Producción científica: Artículos en revistas JCR (Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection)

2024. Zavaleta-Martínez, A., Barrientos-Morales, M., Medina, V. A., Rodríguez-Andrade, A., Cervantes-Acosta, P., Hernández-Beltran, A., Avendaño-Reyes, L., & Domínguez-Mancera, B. Evaluation of intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting pregnancy rate in dual-purpose cows under tropical conditions. Tropical animal health and production56(4), 163.

2024. Romero-Ramírez L. A., Cervantes-Acosta P., Domínguez-Mancera B., Hernández-Beltrán, A. Asociación del polimorfismo del locus Hsp70 con termotolerancia y pre-sencia de afecciones en ganado Criollo del Golfo en sistemas intensivos. aceptado para su publicación año 2024 en la Revista Agro Productividad.

2024. Zavaleta-Martínez A, Román-Fernández O, Alpirez Mendoza M, Barrientos-Morales M, Rodríguez-Andrade A, Cervantes-Acosta P, Antonio Hernández-Beltrán A, Leonel Avendaño-Reyes L, Domínguez-Mancera B. Factores que afectan la tasa de gestación con embriones cebú producidos in vitro en trópico. Rev MVZ Córdoba. 2024; 29(2):e3453.

2024. Marín-Urías, L.F.; García-Ramírez, P.J.; Domínguez-Mancera, B.; Hernández-Beltrán, A.; Vásquez-Santacruz, J.A.; Cervantes-Acosta, P.; Barrientos-Morales, M.; Portillo-Vélez, R.D.J. Bull Breeding Soundness Assessment Using Artificial Neural Network-Based Predictive Models. Agriculture 2024, 14, 67. agriculture14010067

2024. Zavaleta-Martínez, A., Barrientos-Morales, M., Alpirez-Mendozaa, M., Rodríguez-Andrade, A., Cervantes-Acosta, P., Hernández-Beltrán, A., Avesaño-Reyes, L., & Dominguez-Mancera, B. Effect of heatwaves on the pregnancy rate of dual-purpose recipient cows transferred with produced in-vitro embryos in tropical locations. Multidisciplinary Science Journal6(7), 2024103.

2024. Montaño Garcia, S. E., Acosta, P. C., Mosqueda, M. de L. J., Beltran, A. H., Mancera, B. D., Villeda, M. B., Salas, D. R., & Morales, M. B. Association of the polymorphism of the Pon-1 locus with the concentration of Paraoxonase-1 and post-thaw sperm viability in pig. Multidisciplinary Science Journal6(7), 2024119.

2024. Jacome Sosa, E., Juarez Mosqueda, M. de L., Barrientos Villeda , M., Dominguez Mancera, B., Delgado Sánchez, P., Pinos , J. M., & Barrientos Morales, M. Extraction of proteins and location of the L-ype Voltage-Dependent Ca2+ channel (CaV1.2 α1c) in pig sperm extracted from fresh, frozen and permeated semen. Multidisciplinary Science Journal6(8), 2024135.

2023. Lepe-Anasagasti, , I. E., Canseco Sedano, R., Zárate-Guevara , O. E., Pardio-Sedas , V. T., Domínguez-Mancera , B., Cruz-Romero , A., Rosendo- Ponce , A., Vega-Murillo , V. E., & Contreras-Hernandez, G. Embryo development after ICSI, using spermatozoa from bovine testicular tissue treated with three membrane-destabilizing agents. Agro Productividad.

2023. García-Ramírez, P.J., Cruz-Montalvo, S.A., Martínez-Hernández, J.M., Hernández-Pérez, M., Domínguez-Mancera, B., Delgado-Reyes, G., Carrasco-García, A.A., Cervantes-Acosta, P., Avendaño-Reyes, A., Hernández-Beltrán, A. A non-invasive wireless system to monitor pinna arterial temperature and heart rate in hair sheep. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Volume 54, Issue 02, February. Journal ID : AMA-16-02-2023-12022

2022. Viveros-Peredo S., Ahuja-Aguirre C., López-de Buen L., Domínguez-Mancera B. Growth pattern of farmed Morelet’s crocodiles (Crocodylus moreletii) from hatchlings to juveniles. South American Journal of Herpetology 25: 76–87.

