Full-Time Research Professor
Chemometrics, Pharmacology and Quality Control of Natural Product and Legal Highs
Unidad de Servicios de Apoyo en Resolución Analítica (SARA) Universidad Veracruzana Calle Dr. Luis Castelazo Ayala S/N Col. Industrial-Ánimas C.P. 91190 Xalapa, Veracruz, México Tel: +52 228 842 8900 ext. 13171 albsanchez@uv.mxAlberto is currently a Full Time Research Professor at Unidad de Servicios de Apoyo en Resolución Analítica (Analytical Chemistry Services Unit), Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico. He is also a Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Health, Sport and Bioscience, University of East London. Previously, he worked at UEL as a Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology/ Pharmacognosy (2007-2011) and Research and Teaching Fellow/Part-time Lecturer (2006-2007). He has been involved in several projects on the study of medicinal plants as a source of potential new drugs. He worked as a Research Assistant (1998-2001) at the Yucatan Centre for Scientific Research, (CICY) in Mexico. While at CICY, he was awarded a scholarship by the Mexican Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) to pursue postgraduate studies at the University of Greenwich. During his PhD he carried out phytochemical and pharmacological studies of endemic Yucatecan medicinal plants. He also holds a BSc in Chemistry (UADY, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan), a PGCert in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (UEL) and he is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK. Alberto is currently Programme Leader for the MSc in Bioorganic Chemistry (2012-present) and an Academic member of the PhD in Biomedical Sciences at Universidad Veracruzana and
Education and Qualifications:
- 2008. PGCert: Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Pass with Merit. School of Education, University of East London.
- 2007. Postdoctorate: School of Health and Bioscience, University of East London, UK. Project: “Quality control of over-the-counter herbal products”. Responsible: Dr. Olivia Corcoran.
- 2007. PhD: PhD in Life Sciences(Pharmacology/Pharmacognosy). School of Science, University of Greenwich, UK. Thesis: “Phytochemical and pharmacological studies of some endemic Yucatecan medicinal plants”. Supervisor: Dr Solomon Habtemariam.
- 1998. BSc: Químico Biólogo Bromatólogo (Food Chemsitry). Facultad de Química, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Thesis: “Uso de Técnicas Simples de Bioensayo para la Detección de Actividad Biológica en Extractos Vegetales”. Supervisors: Dr. Luis Manuel Peña Rodríguez y Q.B.B. Karlina García Sosa. Mérida, Yucatán, México. Promedio general: 95.12.
Research Interests:
Evaluation of the pharmacological activity of natural products and studies on the mechanism of action. Main interest in anti-inflammatory, apoptosis-inducing, cytotoxic, antioxidant, antimicrobial and antispasmodic activity of natural products.
Detection, isolation and identification of bioactive metabolites produced by natural sources using chemometric techniques. Special interest in the chemistry and pharmacology of saponins and the potential use of saponins as adjuvants in chemotherapy.
The use of analytical techniques for the evaluation of the quality control of phytomedicines and legal highs.
- MORENO-QUIRÓS, C.V., SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., VÁZQUEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, M., HERNÁNDEZ-REYES A.G. AND GARCÍA-RODRÍGUEZ, R.V. (2017) “Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive potential of Ternstroemia sylvatica Schltdl. & Cham”. Asian Pac J Trop Med. In Press.
- FERNÁNDEZ-POMARES, C., JUÁREZ-AGUILAR, E., DOMÍNGUEZ-ORTIZ, M. A., GALLEGOS-ESTUDILLO, J., HERRERA-COVARRUBIAS, D., SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., ARANDA-ABREU G.E., MANZO, J. AND HERNÁNDEZ, M.E. (2017). “Hydroalcoholic extract of the widely used Mexican plant Justicia spicigera Schltdl. exerts a cytostatic effect on LNCaP prostate cancer cells”. J Herb Med. In Press.
- PENDRY B.A., KEMP, V., HUGHES, M.J., FREEMAN, J., NUHUA, H.K., SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., CORCORAN, O. AND GALANTE, E. (2017). “Silymarin content in Silybum marianum extracts as a biomarker for the quality of commercial tinctures”. J Herb Med. In Press.
