Research Interests

My research focuses on the reproductive physiology of insect pests. I’m mostly interested in how female sexual receptivity is turned on and off, focusing on pests such as true fruit flies (Tephritidae). My group has been studying the male ejaculate, through sperm and male accessory gland proteins. Some of these fruit flies are controlled though the Sterile Insect Technique, so we also focus on how to improve male sexual competitiveness. By studying peri and postcopulatory mechanisms in tephritid flies we hope to find ways in which sterile males can perform adequately at the pre and postcopulatory stage. We use an approach of animal behavior, physiology and molecular biology to a lower extent.

I am interested in the sexual behavior of other insects such as the mahogany shoot borer and more recently we are trying to help with the reproduction of Philornis downsi at the Charles Darwin Research Station.


For a list of my publications please visit:

Researchgate profile

Google scholar

Lab members

Master´s students:

Ricardo Macías Díaz del Castillo

Paola Lahuatte Vera

Betzabé Verónica Murrieta

Abraham Moreno Mejía

Doctoral students:

Ivan González López

Guadalupe Córdova García

Christian Rodriguez-Enriquez

Past members

Diana Amaro Hernández

Evaristo Calihua

Carlos Carmona

Crúz Raúl Perea Castellanos

Nicolás Núñez Beverido

Yair Jesús Contreras Navarro

Iván Gonzalo González

Nancy Eneida Barradas Juanz

Martha Reyes Hernández– Award for Best PhD thesis. Sociedad Mexicana de Entomología 2019.

Solana Abraham-Postdoc

 Mariana Herrera Cruz-Postdoc

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