
Dr. Ericka J. Rechy-Ramírez 

Currently, I am a researcher in the Instituto de Investigaciones en Inteligencia Artificial – IIIA at Universidad Veracruzana. Before, I was working at the Laboratorio Nacional de Informática Avanzada (LANIA).

My research interests include:

  • Serious Games
  • Sensor fusion
  • Bio-signals
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Assistive technology

My research explores the use of sensors in order to provide a more friendly and human communication between computers and people. Specifically, it is analyzed the use of commercial sensors on video games for rehabilitation purposes and assistive technology.




Instituto de Investigaciones en Inteligencia Artificial – IIIA
Universidad Veracruzana
Paseo 112 Lote 2, Nueva Xalapa, 91097
Xalapa, Ver., México

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