
I made my studies in Informatics at the School of Statistics and Informatics (Facultad de Estadística e Informática) of the Universidad Veracruzana, from 1987 to 1991. I’ve got my Licenciado en Informática degree in a protocolary act under the Titulación por Promedio modality (grade average above 90/100 without having any extraordinary exam – that means that I always passed my exams in the first opportunity – during all my studies) on May 13th, 1992 in XalapaVeracruz.

Later I studied the Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence (Maestría en Inteligencia Artificial), also in the Universidad Veracruzana from 1994 to 1996. I’ve got my Master in Artificial Intelligence degree with Honorary Mention (Mención Honorífica) on February 3rd, 1997, defeding my thesis « Propuesta de una Interfaz para el Apoyo al Trabajo Cooperativo en un Ambiente de Arquitectura Paralela y Sistemas Distribuidos» (« Proposal of an Interface for the Cooperative Work in an Parallel Architecture and Distributed Systems Environment)», under the supervision of Víctor Germán Sánchez Árias PhD, also in XalapaVeracruz.

Fianlly I made my PhD stay in the LAASCNRS in Toulouse, France from 2000 to 2005. I’ve got my PhD in Informatics degree with Very Honorable Mention (Mention Très Honorable) by the Paul Sabatier University (University of Toulouse III) on June 10th, 2005 defending the thesis «CoLab – Conception et Mise Œuvre d’un Outil pour la Navigation Coopérative sur le Web» (« CoLab – Conception and Implementation of a Tool for Cooperatively Browsing on the Web«), under the supervision of Jean-Pierre Courtiat PhD, with whom I have a great friendship.

Nowadays I’m a Full-Time Researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Department (Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial) of the School of Physics and Artificial Intelligence (Facultad de Física e Inteligencia Artificial), as well as Professor at the Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence (Maestría en Inteligencia Artificial) and at the School of Mathematics (Facultad de Matemáticas) of the Universidad Veracruzana.

My research interes is in the Web Technologies area, mainly the Collaborative Web Browsing, the Semantic Web, the Web Computing, the Multiagent Systems, the Social Intelligence, as well as the Parallel-Distributed Processing of Information.

During my career as a researcher I’ve made a certain number of publications related to my research works.

A great part of what I’ve my is thanks to the Fabián Hernández, my very dear CS professor, who adviced me, at a very opportune moment to retake my studies in Informatics, that I had quit some time before, and who shared with me very valuable knowledge that made me easier my studies at the School of Statistics and Informatics (Facultad de Estadística e Informática).

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