
  • Nombre del CA UV-222 «Biología Celular y Molecular»
  • LGAC  «Neuroendocrinología» y «Ritmos Circadianos»

Producción académica

Meza, E.; Juárez, C.; Morgado, E.; Zavaleta, Y. y Caba, M. (2008). Brief daily
suckling shifts locomotor behavior and induces PER1 protein in paraventricular
and supraoptic nuclei, but not in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, of rabbit does.
Eur J Neurosci. (28) 1394-1403.

Morgado, E.; Gordon, M.K.; del Carmen Minaña-Solis M.; Meza, E.; Levine, S.;
Escobar, C.; y Caba, M. (2008). Hormonal and metabolic rhythms associated
with the daily scheduled nursing in rabbit pups. Am J Physiol Regul Integr
Comp Physiol. 295(2):R690-5.

Caba, M.; Tovar, A.; Silver, R.; Morgado, E.; Meza, E.; Zavaleta, Y. y Juárez C.
(2008). Nature’s food anticipatory experiment: entrainment of locomotor
behavior, suprachiasmatic and dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei by suckling in
rabbit pups. Eur J Neurosci. 27(2):432-43.

Morgado E., Meza E., Kathleen Gordon m., Francis K.Y.Pau, Juarez C., Caba
M., (2010). Persistence of hormonal and metabolic rhythms Turing casting in 7-
to 9 day-old rabbits entrained by nursing during the night. Horm Behav. 58 465-

Waliszewski M., Caba M., Herrero-Mercado M., Saldariaga-Norena H., Meza
E., Zepeda R., Martínez-Valenzuela C., Infanzón R. y Hernández-Chalate F
(2011). Monitoring of Organochloride Pesticide Residue Levels in Adipose
Tissue of Veracruz, Mexico Inhabitants. Bull Environt Contam Toxicol 87: 539-

Waliszewski M., Sánchez K., Caba M., Saldariaga-Norena H., Meza E.,
Zepeda R., Valencia Quintana R. e Infanzón R.(2011). Organochlorine Pesticide
Levels in Female Adipose Tissue from Puebla, Mexico Bull Environt Contam
Toxicol 88(2): 296-301

Waliszewski M., Caba M., Herrero-Mercado M., Saldariaga-Norena H., Meza
E., Zepeda R., Martínez-Valenzuela C., Gómez-Arroyo S. y Villalobos-Petrini R.
(2011). Organochloride Pesticide Residue Levels in Blood Serum of Inhabitants
from Veracruz, Mexico. Environ Contam Monit Assess DOI 10.

Meza E, Waliszewsky S, Caba M. (2011). Circadian nursing induces PER
protein in neuroendocrine tyrosine hydroxylase neurons in the rabbit doe. J
Neuroendocrinol, (23) 472-480.

Morgado E, Juárez C, Melo A., Domínguez B., Lehman M., Escobar C., Meza E.,
and Caba M. (2011). Artificial feeding synchronizes behavioral, hormonal,
metabolic and neural parameters in mother-deprived neonatal rabbit pups. Eur
J Neurosc 34:1807-1816, 2011.


Nolasco N, Juárez C, Morgado E, Meza E, y Caba M. (2012). A circadian clock
in the olfactory bulb anticipates feeding during food anticipatory activity. PLoS
One 7(10):e47779

Waliszewski SM, Caba M, Rodríguez Díaz SS, Saldarriaga-Norena H, Meza E,
Zepeda R, Infanzón R. (2012). Levels of organochlorine pesticides residues in
human adipose tissue, data from Tabasco, Mexico. Bull Environ Contam
Toxicol. 89(5):1062-7

Juarez C, Morgado E, Waliszewski SM, Martinez AJ, Meza E, Caba M. (2012)
Synchronization of PER1 protein in parabrachial nucleus in a natural model of
food anticipatory activity. Eur J Neurosci 35(9):1458-65

Juarez C, Morgado E, Meza E, Waliszewski SM, Aguilar-Roblero R, Caba M.
(2013). Development of retinal projections and response to photic input in the
suprachiasmatic nucleus of New Zealand White Rabbits. Brain Res. 1499: 21-8

Caba M.; Pabello, M; Moreno ML; Meza E. (2014) Main and accessory olfactory
bulbs and their projection in the brain anticipate feeding in food entrained rats.
Chronobiol. Int. 10: 1-9

Meza, E., Aguirre, J., Waliszewski, S., & Caba, M. (2015). Suckling induces a
daily rhythm in the preoptic area and lateral septum but not in the bed nucleus
of the stria terminalis in lactating rabbit does. European Journal of
Neuroscience, 41(2), 196-204.

Caba, M., Meza, E., Waliszewski, S. M., & Martfnez-Valenzuela, C. (2015).
Inverse correlation among organochlorine pesticide levels to total lipid serum
contents: a preliminary study in Veracruz, Mexico. Environmental monitoring
and assessment, 187(7), 1-6.

Martfnez-Valenzuela, C., Rodrfguez-Quintana, A. R., Meza, E., Waliszewski, S.
M., Amador-Munoz, O., Mora-Romero, A., … & Caba, M. (2015). Cytogenetic
biomonitoring of occupationally exposed workers to ashes from burning of sugar
cane in Ahome, Sinaloa, Mexico. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology,
40(2), 397-401.

