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The 2021 Syllabus of the Master’s program in Mexican Literature takes advantage of the vast experience it has, and updates its approaches, seeks to ensure a clear link between the lines of Generation and Application of Knowledge, works on the academics who attend the program, and the research works developed by the students in their thesis. It maintains the flexibility that has characterized us, while strengthening the disciplinary formation with the school courses. We also emphasize the crucial importance that we are giving to theoretical and analytical training within the context of a society in crisis and with great challenges. To this end, it is very important that students ask themselves questions and explore different ways of possible answers to the deep problems of cultural inequality that our country faces. This is why each of the subjects in the syllabus explores the links between literature and different types of social and artistic discourse, with a strong emphasis on the historical perspective, without forgetting the ethnical dimension implied by the artistic phenomenon we study.

Subject name Credits Hours
Theory hours with a teacher Theory hours without a teacher Practice hours with a teacher Practice hours without a teacher
General Basic Formation Area
Research Seminar I 8 30 15 30 0
Research Seminar II 8 30 15 30 0
Research Seminar III 8 30 15 30 0
Research Seminar IV 8 30 15 30 0
Disciplinary Formation Area
Literature Seminar I: Baroque 8 60 0 0 0
Literature Seminar II: Romanticism 8 60 0 0 0
Literature Seminar III: Realism 8 60 0 0 0
Literature Seminar IV: modern and contemporary Aesthetics 8 60 0 0 0
Theory problems I 8 60 0 0 0
Theory problems II 8 60 0 0 0
Monographic Course: Literary Genres 8 60 0 0 0
Terminal Formation Area
Optative I 8 60 0 0 0
Optative II 8 60 0 0 0
Academic Activities
Linking activities with society: actions to promote reading, and collaboration in cultural forums. Credits
Academic Activities 6
Total Courses 13 Total Credits 110 Total Theorical hours    660 Total Practical hours 120



Subject program Knowledge Area Minimum description Observations
Research Seminar I Basic Formation Area. It will work as a workshop to review the progress of the thesis the students will be elaborating. They will be organized by theme. The student must present 20% of the thesis and will make the defense with the presence of his/her tutorial committee.
Research Seminar II Basic Formation Area. It will work as a workshop to review the progress of the thesis the students will be elaborating. They will be organized by related topics. The student must present 40% of the thesis and will make the defense with the presence of his/her tutorial committee.
Research Seminar III Basic Formation Area. It will work as a workshop to review the progress of the thesis the students will be elaborating. They will be organized by related topics. The student must present 70% of the thesis and will make the defense with the presence of his tutorial committee.
Research Seminar IV Basic Formation Area. It will work as a workshop to review the progress of the thesis the students will be elaborating. They will be organized by related topics. The student must present 100% of the thesis and will make the defense with the presence of his/her tutorial committee.
Mexican literature I: Baroque Basic Disciplinary Formation Area. The aesthetic perspective is taken into consideration and is not limited to a period, the baroque phenomenon is reviewed throughout history. It is possible to review the major problems surrounding the literary phenomenon: history, culture, and others.
Mexican literature II: Romanticism Basic Disciplinary Formation Area. Romanticism is an aesthetic trend present in all moments of literary history. Its forms of expression will be reviewed. We seek to reestablish the link between Mexican literature and other literatures and other arts and discourses.
Mexican literature III: Realism Basic Disciplinary Formation Area. A large part of Mexican Literature is realistic. Therefore, it is important to review its implications and its presence in different historical moments. A space for reflection and analysis of one of the most important aesthetics of Mexican Literature.
Mexican literature IV: modern and contemporary Aesthetics Basic Disciplinary Formation Area Modernity is a vague notion, and has implied a large number of aesthetic proposals that need to be understood and placed in the flow of literary tradition. It is not intended to cover the totality of what has been written in modern and contemporary times, but to understand the main lines along which Mexican Literature has passed.
Theory problems I Basic Disciplinary Formation Area It will be organized around specific problems of theoretical reflections. Panoramic reviews of theoretical aspects are addressed.
Theory problems II Basic Disciplinary Formation Area It will be a space to seek dialogue with other disciplines from a theoretical perspective. A link will be created with the theoretical research done at the institute.
Monographic Course: Literary Genres Basic Disciplinary Formation Area This is a monographic course, it seeks to deepen the knowledge of a particular literary genre, as an essential tool for the student’s thesis. It may be offered two or more each semester, depending on students’ needs and it is no limited to classical genres, hybrid genres or minor forms are also included.
Optative I Terminal Formation Area It will be opened to cover the training needs of students. They are directly related to the LGyAC work on at the institute.
Optative II Terminal Formation Area Specific content will be offered according to student’s research. It will be possible to take advantage of the mobility activity so students can study it in other institutions.

Academic Activities
We have added to this update the performance of academic activities which should not be considered compulsory but should be used as spaces of retribution and consolidation of the ethical values that the student has had to strengthen during his stay in the program. With the purpose of contributing from the specialized literary studies to the fulfillment of the objectives of university social responsibility, as well as the objectives of sustainable development with a view to effective formation for life. From the beginning of the program, the students will design the activities they can develop with their Tutorial Committees in any of the semesters, although it would be better if they start in the third semester. The following activities are suggested:

  • Participate in the University Book Fair.
  • Collaborate in cultural forums and book presentations.
  • Promote reading through actions in specific spaces.
  • Promote the dissemination of literature through written reviews.
  • Read in academic meetings (symposiums, colloquiums, workshops, congresses) original communications that reflect the progress of research in progress.
  • Carry out field practices for liaison the social sector and other sectors.
  • Collaborate in the continuing education of the citizens interested in participating.
  • Carry out shorts research stays in national or international Higher Education Institutes (HEIs)

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Fecha: 13 January, 2025 Responsable: Manuel de Jesús Escobar Díaz Contacto: maescobar@uv.mx