

Espinel-Flores V, Vargas I, Eguiguren P, Mogollón-Pérez A-S, Ferreira-de-Medeiros-Mendes M, López-Vázquez J, Bertolotto F, Vázquez M-L. Assessing the impact of clinical coordination interventions on the continuity of care for patients with chronic conditions: participatory action research in five Latin American countries, Health Policy and Planning. 37, 2022, 1-11.

Pérez-Hernández G, Ehrenberg N, Gómez-Duarte I, Artaza O, Cruz D, Leyns C, López-Vázquez J, et al. Pilares y líneas de acción para los sistemas de salud integrados y centrados en las personas y las comunidades. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2022;46:e48.

Vázquez M-L, Miranda-Mendizabal A, Eguiguren P, Mogollón-Pérez A-S, Ferreira-de-Medeiros-Mendes M, López-Vázquez J, et al. (2022) Evaluating the effectiveness of care coordination interventions designed and implemented through a participatory action research process: Lessons learned from a quasi-experimental study in public healthcare networks in Latin America. PLoS ONE 17(1): e0261604.


López-Vázquez J, Pérez-Martínez D-E, Vargas I, Vázquez M-L. Interventions to Improve Clinical Coordination between Levels: Participatory Experience in a Public Healthcare Network in Xalapa, México. International Journal of Integrated Care, 2021; 21(4): 12, 1-17. DOI: 10.5334/ijic.5892

López-Vázquez J, Pérez-Martínez D-E, Vargas I, Vázquez M-L. Barreras y factores asociados al uso de mecanismos de coordinación entre niveles de atención en México. Cad Saúde Pública, 2021; 37(4): 1-18.


Vargas I, Eguiguren P, Mogollón-Pérez Amparo-Susana, Samico I, Bertolotto F, López-Vázquez Julieta, Vázquez ML. Can care coordination across levels be improved through the implementation of participatory action research interventions? Outcomes and conditions for sustaining changes in five Latin American countries BMC Health Services Research, 2020, 20:941;

Vargas I, Eguiguren P, Mogollón-Pérez Amparo-Susana, Bertolotto F, Samico I, López J, De Paepe P, Vázquez ML. Understanding the factors influencing the implementation of participatory interventions to improve care coordination. An analytical framework based on an evaluation in Latin America. Health Policy and Planning, 2020, 35(8): 965-972.


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Miranda A, Vargas I, Mogollón AS, Eguiguren P, Medeiros M, López J, Bertolotto F, Amarilla D, Vázquez ML. Conocimiento y uso de mecanismos de coordinación clínica entre niveles en redes de servicios de salud públicas de Latinoamérica. Gac. Sant, 2018; 34(4):340-349.


Cisneros AI, Rodríguez E, Cinta DM, Pérez DE, López J. Percepción sobre continuidad de la atención en dos redes de salud: Xalapa y Veracruz. UniverSalud, 2017; 13(26):19-33. Disponible en:

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