the technological field is currently in continuous evolution, professionals in the economic-administrative area must have sufficient knowledge to manage IT in organizations that demand it. On the other hand, organizations need to extend their market beyond the local through IT, to improve their administrative processes at all levels of the organization and/or production processes and thus provide a better service to their internal and external customers. . Professionals with knowledge in the IT areas then help organizations to enhance their market strategies in order to increase their competitiveness, productivity and fulfillment of their own objectives.

It is urgent to increase and improve the supply of technological services and strengthen the internal demand for IT services. Outsourcing services are the most dynamic, with growth of up to 16% per year and a market value of close to 812 million dollars, including software development. However, the penetration of these services is less than 25% in large, medium and small organizations in the country. (Mexico Vision, 2020).

Studies carried out by the Universo Laboral magazine affirm that, in our country, IT management experts are insistently sought after by large corporations. Likewise, it refers to the fact that the search for human capital often becomes unsuccessful since in the first sense this resource is lacking and in the second; In our country there are true specialists on the subject, however, the recruitment process is not correct.

Fernández (2017) tells us that IT is a very misunderstood area in companies, it is rarely directed by a director who really understands its capacity, scope and form of operation. He mentions that most of the time it is only limited to covering the fiscal requirements that are imposed on the business, paying little attention to other essential areas of the organization. The human resource in IT, may have graduated from very different educational options (or none in certain cases, there are also empirical ones); sometimes the simple experience in the business leads some employees to be located in the area, for supervisory purposes or for knowledge of business processes. However, it is necessary to professionalize this activity with real IT managers.


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Fecha: 3 diciembre, 2024 Responsable: Miguel Ángel Aguirre Ramírez Contacto: miaguirre@uv.mx