Doctoral Consortium MICAI’2011

The Mexican Society on Artificial Intelligence (SMIA) invites mexican
students presently enrolled in doctorate programs either in Mexico or abroad to
participate in the doctoral consortium at the 11th edition of the Mexican
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2011, [1]), to be held
on November 26 to December 4 in Puebla, Mexico.
The consortium offers a limited number of students the opportunity of
presenting their work advances and receive evaluation and feedback from
notorious researchers (advisers) and fellow participating students. The main objective
of this forum is to allow the students to benefit from evaluations and
discussions related to their particular research projects. This forum will also allow
the students to know more about the research community on artificial intelligence
in Mexico and identify the different research areas in order to promote
scientific collaboration in a new generation of researchers. Finally, the consortium
will enable communication and knowledge interchange between the Mexican industry
and the research community.
The invitation is open to all doctorate program students with an approved
research topic in Computer Science and with enough time to obtain the degree
in order to be able to benefit from feedback. Interested students must send
by e-mail to either Doctoral Consortium chairs the following information in a
single PDF file:
1. Abstract of the research project, written in English using Springer
format ([2]) and a maximum extent of 3 pages. This document must
precisely indicate the extents of the research and the hypothesis
research topic, the justification of its importance, a brief
description of
the research objectives and methodology and the preliminary results or
conclusions obtained so far. Incorporation of the following sections
in the
written document is recommended:
€  Motivation
€  Previous works in the area
€  Hypothesis or research objectives
€  Methodology
€  State of the research
€  Preliminary results (or conclusions)
€  Bibliographical reference
2. The student’s curriculum vitae with a maximum extent of 2 pages (list
publications included).
Miguel González Mendoza
Oscar Herrera Alcántara

the submitted documents, and will also participate as advisers during the
toral consortium.
Selected students will be invited to a discussion session in which
will give a feedback about the actual state of the presented work in terms
content as well as methodology and will give suggestions and recommendations
about the future direction and focus about them.
Other benefits:
€ Abstracts of the accepted papers will appear in the CD of the memories
MICAI workshops and Doctoral Consortium.
€ Selected students will obtain free inscription to the Congress and CD
the memories MICAI workshops.
Important Dates:
€ Deadline for paper submission: August 30, 2011.
€ Notification of acceptance/rejection: September 5, 2011.
€ Event: November 28, 2011.