Universidad Veracruzana

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Fundation of the program

The Master degree in Mathematics updated it study program in 2018, which includes the following.


This is a research-oriented graduate program.


The development of science, as well as technology, implies the solution of local, regional and national needs, through higher education institutions; therefore, it is important that these institutions have competitive human resources at the international level, to consolidate research groups, achieve a rational inclusion of technology and innovative knowledge in areas where the educational program have influence.

The Master’s degree attend the need to train high quality human resources, providing to students a formal, abstract, and strong knowledge, to domain and transmit the acquired knowledges according to one of the lines of research chosen throughout their academic study. Moreover, the graduated will have the academic training to take part in research projects.

In the assessment carried out in 2015, CONACYT made suggestions about the study plan, ehich resulted in the restucturing of the Generation and Application Lines of the Knowledge (LGAC’s) to maintain a balance between both basic and applied mathematics. The solution to problems in different sectors of society requires the collaboration of all areas of science; so, the balance mentioned above allows to graduates a greater insertion in interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary projects. Two mandatory courses were added, Linear Algebra and Mathematical Analysis, which according to the evaluators both are fundamental courses in postgraduate courses in the area of Mathematics. In addition, this study program contribute to transversal training of students, by the subjects split in two blocks; where the student will necessary choose courses from both.


The Master degree in Mathematics is a postgraduate program affiliated to department of Mathematics of the Universidad Veracruzana in support of society, by  comprehensive training of high academic researchers in mathematics, with moral quality, committed to social distribution of knowledge; wich are able to join in academic environment; both, national and international research centers, and enterprises developed of technology.


To become a postgraduate program of excellence, recognized nationally in short term, and internationally in medium term, in the area of Mathematics. In addition, to be recognized for the scientific production allowing the training of competent human resources, to contribute in the scientific development of the country.


The general objective of the master’s degree in mathematics is train human resource with master degree; with formal, abstract, and strong knowledge, accompanied by high academic quality, capable to make original and independent academic work in mathematics, basic research, or math applications in other scientific or technologic areas.


  • We project a 50% student’s participation in academic events to spread their research work
  • We estimate a terminal efficiency of 60%
  • Incorporation of the academic core in the National Research System

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Fecha: 6 marzo, 2025 Responsable: Porfirio Toledo Hernández Contacto: ptoledo@uv.mx