Martfnez-Valenzuela, C., Waliszewski, S. M., Amador-Munoz, O., Meza, E.,
Calderon-Segura, M. E., Zenteno, E., … & Longoria-Espinoza, R. (2016). Aerial
pesticide application causes DNA damage in pilots from Sinaloa, Mexico.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-9.

Guzman-Geronimo Rosa Isela, Alarcon-Zavaleta Tania Margarita, Oliart-Ros
Rosa Maria, Meza-Alvarado Jose Enrique, Herrera-Meza Socorro, and
Chavez-Servia Jose Luis. Journal of Medicinal Food. February 2017, 20(2):
110-115. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2016.0087.


Martínez-Valenzuela, C., Soto, F. B., Waliszewski, S. M., Meza, E., Arroyo, S.
G., Martmez, L. D. O., … & Caba, M. (2017). Induced cytotoxic damage by
exposure to gasoline vapors: a study in Sinaloa, Mexico. Environmental
Science and Pollution Research, 24(1), 539-546.

J Aguirre, E Meza, M Caba (2017) Dopaminergic activation anticipates daily
nursing in the rabbit, European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol 45-11; 1396-1409


Minon-Hernandez, D., Villalobos-Espinosa, J., Santiago-Roque, I., Gonzalez-
Herrera, S. L., Herrera-Meza, S., Meza-Alvarado, E., … & Acosta-Mesa, H. G.
(2018). Biofunctionality of native and nano-structured blue corn starch in
prediabetic Wistar rats. CyTA-Journal of Food, 16(1), 477-483.


M Caba, G Gonzalez-Mariscal, E Meza (2018) Circadian Rhythms and Clock
Genes in Reproduction: Insights From Behavior and the Female Rabbit’s Brain
Frontiers in endocrinology 9, 106

Puga-Olguh, A., Rodríguez-Landa, J. F., de Jesús Rovirosa-Hernández, M.,
German-Ponciano, L. J., Caba, M., Meza, E., Guillen-Ruiz G, & Olmos-
Vázquez, O. J. (2019). Long-term ovariectomy increases anxiety-and despair-
like behaviors associated with lower Fos immunoreactivity in the lateral septal
nucleus in rats. Behavioural brain research, 360, 185-195.

Guzmán-Gerónimo, R. I., Herrera-Sotero, M., Grijalva, B., Oliart-Ros, R. M., Meza-Alvarado, J. E., Martínez-Chacón, A. J., … & Herrera-Meza, S. (2020). Impact of blackberry juice on biochemical and histopathological profile in Wistar rats fed with a high-sucrose and high-colesterol diet. CyTA-Journal of Food18(1), 359-366.

Caba, M., Huerta, C., Meza, E., Hernández, M., & Rovirosa-Hernández, M. J. (2020). Oxytocinergic Cells of the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Are Involved in Food Entrainment. Frontiers in Neuroscience14.

Germán-Ponciano, L. J., Puga-Olguín, A., Rovirosa-Hernández, M. D. J., Caba, M., Meza, E., & Rodríguez-Landa, J. F. (2020). Differential effects of acute and chronic treatment with the flavonoid chrysin on anxiety-like behavior and Fos immunoreactivity in the lateral septal nucleus in rats. Acta Pharmaceutica70(3), 387-397.

Caba, M., Meza, E., Escobar, C., Jiménez, A., Caba-Flores, M. D., Moreno-Cortés, M. L., & Melo, A. I. (2021). Oxytocinergic Cells of the Posterior Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Participate in the Food Entrained Clock.


Martínez-Luna M, Meza Alvarado JE, Lázaro Pacheco RI, Morales-Romero J, Ángeles-Castellanos M (2021) Disturbance of Nocturnal Secretion of Melatonin and Sleep, in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J Sleep Med Disord 7(1): 1123.

Huerta, C., Paredes, R. G., Morales, T., Caba-Flores, M. D., Meza, E., & Caba, M. (2022). Rabbits can be conditioned in a food-induced place preference paradigm. Brain Research1781, 147815.

Huerta, C., Meza, E., Caba-Flores, M. D., Morales, T., Paredes, R. G., & Caba, M. (2023). Activation of the central but not the medial and cortical amygdala during anticipation for daily nursing in the rabbit. Brain Research, 1809, 148341.

Moreno-Cortés, M. L., Meza-Alvarado, J. E., García-Mena, J., & Hernández-Rodríguez, A. (2024). Chronodisruption and Gut Microbiota: Triggering Glycemic Imbalance in People with Type 2 Diabetes. Nutrients, 16(5), 616.

Correia-Gomes D, Contreras-Domínguez A, Meza-Alvarado JE, Caba-Flores MD, Lara-Arellano SS, Viveros-Contreras R. (2024) Sociocultural features as risk factors for intestinal parasitosis in children from Mexico. Salud Publica Mex [Internet]. 2024Nov.5;66(6 (nov-dec):894-5. Available from:

Gomes, D. C., Meza Alvarado, J. E., Briseño, J. A. Z., Sarmiento, C. C., Morales, A. C., & Contreras, R. V. (2024). Maternal Supplementation with Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG Improves Glucose Tolerance and Modulates the Intestinal Microbiota of Offspring. Diseases, 12(12), 312.


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