Universidad Veracruzana

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Fundamentals of the Program

Orientation: Applied Research



The curricular redesign of the Master’s Degree in Research in Psychology Applied to Education is based on the theoretical conceptualization of the Academic Groups of the Institute: Human Behavior, Psychology and Human Behavior and Psychological Processes and Socio-educational Extensions. This proposal implies: 1) Identify in the educational field, the psychological dimension as an object of study; 2) Classify psychological phenomena from the identification of common uses of terms and expressions of ordinary language; 3) Use the technical language of a particular theory as a logical instrument to: a) Identify and conceptually reorganize psychological phenomena; b) Provide guidance on the type of descriptions and explanations; c) Design and formulate experimental methods and procedures, consistent with the underlying theory; d) Understand and interpret contextualized phenomena in specific environments or situations; e) Apply scientific knowledge and interpret the nature of the psychological dimension in terms of its daily use.


Program mission:

Training human resources of excellence in scientific research in psychology applied to education, based on competencies bound to the study of human behavior that allow identifying, analyzing, preventing and solving problems of a psychological nature in the educational field. Contribute to the well-being of society, based on the Lines of Generation and Application of Knowledge of the Academic Faculties based on the development of the discipline and social problems at the regional, national and international level.


Program objectives:

  1. Training human resources of excellence in research in psychology applied to education based on competencies bound to the study of human behavior.
  2. Practicing scientific research to identify, analyze, prevent, and solve problems of a psychological nature in the educational field from the analysis of behavior.
  3. Contributing to the well-being of society by preventing and solving social problems at the regional, national and international levels, through the application of scientific knowledge in the educational field from the analysis of human behavior.

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Agustín Melgar #2 esquina Juan Escutia, 21 de Marzo, Xalapa-Enríquez, Ver., México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 29 noviembre, 2024 Responsable: Emanuel Meraz Meza Contacto: emeraz@uv.mx