Dr. Mezura-Montes is an IEEE Senior member and also he is a member of the
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Evolutionary Computation Technical Committee.
- IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society.
- IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society Soft Computing Technical Committee.
- Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs).
He is the founder of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society task force on Nature-Inspired Constrained Optimization.
In Mexico, Dr. Mezura-Montes is a:
- Level-III member (Area 7) of the Mexican National Researchers System (SNI).
- Regular member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC).
- Board of Directors member and also Regular member of the Mexican Computing Academy (AMEXCOMP).
- Member of the Mexican Science Council (CONACyT) Collaboration network on Applied Computational Intelligence Technical Committee.