2022. Jose Luis Ochoa-Valencia, Anabel Cruz-Romero, Sokani Sánchez-Montes, Sandra Cecilia Esparza-González, Dora Romero-Salas, Belisario Domínguez-Mancera, Jose Rodrigo Ramos-Vázquez, Ingeborg Becker and Marco Torres-Castro. Serological and Molecular evidence of pathogenic Leptospira species in cattle from slaughterhouses in Veracruz State, Mexico. Revista Científica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, rcfcv-e33201, 1 -9.

2022. Ivan Isaias Avalos Rosario, Oscar Enrique Zarate Guevara, Michael Kjelland, Luz Teresa Espín Iturbe, Belisario Domínguez Mancera & Manuel Barrientos Morales. Evaluation of the maturation time of abattoir-sourced water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) oocytes fertilized in vitro. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 43(12), pp. 30-36. Available at:

2022. Macario Fernández-Popo, Juan M. Pech Canché, Patricia Cervantes Acosta, Jorge Luis Chagoya Fuentes, Belisario Domínguez Mancera And Antonio Hernández Beltrán. Bird diversity in an agroforestry system in Veracruz, México. UPJOZ, 43(8): 93-103, 2022. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY.

2022. Armando Arrieta-González, Antonio Hernández-Beltrán, Manuel Barrientos-Morales, David I. Martínez-Herrera, Patricia Cervantes-Acosta, Araceli Rodríguez-Andrade, Belisario Dominguez-Mancera. Characterization and technological typification of bovine dual-purpose system of the Huasteca Veracruzana Mexico. Revista MVZ Córdoba27(2), 2022.

2021. Torres-Aburto Víctor Fernando; Hernández-Beltrán Antonio; Cervantes-Acosta Patricia; Barrientos-Morales Manuel; Arrieta-González Armando, Rodríguez-Andrade Araceli; Hernández-Flores Herminio; Domínguez-Mancera Belisario. Reproductive evaluation of Charolais and Charbray bulls on the reproductive efficiency of herds in the humid tropics of Veracruz. Agro Productividad, 14(7).

2021. Patricia Cervantes-Acosta, Antonio Hernández-Beltrán, Manuel Barrientos-Morales, Belisario Domínguez-Mancera. Leptin Chronic Effect on Differentiation, Ion Currents and Protein Expression in N1E-115 Neuroblastoma Cells. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 24:297-309. DOI:10.3923/pjbs.2021.297.309

2020. Jácome-Sosa Edelmira, Barrientos-Morales Manuel, Juárez-Mosqueda Maria de Lourdes, Domínguez-Mancera Belisario. Pores formation in porcine sperm incubated in streptolysin O and its post thawing viability after trehalose treatment. Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 55 Issue 2: 150-154 (February 2021). DOI:10.18805/IJAR.B-1302

2020. Víctor Fernando Torres-Aburto, Manuel Barrientos-Morales, Herminio Hernández-Flores, Araceli Rodríguez-Andrade, Patricia Cervantes-Acosta, Vincenzo Landi, Antonio Hernández Beltran & Belisario Domínguez-Mancera. Breeding soundness examination and herd proficiency of local genetic groups of bulls in tropical environment conditions in Veracruz, Mexico. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 19:1, 840-855.

2020. Torres-Aburto, Víctor Fernando; Domínguez-Mancera, Belisario; Vázquez-Luna, Dinora; Espinosa Ortiz, Valentín Efrén. Costo del intervalo interparto en la producción bovina tropical del sureste de México. Agro Productividad. Año 13, Vol. 13, Núm. 7; 45-51.

