Technology management and innovation for business and government competitiveness |
In this line of knowledge generation and application, different information technologies that provide a competitive environment for organizations in their relations with government, suppliers, customers, employees, partners and / or shareholders will be analyzed, managed, designed and implemented. This line includes specific projects related to: • Management and evaluation of Technological Projects • Design and implementation of technological solutions to streamline business processes in organizations • Development in competitive organizational / business environments Teachers:
LGAC 2: Accounting and financial dynamics in the Organization. |
In this line of knowledge generation and application, different technological solutions will be analyzed, evaluated and implemented, which will allow accounting and financial problems to be solved, as well as providing support to organizations for decision-making in the areas of accounting and Finance. This line includes specific projects related to: • Analysis and Evaluation of accounting and financial software • Application of technological solutions for the resolution of accounting and financial problems within organizations Teachers: