Universidad Veracruzana

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Research Profiles

RP1: The health/disease/care process as a life experience.

In the modern world, illness is conceived as an alteration that must be eradicated, so the «sick individual” can regain the status of «healthy individual». As an alternative to this vision, within the practices in the field of health, positions have emerged that recognize the importance of considering the processes of health, disease and care as socioculturally determined and, at the same time, as life experiences that imply a network of individual and collective experiences that need to be reintroduced into the care of all types of pathologies.

Professors Attached to the research profile

  • Mtra. Vianey Guadalupe Arguelles Nava.
  • Dra. Betzaida Salas García.
  • Dra. Tania Romo González de la Parra.
  • Dra. Ana Delia López Suárez.
  • Dra. Karen Happeth Cuevas Castelan.
  • Dra. Nidia Álvarez-Rueda.

RP2: Meaning and practice of the arts for health.

RP Description The practice of the arts, in the vision of this master’s degree, is based on an inclusive epistemology. In this sense, creative work gives the possibility of rethinking the context in which one lives, as well as of recording and exploring people’s feelings. Art provides the space to address conflicting issues communally and individually, since they can connect the subject and the communities that involve them in their daily work, with their life context. With respect to health, this means that the methodology and experiences of art lead us to position ourselves in a non-hegemonic place of meaning, making it possible to locate the proper meaning that a subject requires and its relationship with the social ties of his environment, to build horizons of meaning ad hoc to the concrete practices of the context. which will allow a new experientiality of the social and environmental aspects of life.

Professors Attached to the research profile

  • Dr. Félix Ángel Montero Domínguez.
  • Dr. José Arturo Herrera Melo.
  • Mtra. Karla Paola García Rebolledo.
  • Dra. Zulma Vianey Amador Rodríguez.
  • Mtra. Milena Milosevic.
  • Mtra. Margarita Murua.

RP3: Community and dialogic participation for health.

The framework of community intervention and development has been conceived until now, at least in academia and in most parts of public policies and society, based on a set of actions that must be put into practice to combat and solve the problems suffered by many communities, both urban and rural. However, when meeting the local realities intervened, the researcher realizes that there are forms and knowledge internal to the communities themselves that must be recovered so that their action does not become a welfare and palliative initiative, but a participatory, dialogic and sustainable one.

Professors Attached to the research profile

  • Dra. Silvia Grappin Navarro.
  • Dra. Aurora de Jesús Mejía Castillo.
  • Dr. Francisco Javier Rosas Santiago.
  • Dra. María José García Oramas.
  • Dr. Jean-Marie Lassus.


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Fecha: 27 diciembre, 2024 Responsable: Maestría en Salud, Arte y Comunidad Contacto: fmontero@uv.mx