2020. Juan Manuel Pinos-Rodríguez, Belisario Domínguez-Mancera, Francisco Indalecio Juarez-Lagunes and Manuel Barrientos-Morales. Calcium and b-hydroxybutyrate serum concentrations in early postpartum of Jersey cows. Indian Journal Of Animal Research.(54):841-845. DOI:10.18805/ijar.B-1036

2019. Ariadna Z. Medina-León, Belisario Domínguez-Mancera, Nicolás Cazalez-Penino, Patricia Cervantes-Acosta, Edelmira Jácome-Sosa, Dora Romero-Salas, Manuel Barrientos-Morales. Cryopreservation of horse semen with a liposome and trehalose added extender. Austral Journal Veterinary Sciences 51, 119-123

2019. Pedro Javier García-Ramírez, Antonio Hernández-Beltrán, Belisario Domínguez-Mancera, Patricia Cervantes-Acosta, Sergio Vergara-Limon, María Aurora Diozcora Vargas-Treviño.Design of an intra-ruminal wireless communication sensing system for measuring temperature and pH of cattle. Indian Journal of Animal Research.B-1053. Aceptado.

2019. Belisario Domínguez-Mancera, Araceli Rodríguez-Andrade, Manuel Barrientos-Morales, Patricia Cervantes-Acosta & Antonio Hernández-Beltrán. Ghrelin and Leptin increase voltage-gated Na+ and Ca2+ currents in the RIN-m5f insulin-producing cell line. Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics Vol. 56, June 2019, pp. 193-204

2018. Barrientos-Morales M, Barrientos-Villeda M, Domínguez-Mancera B, PinosRodríguez J.M. & Juárez-Mosqueda M.L. Effects of supplemental seminal plasma on cryopreserved boar sperm quality. Short communication. South African Journal of Animal Science 2018, 48(No.1):67-70

2017. Belisario Domínguez-Mancera, Manuel Barrientos-Morales, Patricia Cervantes-Acosta, Antonio Hernández-Beltrán, Araceli Rodríguez-Andrade, Ricardo González-Ramírez, Eduardo Monjaraz, Ricardo Felix. Leptin regulation of inward membrane currents, electrical activity and LH release in isolated bovine gonadotropes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. Volume 491, Issue 1, Pages 53-58

2015. Adasue Magdaleno-Méndez, Belisario Domínguez, Araceli Rodríguez-Andrade, Manuel Barrientos-Morales, Patricia Cervantes-Acosta, Antonio Hernández-Beltrán, Ricardo González-Ramírez, Ricardo Felix. Ghrelin increases growth hormone production and functional expression of NaV1.1 and NaV1.2 channels in pituitary somatotropes.Endocrine: Volume 48, Issue 3 Page 929-936. Endocrine. DOI 10.1007/s12020-014-0392-x. Received: 28 April 2014 / Accepted: 11 August 2014; Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014. (Impact Factor: 3.52)


2011. Morgado E, Juarez C, Melo AI, Dominguez B, Lehman MN, Escobar C, Meza E, Caba M. ARTIFICIAL FEEDING SYNCHRONIZES BEHAVIORAL, HORMONAL, METABOLIC AND NEURAL PARAMETERS IN MOTHER-DEPRIVED NEONATAL RABBIT PUPS (ISSN: 1460-9568). European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol.34, Pag.1807-1816. (Impact Factor: 3.75);jsessionid=4E60A7387123B6A8808DB97CBC3AA630.f02t03

2009. Dominguez B, Felix R and Monjaraz E. UP-REGULATION OF VOLTAGE-GATED NA+ CHANNELS BY LONG-TERM ACTIVATION OF THE GHRELIN-GROWTH HORMONE SECRETAGOGUE RECEPTOR IN CLONAL GC SOMATOTROPOS. American Journal of Physiology;Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol.296, Pag.1148-1156. (Impact Factor: 4.088)

2008. Belisario Dominguez, Traudy Avila, Jorge Flores-Hernandez, Gustavo Lopez-Lopez, Herminia Martinez-Rodriguez, Ricardo Felix, Eduardo Monjaraz. UP-REGULATION OF HIGH VOLTAGE-ACTIVATED CA2+ CHANNELS IN GC SOMATOTROPES AFTER LONG-TERM EXPOSURE TO GHRELIN AND GROWTH HORMONE RELEASING PEPTIDE-6, Cell. Mol. Neurobiology, Vol.28, Pag.819-831. (Impact Factor: 2.201)

2007. Dominguez, B. Felix, R. Monjaraz, E. GHRELIN AND GHRP-6 ENHANCE ELECTRICAL AND SECRETORY ACTIVITY IN GC SOMATOTROPES. Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun., Vol.358, Pag.59-69. (Impact Factor: 2.281)

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