- WATKINS, F., PENDRY, B., SANCHEZ-MEDINA, A., KITE G. AND CORCORAN, O. (2016). “Early medieval wound healing formulations in Anglo-Saxon England: antimicrobial activity of betony (Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevis.)”. Journal of Ethnopharmacol. Submitted
- ALVAREZ-ZAPATA, R., SANCHEZ-MEDINA, A., CHAN-BACAB, M., GARCÍA-SOSA, K., ESCALANTE-EROSA, F., GARCÍA-RODRÍGUEZ, R.V. AND PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L.M. (2015). ” Chemometrics-enhanced high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection of bioactive metabolites from phytochemically unknown plants”. Analytica chimica acta. 1422:213-221
- HERNÁNDEZ-BELLO, R., GARCÍA-RODRÍGUEZ, R.V., GARCÍA-SOSA, K., PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L.M., VÁZQUEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, M., RAMOS-MORALES, F. R., CORCORAN, O. AND SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A. (2015). “Salvinorin A in legal high products of Salvia divinorumsold in México” Forensic Sci. Int. 249:197-201
- GARCÍA-RODRÍGUEZ, R.V., GUTIÉRREZ-REBOLLEDO, G.A., MÉNDEZ-BOLAINA, E., SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., MALDONADO-SAAVEDRA, O., DOMÍNGUEZ-ORTIZ, M.A., VÁZQUEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, M., MUÑOZ-MUÑIZ, O.D. AND CRUZ-SÁNCHEZ, J.S (2014). “Cnidoscolus chayamansa Mc Vaugh, an important antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective plant from Mexico.” Journal of Ethnopharmacol.151:937-943.
- WATKINS, F., PENDRY, B., SANCHEZ-MEDINA, A. AND CORCORAN, O. (2012). “Antimicrobial assays of three native British plants used in Anglo-Saxon medicine for wound healing formulations in 10th century England” J. of Ethnopharmacol. 144:408-415.
- WATKINS, F., PENDRY, B., CORCORAN, O. AND SANCHEZ-MEDINA, A. (2011) “Anglo-Saxon pharmacopoeia revisited: A potential treasure in drug discovery” Drug Discovery Today, 16: 1069-1075.
- GARCÍA-SOSA, K., SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., ZACCHINO, S., VEITCH, N.C., AND PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M. (2011) “Antifungal activity of sakurasosaponin from the root extract of Jacquinia flammea” Nat. Prod. Res. 25:1185-1189.
- GAO, J., MORGAN, W.A., SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A. and CORCORAN, O. (2011) «The functional biomarkers of Scutellaria baicalensis root induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis by regulation of p53 and BAX in human lung cancer cells». Toxicol. and Appl. Pharmacol. 254:221-228.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M., MAY-PAT, F., KARAGIANIS, G, WATERMAN, P. G. AND HABTEMARIAM, S. (2010) “Identification of sakurasosaponin as a cytotoxic principle from Jacquinia flammea”. Nat. Prod. Comm. 5:365-368.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., STEVENSON, P. C., HABTEMARIAM, S., PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M., CORCORAN, O., MALLET, A. I. AND VEITCH, N. C. (2009) “Triterpenoid saponins from a cytotoxic root extract of Sideroxylon foetidissimum subsp. gaumeri” Phytochemistry 70:765-772.
- GAO, J., SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., PENDRY, B. A., WEBB, G. P., HUGHES, M. J. AND CORCORAN O. (2008) “Comparison of flavonoid biomarkers in commercial skullcap (Scutellaria) tinctures” J. of Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci. 11:77-87.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., STEVENSON, P. C., HABTEMARIAM, S., PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M., CORCORAN, O., MALLET, A. I. AND VEITCH, N. C. (2008) “Triterpenoid saponins from the cytotoxic root extract of Sideroxylon foetidissimum, and endemic Yucatecan medicinal plant”. Planta Medica 74:908-909.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., ETHERIDGE, C. J., HAWKES, G. E., HYLANDS, P. J., PENDRY, B. A., HUGHES, M. J. AND CORCORAN, O. (2007) “Comparison of rosmarinic acid content in commercial tinctures produced from fresh and dried lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)”. J. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci. 10:455-463.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., GARCÍA-SOSA, K., MAY-PAT, F. AND PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M. (2001) “Evaluation of biological activity of crude extracts from plants used in Yucatecan traditional medicine. Part I. Antioxidant, antimicrobial, and β-glucosidase inhibition activities”. Phytomedicine 8: 144-151.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., GARCÍA-SOSA, K., MAY-PAT, F. AND PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M. (2001) “Evaluation of biological activity of crude extracts from plants used in Yucatecan traditional medicine. Part II. DNA-Interacting Activity” Phytomedicine 8: 236-239.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A. “The landscape of our university and research in chemistry and biology”. La Semaine Internationale, 50 ANS DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DE NANTES. Nantes, France. Marzo 14-16, 2012.
- SANCHEZ-MEDINA, “Estudios en Plantas Medicinales y Control de Calidad de Fitofármacos en el Reino Unido y México” Primer Coloquio de Organización, Sistemas y Gestoría de la Calidad, Instituto de Ciencias Básicas. Universidad Veracruzana. Xalapa, Veracruz, México. Febrero 16, 2012.
- WATKINS, F., CORCORAN, O., PENDRY, B. AND SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A. «Pharmacological explorations of Anglo-Saxon herbal sources» Explaining the actions: Researching herbal pharmacology in history seminar, organised by the Herbal History Research Network. Reading, Berkshire, Reino Unido. Julio 13, 2011.
- WESTHEAD, E., REBOLLEDO-MENDEZ, G. AND SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A. “The use of a Quiz-based Tutorial as an educational tool” UEL Annual Learning and Teaching Conference” Londres, Reino Unido. Julio, 2010.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A. AND PENDRY, B. “Evolution of the Medicines Research Group at UEL” The School of Health and Bioscence Annual Conference” Londres, Reino Unido. Junio, 2010.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., STEVENSON, P. C., HABTEMARIAM, S., PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M., CORCORAN, O., MALLET, A. I. AND VEITCH, N. C. “Cytotoxic Saponins from two endemic Yucatecan medicinal plants” Kings-Kew-Square Meeting. Londres, Reino Unido, Septiembre, 2009.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A. “Saponins.- Chemistry and biological activities” invited speaker, Simposio de Productos Naturales, Mérida, Yucatán, México, Agosto, 2008.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., STEVENSON, P.C., HABTEMARIAM, S., PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M., CORCORAN, O. AND VEITCH, N. C. “Cytotoxic saponins from an endemic Yucatecan medicinal plant” 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE & SIF; Natural Products with Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Cosmetic and Agrochemical Interest. Atenas, Grecia, 2008.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A. AND PEÑA-RODRIGUEZ, L. M. Invited Speaker to the Higher Education Links Closure. Organized by the British Council Mexico. Project: Bioprospecting development of Screening and Phytochemical skills. Evaluation of the native flora of the Yucatan Peninsula as a source of new drugs. Mérida, Yucatán, México. Marzo 11-13, 2005.
- SANCHEZ-MEDINA, A., KARAGIANIS, G., WATERMAN, P.G., PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L.M. and HABTEMARIAM, S. “Cytotoxic saponin from the root extract of Jacquinia flammmea” International Conference of Saponins: Phytochemistry and Applications of Plant Saponins. Pulawy, Polonia. Septiembre 8-10, 2004.
- SÁNCHEZ MEDINA A., GRANADOS, E., ROJAS, I AND ROJAS, A. “Evaluación de la Actividad Antiespasmódica de Flavonoides y Diterpenos Aislados de Gimnosperma glutinosum, en Íleo Aislado de Rata”. XVII Semana de Química. Mérida, Yucatán, México. 28 Noviembre, 1996.
- SÁNCHEZ MEDINA A., GRANADOS, E., ROJAS, I AND ROJAS, A. “Evaluación de la actividad relajante de la musculatura lisa inducida por flavonoides y diterpenos en íleo aislado de rata”. Conferencia Nacional del VI Verano de la Investigación Científica. Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, México. Agosto 25-28, 1996.
- SÁNCHEZ MEDINA A., GARDUÑO M. L. AND ALVAREZ-BERBER, L. “Transformación xenobiotica del ácido traquilobanoico por Aspergillus niger y su reactividad en ácido perclórico”. Conferencia Nacional del V Verano de la Investigación Científica. Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México. Agosto 27-31, 1995.
SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., GARCÍA-RODRÍGUEZ, R.V., CRUZ-SÁNCHEZ, J.S., VAZQUEZ-HERNANDEZ, M. AND CORCORAN, O. “Wide variability of pharmacologically active constituents in commercial herbal products available in Xalapa, Veracruz”. 8va. Reunión Internacional de Investigación en Productos Naturales “Dr. Alfredo Ortega Hernández”. Huatulco, Oaxaca, México. 23-25 Mayo, 2012.
- WATKINS, F., CORCORAN, O., PENDRY, B. AND SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A. «Rediscovering the Value of Anglo-Saxon Medical Manuscripts» 146th Conference of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists. Lancaster, Reino Unido. Octubre 16-17, 2010.
- WATKINS, F., CORCORAN, O., PENDRY, B. AND SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A. » ‘Medicinal plants used in Anglo-Saxon England for the treatment of bacterial infections» College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy Seminar Series “What on Earth is Evidence-Based Herbal Medicine?” University College London, Londres, Reino. Octubre 4, 2010.
- GAO, J. O., CUTLER, R., SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A. AND CORCORAN, O. “Proteomics analysis of cell death mechanisms induced by Scutellaria baicalensis on human lung cancer cells SK-LU-1 and SK-MES-1”. Presentado en la 17th ECDO Euroconference, Destruction, Degradation and Death, Cell Death Control in Cancer and Neurodegeneration. Institute Pasteur, Paris, Francia. Septiembre 23-26, 2009.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., ETHERIDGE, C. J., PENDRY, B. A., HAWKES, G. E., HYLANDS, P. J., HUGHES, M. J. AND CORCORAN, O. “Quantification of Rosmarinic Acid Content in Commercial Tinctures of Lemonbalm” 5th National Meeting on Natural Products. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, 2008.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., STEVENSON, P.C., HABTEMARIAM, S., PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M., CORCORAN, O. AND VEITCH, N. C. “Triterpenoid Saponins from Sideroxylon foetidissimum Jacq. subsp. gaumeri” 5th National Meeting on Natural Products. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, 2008.
- SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., ETHERIDGE, C. J., HAWKES, G. E., HYLANDS, P. J., PENDRY, B. A., NELSON, L., HUGHES, M. J. AND CORCORAN, O. “Quantification of Rosmarinic Acid Content in Commercial Tinctures of Lemonbalm (Melissa officinalis)” 144th Conference of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists. Chester, Reino Unido, 2008.
- GAO, J., SÁNCHEZ-MEDINA, A., PENDRY, B. A., NELSON, L., HUGHES, M. J., WEBB G. P. AND CORCORAN, O. “Wide variability in the biomarkers for commercial skullcap tinctures” 144th Conference of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists. Chester, Reino Unido, 2008.
- SANCHEZ-MEDINA, GARCIA-SOSA, K., HABTEMARIAM, S. AND PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M. “Aislamiento de metabolitos con actividad antifúngica del extracto de raíz de Jacquinia flammmea” XL Congreso Mexicano de Química. Morelia, Michoacán, México. Septiembre 25-29, 2005
- FUENTES-GARCIA, A., SANCHEZ-MEDINA, A. AND PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M. “ Evaluación de la actividad biológica de los extractos crudos de plantas nativas de la Península de Yucatán” XXV Congreso Latinoamericano de Química. Cancún, Quintana Roo, México. Septiembre 22-26, 2002.
- EROSA-REJON, G. J., SANCHEZ-MEDINA, A. AND PEÑA-RODRÍGUEZ, L. M. “Identificación de los metabolitos con actividad antioxidante aislados de hojas de Jatropha gaumeri”. XXV Congreso Latinoamericano de Química. Cancún, Quintana Roo, México. Septiembre 22-26, 2002.
SANCHEZ MEDINA A., GARCÍA SOSA, K. AND PEÑA RODRÍGUEZ, L. M. “Empleo de técnicas de bioensayo simples para la detección de actividad biológica en extractos vegetales”. XXXII Conferencia Nacional de Ciencias Farmacéuticas. Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México. Octubre 24-28, 1999.