García-García F., Krueger JM., López-Muciño LA., Bravo-González F., Leyva-Grado VH., Jiménez-Correa U. (2024). Sleep Disorders, Inflammation, and COVID-19. In Psychoneuroimmunology. Springer-Nature. ISBN 978-3-031-72078-9
Viana-Torre, G., Machado, S., Budde, H., Imperatori, C., Filho, A. S. S., Yadollahpour, A., García-García, F., Yamamoto, T., Torterolo, P., & Murillo-Rodríguez, E. (2023). Sleep regulation by exogenous and endogenous cannabinoids. Medicinal Usage of Cannabis and Cannabinoids, 385-392. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90036-2.00019-3
Cueto-Escobedo J, García-García F, Caio M, Rodríguez Landa JF. New developments in behavioral pharmacology. IntechOpen. 2020. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.93700
Cueto-Escobedo J, García-García F, Guillén Ruiz G, Rodríguez Landa JF. Anxiolytic Effects of Fluoxetine in Preclinical and Clinical Research. In Advances in Medicine and Biology. Vol. 125. NOVA, 2020. ISBN 2157-5398.
Ramírez Plascencia O, Acosta Hernández ME, García-García F. The role of neuroglobin in brain function and sleep-wake cycle. In The behavioral, molecular, pharmacological, and clinical basis of the sleep-wake cycle. Murillo Rodríguez E, Ed. Academic Press. Elsevier. 2019. USA. ISBN 978-0-12-816430-3.
García-García F, Drucker-Colín R. Los canabinoides como reguladores del ciclo vigilia- sueño. En Tratado de Medicina de Sueño. Isabel Andrés, Ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana. Madrid, España, 2015. ISBN 978-84-9835-203-0.
Acosta-Peña E, Rodríguez-Alba JC, García-García F. Brain restoration, a function of sleep. In Brian Damage. Alina Gonzalez-Quevedo, Ed. INTECH. Croatia. 2012. ISBN 979-953-307-461-9.
Juárez-Aguilar E, García-García F, Croda Todd T. Role of Cystatin C in the Neurodegenerative Process and its Possible Use as a Nervous System Biomarker. In Cystatins: Protease Inhibitors, Biomarkers, and Immunomodulators. John B. Cohen and Linda P. Ryseck, Eds. Nova Science Publishers. USA. 2011. ISBN 978-1-61209- 343-7.
García-García F, Venebra-Muñoz A, Drucker-Colín R. Therapeutic properties of nicotine. In: Neuronal Mechanisms of Action of Drugs Abuse and Natural Reinforcers. Méndez Ubach M and Mondragón Cevallos R, Eds. 123-135, 2008. ISBN 978-81-308-0245-9.
García-García F, Drucker Colín R. Sleep Factors. In: Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapeutics. Pandi-Perumal, S.R., Verster. J.C., Monti, J.M., Lader, M., Langer, S.Z., Eds. Informa Healthcare, Abingdon/UK. 125-132. 2008. ISBN 978-0-415-43818-6.
García-García F, Olivares-Bañuelos T, Drucker-Colín R. Vasoactive intestinal polypetide and prolactin cytokines: role in sleep and some immune aspects. In: Neuroimmunology of Sleep. Chrousos, D.P. Cardinali, M. Pandi-Perumal, Eds. Springer, USA. 97-117. 2007. ISBN: 978-0-387-69144-2.
Obál F. Jr. García-García F, Krueger JM. The Role of Endogenous Sleep-promoting Substances. In: Sleep Deprivation: Clinical Issues, Pharmacology, and Sleep Loss Effects. C.A. Kushida, Eds. Marcel-Dekker, Inc. 515-528, 2004. ISBN 082-472-094-6.
García-García F, Drucker-Colín R. Nutritional impact on sleep-wake cycle. In: Nutrition and Brain. Fernstrom, J.D., Uauy, R. and Arroyo, P, Eds. Karger AG, Basel, Vol: 5 pp. 189- 199, 2001. ISBN 380-557-1666