Universidad Veracruzana

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    Fundation of the program The Master degree in Mathematics updated it study program in 2018, which includes the following. Orientation This is a research-oriented graduate program. Justification The development of science, as well as technology, implies the solution of local, regional and national needs, through higher education institutions; therefore, it is important that these institutions

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    General Information Department of Mathematics Circuito Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán s/n Zona Universitaria Xalapa, Veracruz, México Phone : (+52) 228 842 1700, ext. 10236 e-mail: PhD. Martha Lorena Avendaño Garrido maravendano@uv.mx

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    Research Profile Index

    Knowledge Application Generation Line Description Ph. D Basic Mathematics Basic Mathematics is about to solve Analysis Problems, Algebra, Geometry and their applications. We focus in fixed point problems, optimization problems, fixed point applications in differential equation systems, combinatorial problems, function space, operator theory, commutative algebras, Lie groups in differential equations, and geometry in Banach space.

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    To the official website of Master in Mathematics of the Universidad Veracruzana PAGE DECLARATORY This program belongs to the National Quality Postgraduate Program (Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad PNPC), valid until December 31th of 2021. The CONACyT schoolarships are applied and processed in the Coordination office of the program. The amount is given by

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Fecha: 29 noviembre, 2024 Responsable: Porfirio Toledo Hernández Contacto: ptoledo@uv.mx